Sr. No.
Patient Name
Problems Reported
Remedy Name
Sr. No. 1201 : Patient : 758
throat irritation, sneezing
nux vomica 200, fp km 6
throat irritation,
sneezing worse morning
doesn't like extreme weather conditions
nux vomica 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1202 : Patient : 752
always cold and cough
calc carb 200, km fp 6
always suffers from cold and cough
yellow thick discharge
productive cough, vommits while coughing
calc carb 200, km fp 6
Sr. No. 1203 : Patient : 691
constipation, short breath
calc carb 200, lyc 200, fp km 6
06-12-2010, 11-01-2011, 29-01-2011
bowels don't get cleared daily
hard stools, pain, burning while passing stools upto 10 minutes thereafter
prefers cold surroundings
worse morning, better evening
nausea in morning
short breath after exertion
hard pimples without pus on face
calc carb 200, lyc 200, fp km 6
pimples came back after going away
calc carb 200, lyc 200, fp km 6
arrogant at home timid outside.
less appetite
lyc 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1204 : Patient : 555
enuresis and cold
pulsatilla 200, equisetum 6
enuresis and cold
girl with mild disposition
lots of domestic problems due to alcoholic father
pulsatilla 200, equisetum 6
Sr. No. 1205 : Patient : 556
mumps, raised red bumps on chest
silicea 200
mumps, raised red bumps on chest
silicea 200
Sr. No. 1206 : Patient : 540
constipation, pressure at chest, fears about future
lyc 200, nux vomica 30, sulphur 200
22-01-2011, 29-01-2011
constipation, pressure at chest, fears about future
lyc 200, nux vomica 30
He got some relief in frequent urination. He didn't get any relief in abdominal complaints.
sulphur 200, nux vomica 30
Sr. No. 1207 : Patient : 542
short breath, barking cough
calc carb 200, fp km 6
22-01-2011, 29-01-2011
short breath, barking cough
calc carb 200, fp km 6
she reported relief in short breath and some relief in cough.
she also complains of muscle pain.
calc carb 200, rhus arn 30
Sr. No. 1208 : Patient : 515
uses immoral language against mother, alcoholic, constipation
Hyoscyamus 1M, Quercus Q, Lyc 200
15-01-2011, 29-01-2011
uses immoral language against mother, alcoholic, constipation
Hyoscyamus 1M, Quercus Q
He is reported to have undergone no change. He is given Lyc 200 as he suffers from constipated bowels.
Sr. No. 1209 : Patient : 549
MIgraine Headache left side affected
nux vomica 30
Migraine Headache left side affected
history of scanty menses
very tense at home
nux vomica 30
Sr. No. 1210 : Patient : 561
wound due to broken glass
Silicea 200
wound due to broken glass
Silicea 200
Sr. No. 1211 : Patient : 550
short breath, skin affections of face
calcarea carb 200, berb aqua 6
short breath, skin affections of face
calcarea carb 200, berb aqua 6
Sr. No. 1212 : Patient : 551
skin affections, passes stools after meals, weakness
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
skin affections, passes stools after meals, weakness
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1213 : Patient : 552
cough, weakness, muscle pain
calc carb 200, rhus arn 30
cough, weakness, muscle pain
calc carb 200, rhus arn 30
Sr. No. 1214 : Patient : 553
nasal discharge from nose
Lycopodium 200, fp km 6
nasal discharge from nose
Lycopodium 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1215 : Patient : 538
pain in knee left, short breath
calc carb 200
22-01-2011, 29-01-2011
pain in knee left, short breath
history of profuse menses
calc carb 200
calc carb 200
Sr. No. 1216 : Patient : 420
Quercus Q, Carduus Mar 6
11-12-2010, 29-01-2011
weak liver
drinks during the day
Quercus Q, Carduus Mar 6
He is having overall improvement in his health like glowing skin, no headache etc.
He also says that he gets less intoxicated after drinking.
Quercus Q
Sr. No. 1217 : Patient : 422
lady with pain in lower extremeties
calc carb 200, rhus tox 30, arnica 30
11-12-2010, 29-01-2011
lady with pain in lower extremeties
worried about her family's future
pain is worse during cold season
works on a sewing machine
calc carb 200, rhus tox 30, arnica 30
She did well on the remedies. Now she has a relapse. She is given same remedies again.
Sr. No. 1218 : Patient : 287
constipation, weakness, asthma
Calc Carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, lycopodium 200, Phosphorus 200
09-10-2010, 16-10-2010, 30-10-2010, 27-11-2010, 11-12-2010, 18-12-2010, 01-01-2011, 29-01-2011
constipation, weakness, asthma
Calc Carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
She reported relief in her cold ie nasal discharge. She reported very marginal relief in other symptoms. She said that her bowels are moving as she is observing fast. She is provided a dose of Calc Carb 200 in case she gets constipated again. She is given FP KM 6.
Her constipation has improved. She got no relief in her weakness and asthma. She is hungry but can't eat. She is given lyc 200, fp km 6.
She is doing well on her treatment. She suffers short breath and given calc carb 200, fp km 6.
She is having voice hoarseness and cold. She is given calc carb 200, fp km 6.
Her problems per the earlier date are not yet resolved fully. She is given Phos 200 and fp km 6.
She is having cough and also suffers from weakness. Cough is worse night.
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
She is again having cough and feels feverish.
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1219 : Patient : 354
constipation, loss of appetite, deformed nails
Graphites 1M, Carduus Mar 6, Silicea 200
13-11-2010, 29-01-2011
constipation, loss of appetite, deformed nails
Graphites 1M, Carduus Mar 6
He is having pus below his finger nails.
silicea 200
Sr. No. 1220 : Patient : 367
bitter mouth, stiffness and pain in the morning
nux vomica 30, rhus tox 30, arnica 30
30-11-2010, 29-01-2011
bitter mouth, stiffness and pain in the morning
She again presented with the same problems and given same remedies.
Sr. No. 1221 : Patient : 378
irritability, nausea, acidity, scanty and irregular menses
Sepia 200, Nux Vomica 30, Rhus Tox 30, Arnica 30
27-11-2010, 11-12-2010, 15-01-2011, 29-01-2011
irritability, nausea, acidity, scanty and irregular menses
Her husband is a habitual drinker, he raises a ruckus daily and she responds in the violent manner.
Sepia 200, Nux Vomica 30
She reports about her pain and stiffness worse in the morning. She is given Rhus Tox 200 for that.
She reports relief in acidity. She is given nv 30 to be taken on need basis.
She is feeling feverish and having headache.
Nux Vomica 30
She is doing well in her abdominal complaints. She sprained her back. She is given Rhus Arn 30 for that.
Sr. No. 1222 : Patient : 379
irritability, drunkard, creates a scene
Nux Vomica 200, Quercus Glandium Spiritus Q, Nux Vomica 30, Syphillinum 1M
27-11-2010, 04-12-2010, 11-12-2010, 29-01-2011
irritability, drunkard, creates a scene
Nux Vomica 200, Quercus Glandium Spiritus Q
He didn't create a scene after that. He drinks and goes to sleep. He creates scene only at night, he is given a single dose of Syphilinum 1M.
He did well on Syph 1M. He is given Nux Vomica 30 for his pain in extremeties.
He is responding well to Quercus. He is creating less scenes. He is also given Nux Vomica 200.
Sr. No. 1223 : Patient : 214
fever, body pains
bryonia 30c, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, Nux Vomica 200, Silicea 200, Kali Phos 6, Rhus Tox 30, Nux vomica 30, Gelsemium 200, Calc Carb 200
25-09-2010, 02-10-2010, 09-10-2010, 16-10-2010, 30-10-2010, 27-11-2010, 11-12-2010, 18-12-2010, 01-01-2011, 29-01-2011
fever, body pains, vertigo, nausea
bryonia 30c, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
She reported relief. Now She is given Nux Vomica 200 and FP KM 6.
She developed a boil on her lips. She is still suffering from vertigo though there is some relief now. She is given Silicea 200 and ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6.
She said that her past complaints are more or less over. She said that she gets tired after walking a little. She is given Kali Phos 6.
She complained about extremeties and joints pain worse by rest. She also complained about burning of eyes. She is give Rhus Tox 30 and fp km 6.
She has burning sensation in her eyes. She suffers vertigo and body pains. She is given Nux Vomica 30c.
Nux Vomica 30
Gelsemium 200
Calc carb 200 as she reported having history of profuse menses. She has short breath, weakness, eye pain.
She is also given fp km 6.
She did well on calc carb 200. she again has same complaints and given..
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1224 : Patient : 141
eruption of boils
calc carb 200c, silicea 30c, silicea 200c, kali mur 6c, ferrum phos 6c, natrum sulph 6, Puls 200, Nux Vomica 30, Lycopodium 200, Nux Vomica 200, Urtica Urens 6
11-09-2010, 18-09-2010, 25-09-2010, 02-10-2010, 09-10-2010, 16-10-2010, 23-10-2010, 30-10-2010, 06-11-2010, 13-11-2010, 20-11-2010, 27-11-2010, 04-12-2010, 11-12-2010, 18-12-2010, 25-12-2010, 22-01-2011, 29-01-2011
milestones delayed.
prefers cold surroundings.
eruption of boils
calc carb 200c, silicea 30c given.
reported some cold and cough.
good relief in boils.
silicea 200c once, kali mur 6c, ferrum phos 6c repeatedly
Boils now dried.
Some itching is reported, ferrum phos 6 and kali mur 6 advised every night.
He is doing well. KM FP 6 every alternate day.
He reported to be suffering from intensified itching. He is given a single dose of silicea 200c and fp km 6 twice daily.
He reported to have had loose stools in the morning. He has had improvement in itching of his hands and legs and now has itching on his back. He is given Nat Sulph 6, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6.
His diarrhoea still continues. He is given Calc Carb 200 three doses followed by Natrum Sulph 6.
He didn't complain about itching or boils for the first time. He complained about cold. He is given Puls 200, fp km 6.
He again complained that the itching problem is back though it is negligible. He is given Calc Carb 200, fp km 6.
Silcea 200, Natrum Sulph 6
He is not suffering from cold and cough. Boils and itch was there to some extent.
He reported worsening of eruptions. He was given Calc Carb 200.
He is given a single dose of silicea 1M and puls 30, fp km 6 as follow up remedies.
fp km 6 one dose at bed time.
sil 200 one dose. 2 more doses provided on need basis.
He is given Nux Vomica 30 for his cold, loose stools and bulimy.
He is given Lycopodium 200 for bulimy and km fp 6 for cold.
He reported excellent relief in his boils and itching.
He is given Nux Vomica 200 and fp km 6 for his cough and cold.
cold and some itching
Urtica Urens 6
fp km 6
Sr. No. 1225 : Patient : 742
short breath, insomnia, polyuria, constipation
calc carb 200, nux vomica 30
21-01-2011, 28-01-2011
short breath while walking
mildly painful extremeties
can't exert
constipated rushes for stools after meals but can't pass
always has cough
doesn't like cold surroundings
polyuria worse night
calc carb 200, nux vomica 30
He did well on Nux Vomica 30. He is passing stools regularly. Though he didn't get relief in short breath and polyuria.
He is provided more Nux Vomica 30.
also asked to take ...
medha vati for sleep
chandraprabha vati and shilajeet rasayan vati for polyuria
Sr. No. 1226 : Patient : 548
nose bleed
calc carb 200
nose bleed
pain in extremeties
calc carb 200
Sr. No. 1227 : Patient : 547
cold with nasal discharge
Pulsatilla 200
cold with nasal discharge
mild disposition
scanty menses
Pulsatilla 200
Sr. No. 1228 : Patient : 744
boils on legs discharging copious fluid
silicea 200
boils on legs discharging copious fluid
swelling on legs
she was very duty conscious
had a high level of physical endurance
silicea 200
Sr. No. 1229 : Patient : 544
pale and profuse menses, white discharge, urticaria after menarche
pulsatilla 200, urtica urens 6
pale and profuse menses, white discharge, urticaria after menarche
girl with mild disposition, timid, contradictory
pulsatilla 200, urtica urens 6
Sr. No. 1230 : Patient : 509
chillblain, white discharge
Calc Carb 200, silicea 200, lyc 200, fp km 6
11-01-2011, 25-01-2011
chillblain, white discharge
prefers warm surroundings
Calc Carb 200, silicea 200
She responded well for her chillblains and white discharge.
She complained of itching at her feet and feels stuck up at throat.
She also feels weakness.
lyc 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1231 : Patient : 439
nux vomica 30, silicea 200
14-12-2010, 25-01-2011
ineffectual desire to pass stool
nux vomica 30
boil on lip
silicea 200
Sr. No. 1232 : Patient : 373
pain and insomnia
Phos 200, Ruta 200, Lyc 200, kali phos 30, Ruta 30
23-11-2010, 07-12-2010, 14-12-2010, 28-12-2010, 18-01-2011, 25-01-2011
pain and insomnia
Phos 200, Ruta 200
She did well on her earlier medicines. The same medicines are repeated.
Lyc 200 for her palpitations. Ruta 200 as usual.
She compained of back pain. She is constipated. She is given lyc 200 and ruta 200. She reported relief in her heart affections.
She had relapse of her symptoms due to irregular meals and work at her daughter's house.
Lyc 200, kali phos 30
She was well after Lyc 200. Now again she feels constipated and is having back pain.
She is given Lyc 200 and Ruta 30.
Sr. No. 1233 : Patient : 370
loss of appetite, abdominal pain
Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6, lyc 200, rhus arn 30
02-11-2010, 07-12-2010, 18-01-2011, 25-01-2011
loss of appetite, abdominal pain
loving, caring and mild
Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6
She is not having abdominal pain now. She is again given the same remedies.
complained of abdominal pain.
Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6
She complained of loss of appetite. She is given Lyc 200 for that.
She has head pain due to injury, rhus arn 30 for that.
Sr. No. 1234 : Patient : 237
digestion issues, burning under ribs
lycopodium 200, kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6, rhus arn 30
28-09-2010, 26-10-2010, 25-01-2011
digestion issues, burning under ribs
lycopodium 200, kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6
She said that she got overall relief from lyc but switched to allopathy. Now as she has come back she is again given lyc, ferrum phos, kali mur.
She is given Lyc 200 for the problem that responds well to lyc. She is given Rhus Arn 30 for her backache.
Sr. No. 1235 : Patient : 72
stiff and painful neck, blurred vision
lachesis 30, phos 200, fp km 6
24-08-2010, 30-11-2010, 19-01-2011, 25-01-2011
history of liver swelling, there is blood clot.
He reported piles problem. He was given Nux Vomica 200c.
No relief. kali mur 6c and ferrum phos 6c given.
Stil asked for medicine.
Sulphur 200 given.
Kapalbhati and Anulom Vilom Pranayam explained.
He reported a case. The patient has not passed stools since 3 days. He has a distended abdomen. He is a bulky man. He is given calc carb 200, carduus mar 6.
eye-sight problems
phos 200
feverish feeling
fp km 6
Sr. No. 1236 : Patient : 743
abdominal pain, weakness
nux vomica 200, kali phos 6
nerve weakness, pain in joints
earlier had vertigo while passing urine
now anytime vertigo
abdominal pain on left side
very much thirst
no pressure while voiding urine
throat irritation since 2 yrs
prefers cold suroundings but feels chilly
motion sickness
burning at anus after passing urine
nux vomica 200, kali phos 6
Sr. No. 1237 : Patient : 545
pimples, profuse menses, dysmenorrhoea
Calc Carb 200
pimples, profuse menses, dysmenorrhoea
very chilly
irritable and adamant
Calc Carb 200
Sr. No. 1238 : Patient : 34
pain experienced by workers while working or feelings of being bruised or effects of accident
Rhus Tox 30c and Arnica 30c
15-05-2010, 24-01-2011, 24-01-2011
The following patients benefitted from the Arnica - Rhus Tox protocol...
1. A Muslim man coming to the park.
2. A lady coming to the park.
3. A veg vendor who met an accident.
4. Aaji Bai who recovered from her fractured hand.
5. The fruit vendor lady
6. Ramteke's daughter-in-law.
7. Prakash Palimkar
8. Another Aaji Bai who earlier benefitted from Silicea. She had a boil in her feet and later developed tingling and pain at the place of healed boil.
9. Dinesh Hedaoo
10. Manoj Tirpude
11. Tukaram Painter
12. Ranjeet - Bryonia was also given after Rhus.
13. Shri Suryaprakash Kamlu
14. Madam who took the details from us for 2010 Census
15. Bhabhra aunty ji's friend
16. Manoj Tirpude's wife
17. Kishorsa Chavan - He was also prescribed the tissue salts mag phos 6x, kali phos 6x and calc phos 6x
18. 92 yr old Ustad Ji.
19. Pramod
20. Saroj Tayi
21. Aaji 24-01-2011
22. Aaji's neighbor 24-01-2011
It was also prescribed to the following patients and the outcome is not known.
1. Mayatai Afre
2. Smt Rakhi Barad's daughter
3. Bokade Pehalwan
Sr. No. 1239 : Patient : 543
vitiligo, other skin affections like craked skin, blood oozes from skin etc.
arsenicum sulfuratum flavum - arsenic trisulph
vitiligo, other skin affections like craked skin, blood oozes from skin etc.
no other issues like digestion, stools etc.
hot constitution
also advised to take ayurvedic package designed by swami ramdev for leucoderma
Sr. No. 1240 : Patient : 518
watery coryza from nose
lyc 200, fp km 6, sulphur 200
15-01-2011, 22-01-2011
watery coryza from nose
fears father and teachers
gets angry with mother
prefers cold surroundings
lyc 200, fp km 6
Her mother says that she is highly irritable.
She is given sulphur 200 and fp km 6.
Sr. No. 1241 : Patient : 541
loose stools many times a day
puls 30
loose stools many times a day
mild and cheerful
puls 30
Sr. No. 1242 : Patient : 468
dry cough, pain in legs, vomits after meals
Calc Carb 200, fpkm 6, rhus arn 30
25-12-2010, 01-01-2011, 08-01-2011, 15-01-2011, 22-01-2011
dry cough, pain in legs, vomits after meals
rushes to bathroom after meals
abdominal pain
Calc Carb 200, fpkm 6
Her father reported that her problems of rushing to washroom after meals and vomitting were corrected. She is still coughing a lot which was better when she took calc carb 200. The other medicine is not helping. She is asked to take Calc Carb 200 with a gap of atleast one week.
She is not having other problems except cough. She is given Phos 30 for her cough. It is worse laughing, playing.
She is having cough which is worse exertion. She has pain in her extremeties.
Calc Carb 200
She is all better now but complains of pain in her extremeties.
rhus arn 30
Sr. No. 1243 : Patient : 469
sneezing, cold
nux vomica 200, fp km 6
25-12-2010, 22-01-2011
sneezing, cold
worse in morning
irritable disposition
nux vomica 200, fp km 6
The remedies worked well for him,
as there is a relapse the remedies are repeated.
nux vomica 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1244 : Patient : 465
pain and burning in right leg, back-ache
Sulphur 200, Calc Carb 200, puls 200, ruta 200, rhus 30, arnica 30
25-12-2010, 01-01-2011, 08-01-2011, 22-01-2011
pain and burning in right leg, back-ache
Sulphur 200, Calc Carb 200
She said the remedies didn't work. She is also having an acute problem of diarrhoea. She is given Puls 200 and Ruta.
She said that the burning sensation in her leg has reduced. Earlier she felt as if her leg is on fire. She is given Rhus 30, Arn 30 for pain.
she is sufferring from intense pain.
she cried as she was very painful.
puls 200, ruta 200
Sr. No. 1245 : Patient : 530
fever, migraine headache
Nux Vomica 200, fp km 6
fever, migraine headache
Nux Vomica 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1246 : Patient : 531
fever, cough
calc carb 200, fp km 6
fever, cough
worse night
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1247 : Patient : 532
cold and cough
Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6
cold and cough
mild disposition
Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1248 : Patient : 533
cough, cold and fever
calc carb 200, fp km 6
cough, cold and fever
irritable disposition
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1249 : Patient : 534
worse after meals, fever
calc carb 200, fp km 6
worse after meals, fever
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1250 : Patient : 535
pimples, scanty menses, early menses
Puls 200, sil 30
pimples, scanty menses, early menses
legs pain and swell after exertion
Puls 200, sil 30
Sr. No. 1251 : Patient : 536
loss of appetite, weakness, pain
Lycopodium 200, fp km 6
loss of appetite, weakness, pain
Lycopodium 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1252 : Patient : 537
stiffness and pain, cracked heels, scanty menses
Puls 200, Sil 30, Rhus 30
stiffness and pain, cracked heels, scanty menses
worse morning
Puls 200, Sil 30, Rhus 30
Sr. No. 1253 : Patient : 491
short breath, weakness
calc carb 200, fp km 6, phos 30
01-01-2011, 08-01-2011, 15-01-2011, 22-01-2011
short breath, weakness
calc carb 200
He reported relief in his symptoms but he could get relief only for a day and then the remedy needed repetition. He is again provided with calc carb 200 and some ferrum phos kali mur 6.
He is having cough and cold. He reported relief in his earlier symptoms.
calc carb 200
He is better overall, complains of cough.
phos 30
Sr. No. 1254 : Patient : 539
abdominal and leg pain
calc carb 200, silicea 30
abdominal and leg pain
calc carb 200, silicea 30
Sr. No. 1255 : Patient : 339
Pulsatilla 200, calc carb 200, rhus 30
06-11-2010, 22-01-2011
scanty menses with clots
mild disposition though irritable
short breath after exertion
pain after exertion
Calc Carb 200, Rhus 30
Sr. No. 1256 : Patient : 356
Pulsatilla 200c, Equisetum 6c, Puls 200, kp 30
13-11-2010, 20-11-2010, 04-12-2010, 22-01-2011
mild disposition
fearful at night
he was given multiple doses of Puls 200
A single dose of Puls 200 followed by sac lac.
Equisetum 6c every day
He reported relief in complaint.
Puls 200, kp 30
Sr. No. 1257 : Patient : 672
Nux Vomica 200, fp km 6
24-11-2010, 19-01-2011
cold, throat irritation
catches fever later after such initial reactions
bland discharge from nose
heaviness in head
sweats more in summer while eating
prefers cold surroundings
major accident in 2006
thirsty for large qty of water
Nux Vomica 200, fp km 6
got relief from the medicines.
having same problem again.
Nux Vomica 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1258 : Patient : 526
Nux Vomica 200, Quercus Q
takes liquor whole day every hour
Nux one dose every week
Nux Vomica 200, Quercus Q
Sr. No. 1259 : Patient : 523
short breath, weakness, piles pain, protrusion of small mass
calc carb 200, nux vomica 200, calc fluor 30
short breath, weakness, piles pain, protrusion of small mass
sometimes severe headache at vertex
calc carb 200, nux vomica 200, calc fluor 30
Sr. No. 1260 : Patient : 524
sweats a lot, feels hot, mouth burns taking spicy food
silicea 200
sweats a lot, feels hot, mouth burns taking spicy food
once he became very weak and started shivering, got relief after taking some tonic
silicea 200
Sr. No. 1261 : Patient : 529
Dry cough at night
Hepar Sulph 200, fp km 6
Dry cough at night
irritable disposition
everything else is fine
Hepar Sulph 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1262 : Patient : 525
weakness, loss of appetite
calc carb 200, fp km 6
weakness, loss of appetite
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1263 : Patient : 159
black colouration of fingers
Pulsatilla 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, Graphites 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, Thuja 30
15-09-2010, 29-09-2010, 06-10-2010, 27-10-2010, 22-12-2010, 19-01-2011
scanty menses
blocked nose
prefers cold surroundings
sweats more
menses contain clots sometimes
She reported improvement in her digestion and other issues. She didn't see any impact on her fingers. She was given Puls 1M as she didn't get her menses which are due.
She reported that she had her menses that were pale and scanty. She also said that she is suffering from cold. She is given ferrum phos 6 and Kali mur 6. She should be given Graphites 200 later.
She is given graphites 200...
she weeps while listening to sad songs
she has pale and scanty menses
black discoloration of fingers
tendency towards obesity
She is also given km fp 6.
She did well on Graphites 30. She reported improvement in her menstrual flow. Her menses are on time. She also noticed improvement in her fingers but that couldn't hold after she stopped her medication.
She reported no relief in her discoloration of fingers. She said her menses appear for 3 days now compared to 2 days earlier and the flow has also improved.
Sr. No. 1264 : Patient : 751
cough, constipation
nux vomica 30
he is suffering from cough, worse night.
passes stools thrice a day.
nux vomica 30
Sr. No. 1265 : Patient : 737
watery discharge from nose
calc carb 200, fp km 6
watery discharge from nose
yellow thick discharge sometimes.
regular menses
4 days normal bleeding
sometimes thick, sometimes thin, clots present
severe dysmenorrhoea on the first day
BM regularized after Calc Carb 200.
irritability somewhat relieved
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1266 : Patient : 741
Keloid on neck, warts on body
calc carb 200, silicea 200
Keloid on neck, warts on body
throat infection
morning aggr of throat pain
Calc carb gave relief in sweating, keloid.
calc carb 200, silicea 200 after a gap of every 3 days
Sr. No. 1267 : Patient : 478
abdominal sweling, irregular menses, short breath, numbness
calc carb 200, calc carb 1M, lyc 200
28-12-2010, 11-01-2011, 18-01-2011
abdominal sweling, irregular menses, short breath, numbness
menses scanty, thin, blackish
calc carb 200
She reported no relief in any symptom except for improvement in her digestion.
calc carb 1M
She reported no relief in her symptoms. She said the acute episode passed away on it's own. She also said that she having profuse white discharge.
She is given Lyc 200.
Sr. No. 1268 : Patient : 520
chronic cold, loss of appetite, warts
calc carb 1m, thuja 30
chronic cold, loss of appetite, warts
calc carb 1m, thuja 30
Sr. No. 1269 : Patient : 521
blocked nose, cold extremeties
puls 200, fp km 6
blocked nose, cold extremeties
mild disposition
puls 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1270 : Patient : 511
cough, loss of appetite, fearful, gum-boil, constipation
lyc 200, silicea 30, silicea 200
11-01-2011, 18-01-2011
cough, loss of appetite, fearful, gum-boil, constipation
lyc 200, silicea 30
She reported overall relief in her condition except for her gum boil. she is given sil 200.
Sr. No. 1271 : Patient : 508
pimples, breast pain, dysmenorrhoea
calc carb 200, fp km 6
11-01-2011, 18-01-2011
pimples, breast pain, dysmenorrhoea
prefers warm surroundings
pimples, breast pain, dysmenorrhoea
calc carb 200, fp km 6
She has palpitations after eating her lunch. She is asked to take calc carb 200 if needed. She will be free of her problems if she does anulom vilom regularly.
Sr. No. 1272 : Patient : 519
blocked nose, weakness
Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6
blocked nose, weakness
abdominal pain
mild disposition
Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1273 : Patient : 503
Headache, cold
Puls 200, fp km 6
08-01-2011, 15-01-2011
Headache, cold
scanty menses
mild disposition
Puls 200, fp km 6
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1274 : Patient : 516
pain in extremeties worse rest, more exertion, cough
Calc Carb 200, rhus arn 30
pain in extremeties worse rest, more exertion, cough
Calc Carb 200, rhus arn 30
Sr. No. 1275 : Patient : 517
Short breath, weakness, cough
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Short breath, weakness, cough
history of insanity
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1276 : Patient : 514
alcoholism, abuses his wife, headache
Nux Vomica 200, Quercus Q
alcoholism, abuses his wife, headache
Nux Vomica 200, Quercus Q
Sr. No. 1277 : Patient : 425
cold, weakness, short breath
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6, calc fluor 30
11-12-2010, 18-12-2010, 15-01-2011
cold, weakness, short breath
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
She reported relief from her medication. She is asked to take Calc Carb if there is a significant development, otherwise she should take fpkm 6.
She feels that there is a cyst on her neck. She is given calc fluor 30.
Sr. No. 1278 : Patient : 451
headache over eyes, profuse and late menses, dysmenorrhoea
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
18-12-2010, 01-01-2011, 15-01-2011
headache over eyes, profuse and late menses, dysmenorrhoea
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
She reported respite in her menstrual problems. Her headache is not resolved. The treatment is repeated.
She reported overall relief. She complains of pain in her extremeties and shoulders due to exertion. She is given Rhus Arn 30.
Sr. No. 1279 : Patient : 94
peeling of skin on palms, insomnia
nux vomica 200c, sulphur 30, pulsatilla 200, kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6, calc carb 200, ars alb 30, puls 30, Rhus Arn 30
28-08-2010, 04-09-2010, 18-09-2010, 16-10-2010, 23-10-2010, 30-10-2010, 20-11-2010, 27-11-2010, 04-12-2010, 11-12-2010, 18-12-2010, 01-01-2011, 15-01-2011
peeling of skin on palms,
reaction of allopathic medicines
She reported overall improvement like increase in appetite, relief in vertigo, itching, skin affections.
She was asked to take Nux Vomica 200c today and then after 3 days.
peeling of skin almost alright. reported about her skin itch, loss of appetite, vertigo.
Sulphur 30 in the morning Nux 200 at night for 5 days.
she is suffering from intense itching in her hands and legs. There is no itching else where. She is given Nux and Sulphur on alternate days.
she got relief in itching of hands, no he has only itching of legs. She is asked to repeat the earlier regime with a gap of one day in every 2 doses.
She is very mild and loving. She prefers cold surroundings. She suffers from itching on feet. She is given Puls 200, fp km 6.
She is suffering from vertigo. She is prescribed Nux Vomoca 30.
She has a severe headache after may be the cloudy climate. She is given 3 doses of Calc Carb 200.
She has started itching on her legs. She is given Sulphur 30 and Nux Vom 30 in alteration.
She is worried about her son an alcoholic. She is suffering urticaria of legs. She is given Ars Alb 30. She is asked to take earlier remedies on need basis.
She reported relief in her headche after taking ars alb 30. She is having stomach pain after a function at her house. She is asked to take Pulsatilla 200.
She reported pain in her extremeties due to may be cloudy weather. She is given Puls 30.
She is taking Nux Vomica 30 for her vertigo on need basis.
She complained about urticaria and upper back and extremeties pain. She is given Nux Vomica 30 and Rhus Arn 30.
Sr. No. 1280 : Patient : 453
severe cold after eating guava
nux vomica 30, lyc 200, nux vomica 200
17-12-2010, 12-01-2011, 14-01-2011
severe cold after eating guava
feeling feverish and chilly
other observations...
heel pain in winter
nux vomica 30
He is constipated since few days.
He is having adominal gases.
lyc 200 five doses.
There is a marginal relief.
He is given Nux Vomica 200.
Sr. No. 1281 : Patient : 454
paralysis after a major accident
rhus tox 30c, arnica 30c
19-12-2010, 14-01-2011
a very major accident about 5 yrs ago
the head is indented inside on the left side
no life in the fingers of the right side
he can lift his hand with a great effort
the right leg is also affected
rhus tox 30c, arnica 30c
digestion is ok
He can lift is right hand comfortably now. The same remedies are given again.
Sr. No. 1282 : Patient : 738
vertigo, navel pain, leucorrhoea
Sepia 200
pain above navel
burning sensation
since 2-3 years
worse lifting weight
constipated stools, evacuates only after taking choorna
vertigo worse exertion, linked to navel pain
red tongue
now menopause
menses used to be regular every month
4 days, thick blood, red, no clots
backache after exertion
prefers cold surroundings
sweats more, fainted once
always worried
vaginal ulcers annd leucorrhoea after coition
headache worse being worried
Sepia 200
Sr. No. 1283 : Patient : 513
barking cough, abdominal pain, discharge from ear
Calc Carb 200, Sil 200, fp km 6
barking cough, abdominal pain, discharge from ear
Calc Carb 200, Sil 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1284 : Patient : 498
cough not yielding to allopathic remedies
pulsatilla 30, fp km 6
05-01-2011, 12-01-2011
cough not yielding to allopathic remedies
mild disposition
heart palpitations
scanty and pale menses
voice hoarse
pulsatilla 30, fp km 6
She reported relief in cough, palpitations and hoarseness on Puls 30.
She is given Puls 200.
Sr. No. 1285 : Patient : 390
pain in right chest and lower extremeties
lycopodium 200, rhus 30, sulphur 30, Calc Carb 200, rhus 30
01-12-2010, 22-12-2010, 29-12-2010, 12-01-2011
pain in chest and extremeties
morning stiffness
lycopodium 200, rhus 30
reported improvement in pain including chest pain and morning stiffness.
complained about hardening of skin on fingers
He had relief in his constipation and again having problems now.
He is given lyc 200 and sil 30.
He is suffering from constipation, headache and chest pain, though mild. He also complained about itching on his fingers though he thought that the hardness has reduced.
lyc 200, sulphur 30
There is no chest pain. Bowels moving nicely. No pain.
Morning stiffness. Cracks on finger.
Calc Carb 200, rhus 30
Sr. No. 1286 : Patient : 388
tonsilitis with continous pain
lycopodium 200, fp km 6, calc carb 200
01-12-2010, 22-12-2010, 12-01-2011
tonsilitis with continous pain
worse during afternoon
has fears
lycopodium 200, fp km 6
prefers cold surroundings
She reported relief in palpitations. Her tonsilitis is also not doing too bad.
She is given calc carb 200.
She did well on earlier remedies. She said that after doing well there is a relapse. She is again given the same remedies.
Sr. No. 1287 : Patient : 611
leucorrhoea, irregular menses
sepia 200, fpkm 6, calc carb 200, drosera 200
18-10-2010, 23-10-2010, 10-01-2011, 11-01-2011
intra periods white discharge since one year
since 4-5 months periods last only 2 days
back ache and lower lower extreeties pain when there is white discharge
irritable, more towards family members
prefers mild cold
stools hard, needs to strain ie constipated sometimes
abdominal gases sometimes
blood - sometimes thick, pale, some clots
50% flow compared to earlier
thirst for pot water a glass an hour
sleep after 1-2 hrs of going to bed
palpitations, full of fear
no itching and burning due to white discharge
once in 8 days burning while passing urine for 5-10 minutes
Sepia 200, fp km 6
white discharge, backache, leg and abdomen pain increased by 50%
irritability decreased
digestion improved
calc carb 200
feeling feverish, chilly, coughs a lot
calc carb 200
got relief in feverishness and cold.
cough flared up.
drosera 200.
Sr. No. 1288 : Patient : 510
white spots on face
cina 200, fp km 6
white spots on face
comfortable with cold weather
cina 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1289 : Patient : 507
stiffness and pain
Puls 200, rhus tox 200
stiffness and pain
wrose morning and rest
mild disposition
attained menopause in an early age
Puls 200, rhus tox 200
Sr. No. 1290 : Patient : 512
abdominal pain, polyuria, bitter mouth
silicea 200, fp km 6
abdominal pain worse pressure, polyuria, bitter mouth
silicea 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1291 : Patient : 347
pus filled boil on gum, black raised spots on face
silicea 30, silicea 200, Thuja 1M, fp km 6
09-11-2010, 16-11-2010, 11-01-2011
girl with pus filled boil on gum, black raised spots on face
silicea 30, one dose a day
She reported some relief in her boil. She is given a single dose of Thuja 1M and Sil 200 one dose a day.
She is not having any gum boil. The black spots have faded much.
She is given a single dose of Thuja 1M and fp km 6 for her cold.
Sr. No. 1292 : Patient : 15
rushes to washroom after meals, diarrhoea, skin eruptions at feet
lycopodium 30, lycopodium 200, fp km 6
10-08-2010, 14-09-2010, 11-01-2011
No Sleep complaints
Normal Sweat
Always Worse
Cold surroudings and open air
Normal Thirst ??
Menses NA
He reported that his problem of digestion was corrected but he switched to allopathy for his skin problems.
He had the same problem again. he is also feeling weak and also talked about eye problems.
lycopodium 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1293 : Patient : 455
Hard eruption on forehead, irregular menses, blocked nose
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
19-12-2010, 09-01-2011
Hard eruption on forehead, irregular menses, blocked nose
constipated bowels, passes stools every alternate day,
hard and long stools
doesn't sweat
prefers moderate surroundings
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
She reported relief in her eruption on forehead. Her blocked nose also got cleared. She is given fp km 6 and asked to report after 15 days.
Sr. No. 1294 : Patient : 57
Asthma, cough, hawks a lot but couldn't spit the mucous
Bryonia 200, Calcarea Carb 200
14-07-2010, 02-01-2011, 09-01-2011
The man prefers open air, his breathing complaints are better by walking (!!!???). He is an angry and depressed man. He is also on allopathic anti-depressants. The patient was asked to take Bryonia 200c once a day in every 10 days. After first two cycles he complained about his problem but later on he didn't complain.
Calcarea Carb 200
5 doses
He responded well to calc carb 200. He needs the remedy in repeated doses.
Sr. No. 1295 : Patient : 487
headache, cold, cough
Pulsatilla 30, fp km 6
01-01-2011, 08-01-2011
mild disposition
headache, cold, cough
Pulsatilla 30, fp km 6
She is irritable, has headache, too weak to listen to her mother.
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1296 : Patient : 502
wound on face
calendula 200, calc carb 200, rhus 30, fp km 6, silicea 200
06-11-2010, 08-01-2011
wound on face
calendula 200
lack of appetite, weakness
calc carb 200
wound and swelling on ankle
silicea 200, rhus arn 30
fp km 6
Sr. No. 1297 : Patient : 485
fever, cold
pulsatilla 30, fp km 6, calc carb 30
01-01-2011, 08-01-2011
mild and cheerful disposition
fever, cold
prefers cold surroundings
pulsatilla 30, fp km 6
He is not having fever.
The boy complained of abdominal pain and cold.
Calc carb 30, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1298 : Patient : 504
thorny little warts
thuja 30, antimonium crud 200
thorny little warts
thuja 30 daily, antimonium crud 200 once in three days
Sr. No. 1299 : Patient : 486
weakness, pain in extremeties, cold, cough
calc carb 200, fp km 6, silicea 200
01-01-2011, 08-01-2011
weakness, pain in extremeties, cold, cough
irritable disposition
calc carb 200, fp km 6
She is having abdominal pain.
She is having bruises as she falls down often.
She is also having cold.
Sil 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1300 : Patient : 463
leucorrhoea, abdominal pain, knee pain, back pain
calc carb 200
25-12-2010, 08-01-2011
leucorrhoea, abdominal pain, knee pain, back pain
worse after exertion
lecorrhoea worsens before start of menses
calc carb 200
She had good relief in all her symptoms including leucorrhoea. There is a relapse now. She is provided with some calc carb 200. She is asked to take 3 doses everytime whenever there is a relapse. She is asked to repeat the remedy only when it is necessary and also to have a gap of 15 days in between if possible.
Sr. No. 1301 : Patient : 49
pus oozes from gums, tooth decay
silicea 30c, calendula 30c, ferrum phos 6c, kali mur 6c
21-08-2010, 28-08-2010, 18-09-2010, 13-11-2010, 18-12-2010, 08-01-2011
As the child was haughty and also looking at her other symptoms she was prescribed silicea 30c.
The child reported some improvement.
She was asked to continue with silicea 30c and was also asked to take calendula 30c for her burn from silencer.
She had some headache and body pains, ferrum phos 6c and kali mur 6c given. Silicea 200c for 2 days provided in case gums problem recur. She didn't complain about the gums.
She is feeling feverish. She is given Silicea 200 and Fp km 6.
She had ear discharge problem. She is also running fever. Her appetite has diminished. She is given silicea 200. That is to be followed by Puls in case the fever persists. She is also asked to take ferrum phos kali mur 6 later.
Again same problem and same remedy given. Some fp km 6 also given. She is reported to have redness around her vagina. She is asked to report about her status after taking the remedies.
Sr. No. 1302 : Patient : 50
weakness, vertigo, ear pain, anger
calc carb 200, nux vomica 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
21-08-2010, 28-08-2010, 16-10-2010, 13-11-2010, 08-01-2011
the girl also suffered from tonsilitis earlier on.
The prescription worked and the girl reported overall improvement. sac lac given for 7 days.
She reported that her vertigo problem didn't recur after taking the medicine. She is suffering from recurrent fever now with chilliness. She is given nux vomica 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6.
It is surprising that the girl reported improvement on Nux Vomica inspite of her mother's refusal to admit any benefit. She is given Calc Carb 200.
She is reported to be suffering from tonsilitis, vertigo and cough.
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1303 : Patient : 734
severe facial pain due to tooth affection
calc fluor 30, belladonna 200
tobacco addict
drinks ocassionally
severe facial pain due to tooth affection
he says that the trouble is due to the work environement where wind blows
calc fluor 30, belladonna 200
Sr. No. 1304 : Patient : 708
cyst in left breast, leucorrhoea
calc carb 200, Apis 30, Phytolacca 30
23-12-2010, 07-01-2011
cyst in left breast
hard cyst, slight mobility
nausea on getting tired, due to sun
appetite is there but no desire to eat
headache above eyes, at temples
menses were due on 14th, didn't appear
7-8 day bleeding
flow profuse, brown, no clots
white discharge always, also during menses
hot constitution
suffering from cold since 2 days
suffers from acidity
calc carb 200, Apis 30
She reported relief in appetite, headache, leucorrhoea.
no relief in cyst and breast pain
CC 200 provided to be taken on need basis.
Phytolacca 30
Sr. No. 1305 : Patient : 500
constipation, protruded piles, paralysis
nux vomica 200, calc fluor 30
constipation, protruded piles, paralysis
nux vomica 200, calc fluor 30
Sr. No. 1306 : Patient : 499
injured finger nail
silicea 200, calendula 200
injured finger nail
silicea 200, calendula 200
Sr. No. 1307 : Patient : 427
pimple like eruptions that itch, pus filled boils on thighs
Silicea 200, Sulphur 200, Hepar Sulph 200, fp km 6
08-12-2010, 29-12-2010, 05-01-2011
pimple like eruptions that itch, pus filled boils on thighs
Silicea 200, Sulphur 200
He reported that the boil on his inner thigh is not there. He said there is still no relief in itching. He is suffering from cold. He is also suffering from dry cough worse night.
Hepar Sulph 200, fp km 6
He is suffering from sever urticaria with hives. He is given Sulphur 200 and Silicea 200 for pimples.
Sr. No. 1308 : Patient : 461
chronic cold
calc carb 200, fp km 6
22-12-2010, 05-01-2011
chronic cold
hard stools, needs straining
abdominal pain
calc carb 200, fp km 6
He reported no relief except for his abdominal pain.
The remedies are repeated.
Sr. No. 1309 : Patient : 280
menorrhagia, sneezing, weakness, constipation
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, Natrum Sulph 6
06-10-2010, 03-11-2010, 19-11-2010, 22-12-2010, 05-01-2011
lady with menorrhagia, sneezing, weakness, constipation
dark, thick, foul smelling menses
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
She reported relief in her short breath, weakness and constipation after taking the remedies. She again had profuse menses and her short breath problem relapsed. She is again given the same remedies. But overall she appeared more healthy.
She did very well on calc carb 200. No fouls smelling menses, no profuse menses, no short breath, no sneezing !!
She is passing undigested food in her stools after enjoying diwali sweets too long.
She is given Calc Carb 200 and Natrum Sulph 6.
She is abosolutely ok. She has attained her menopause. She thinks she is gaining weight in her lower body. She also has cramps in her legs. She is given three doses of calc carb 200.
She was feeling very chilly. She had her menses after her latest doses of calc carb 200.
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1310 : Patient : 627
occipital headache, navel pain, fears animals
Phosphorus 200, fp km 6
24-10-2010, 04-01-2011
occipital headache, navel pain, fears animals
agg at evening, night
lack of appetite
feet pain at the back side
Phosphorus 200, fp km 6
She had occipital headache after a long gap.
No abdominal or feet pain.
Phosphorus 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1311 : Patient : 730
hairloss, warts, back pain
rhus tox 200, thuja 30
hairloss, warts
upper back pain, left side
pain worse after rising from bed
after rest first movement is difficult
knee pain, calves pain
stools regular, hard and large
pain worse winter
menses regular 4 days early
lasts 3-4 days, bleeds more, thich blood, clots sometimes
no other menstruation issues
first sleep difficult
sweats more in summer
rhus tox 200, thuja 30
Sr. No. 1312 : Patient : 731
headache, nausea
Nux Vomica 200
headache at temples
feels like vomitting
episode started after a journey
Nux Vomica 200
Sr. No. 1313 : Patient : 494
peculiar occipital pain
calc carb 200, kali sulph 6
peculiar occipital pain, urticaria
her menses are irregular in past few months
she is a school teacher and has typical worries of her life-style
calc carb 200, kali sulph 6
Sr. No. 1314 : Patient : 495
vitiligo, urticaria, irritability, insomina, suppressed menses
sepia 200, urtica urens 6
vitiligo, urticaria, irritability, insomnia, suppressed menses
sepia 200, urtica urens 6
Sr. No. 1315 : Patient : 496
urticaria in her thighs
sulphur 30
urticaria in her thighs
itches while passing urine
prefers cold surroundings
mild disposition
sulphur 30
Sr. No. 1316 : Patient : 728
insomnia, pain in left leg
calc carb 200
insomnia, pain in left leg after an accident long back
worried for future
prefers cold surroundings
facial skin affections
calc carb 200
Sr. No. 1317 : Patient : 726
syphilinum 1m, quercus q
h/o fissure
fever after chills
angry mood
better morning
syphilinum 1m, quercus q
Sr. No. 1318 : Patient : 721
watery eyes, cold, cough
Pulsatilla 30, fp km 6
watery eyes, cold, cough
Pulsatilla 30, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1319 : Patient : 724
backache, many symptoms worse after coition
Sepia 200, Nux Vomica 30
backache, upper back pain
menses regular every month
5 days, profuse menses
few clots, sticky, thick
white discharge worse coition
irregular, thick, bland, white, creamy
less thirst
abdominal gases
mouth ulcers
Sepia 200, Nux Vomica 30
Sr. No. 1320 : Patient : 722
abdominal pain, loss of appetite
calc carb 200, fp km 6
abdominal pain, loss of appetite
aversion to milk, weakness
constipated bowels, move alternate day
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1321 : Patient : 456
knee pain
calc carb 30, rhus arnica 30
09-10-2010, 20-12-2010, 02-01-2011
she suffers from knee pain. she is a vegetable vendor.
she also has domestic worries.
cold season aggravates her problems.
calc carb 30, rhus arnica 30
She said that she is again having same problem. She said that her earlier remedies worked. She is given same remedies again.
She complained of knee pain. She is given Rhus Arnica 30.
Sr. No. 1322 : Patient : 490
stools not passed since 3 days, acidity, uneasy abdomen
lyc 200
stools not passed since 3 days, acidity, uneasy abdomen
lyc 200
Sr. No. 1323 : Patient : 488
pain in tooth while eating
calc flourica 30, phosphorus 30
intilligent and mannered girl
pain in tooth while eating
abdominal pain
calc flourica 30, phosphorus 30
Sr. No. 1324 : Patient : 489
tingling in hand, weakness, cough
calc carb 200, fp km 6
tingling in hand, weakness, cough
history of profuse menses
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1325 : Patient : 140
abdominal gases and swelled big toe
lyc 200, kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6
11-09-2010, 02-10-2010, 01-01-2011
abdominal gases and swelled big toe
lyc 200, silicea 30 given.
He reported relief in his problems. His swelled toe was corrected by Lyc itself and he didn't taken Silicea 30. He reported that he is not feeling comfortable with his bowel movements. He is given lyc 200 and kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6.
He is satisfied with the working of the remedy. There is some relapse of the earlier problem.
lyc 200
Sr. No. 1326 : Patient : 484
recuring fever, weakness, constipation
calc carb 200, fp km 6
recuring fever, weakness, constipation
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1327 : Patient : 482
eruptions on arms and lip
Natrum Mur 1M
prefers cold surroundings
has quarrels with her husband, was at her parent's house for 1.5 months 3 months back.
the problem has started since 2 months
prefers cold surroundings.
she is grief stricken due to death of her aunty.
eruptions itch badly after scratching.
natrum mur 1m
Sr. No. 1328 : Patient : 483
had a partcile in her eye
Sulphur 200
had a particle in her eye
Sulphur 200
Sr. No. 1329 : Patient : 160
short breath after exertion, irregular menses, profuse menses
calc carb 200, kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6
15-09-2010, 29-09-2010, 27-10-2010, 29-12-2010
short breath after exertion, irregular menses, profuse menses
calc carb 200, kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6
She reported good improvement in her problems like short breath after exertion, weakness, appetite. She said that she got her menses in 15 days this time. The flow was not that much excessive. She had dysmenorrhoea for which she took medicine from a pharmacy. She don't have abdominal pains now. She also said that her appetite has increased a lot and overall she feels much better. She was asked to take Ferrum Phos 6 and Kali Mur 6 at bed time and report back later.
She reported to be suffering from cough with expectoration. She said that her bleeding reduced by 30% and was much better than what it was earlier. She suffocates after she has a bout of cough. Calc Carb 200 repeated followed by fpkm 6.
She suffered from dysmenorrhoea. She said that the flow was more but not like earlier. She is again given the same remedies.
Sr. No. 1330 : Patient : 717
Phos 200, fp km 6
urticaria, small red boils without any pus affection
prefers cold weather, migrated recently from a very cold weather
mild disposition
good bowel movement
not much thirsty
Phos 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1331 : Patient : 711
pain due to accident before 3 weeks
Arnica 200, Rhus Tox 200, Rhus Arn 30
27-12-2010, 28-12-2010
pain due to accident before 3 weeks
Arnica 200, Rhus Tox 200
Rhus Arn 30
Sr. No. 1332 : Patient : 719
dry cough
Hepar Sulph 200
dry cough, worse night after dinner
social worker
Hepar Sulph 200
Sr. No. 1333 : Patient : 477
cold, pain in legs, less appetite
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
cold, pain in legs, less appetite
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1334 : Patient : 471
knee pain after accident
rhus tox 30, arnica 30
25-12-2010, 28-12-2010
knee pain after accident
rhus tox 30, arnica 30
He said that there is a wound on the knee after accident.
He is also given the following remedies
Calendula 200
ledum 200
hyperricum 200
Sr. No. 1335 : Patient : 479
severe addiction to alcohol
Syphilinum 1M, Quercus Glandium Spiritus Q
severe addiction to alcohol
drinks at a gap of every hour
stoops down to lowest levels
creates scenes at night
Syphilinum 1M, Quercus Glandium Spiritus Q
Sr. No. 1336 : Patient : 475
headache above eyes
phos 200, km fp 6
headache above eyes
prefers cold surrounding
mild and agreeable disposition
Sr. No. 1337 : Patient : 476
Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6
suffering from cold
mild disposition
prefers cold surroundings
Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1338 : Patient : 311
discharge from ear
hepar sulph 200
25-10-2010, 28-12-2010
discharge from ear
problem aggravates when wind blows directly on ear
hepar sulph 200
he reported relief and also said that there is relapse. He is again given Hepar Sulph 200.
Sr. No. 1339 : Patient : 821
eczema, distended stomach
calc carb 200, lyc 200, sulphur 200
26-10-2010, 15-11-2010, 06-12-2010, 27-12-2010
eczema flared, now dry
bp normal
stomach distended
less thirsty
3 glasses a day, 1/4 glass each time
4-5 cups tea
feels better in morning, worse after sunset
lycopodium 200
sulphur 200, calc carb 200
he reported some relief in his eczema
says it is not itching that much
calc carb did good to his stomach distension
calc carb 200
Sr. No. 1340 : Patient : 713
mentally retarded
baryta carb 30
mentally retarded
addicted to gutkha
very drowsy as she is on sedative pills
baryta carb 30
Sr. No. 1341 : Patient : 712
nux vomica 30, sepia 200
vertigo, aggravation since yesterday
vertigo worse in afternoon
started after eating more
stools ok
menses regular, 3 days + 2 days
less bleeding, pale menses, clots present
now prefers warm surroundings, otherwise ambi-thermal
thirst more for cold water
worse during morning
had nausea yesterday
nux vomica 30, sepia 200 (constitutional, to be taken later)
Sr. No. 1342 : Patient : 480
tingling in hands
lyc 200, rhus arn 30
tingling in hands
pain in extremeties
lyc 200, rhus arn 30
Sr. No. 1343 : Patient : 605
piles, cannbis addiction
Cannabis Indica 30, Sulphur 200, Nux Vomica 200, Hamamellis 30
15-10-2010, 27-10-2010, 31-10-2010, 19-11-2010, 26-12-2010
says that he has left liqour since 4-5 months
smokes cannabis indica
not taking water or food due to navaratra fast
hallucination like white floaters before eyes
bleeding piles
nux vomica 200, hamamellis 30
reported relief in stool hardness and bleeding
He started bleeding after coming back from a journey. There is pain that lasts hours after passing stools with bleeding.
Sulphur 200, Cannabis Indica 30, Hamamellis 30
He again complains of his bleeding piles after taking some spicy meals. He also has very much pain..
Nux Vomica 200, Hamamellis 6
Sr. No. 1344 : Patient : 473
coughs after eating
Phos 30
coughs after eating
prefers cold surroundings
digestion good and no other issues
Phos 30
Sr. No. 1345 : Patient : 357
stiffness in lower extremeties
Puls 200, Rhus Tox 200
16-11-2010, 26-12-2010
stiffness in lower extremeties
passes soft stools - loose
Puls 200, Rhus Tox 200
He reported good relief in his stiffness in lower extremeties. Now he is not passing loose stools but he feels constipated. He can't stand without taking support of his hands while rising from his sitting position in latrine. He is given Ruta 30.
Sr. No. 1346 : Patient : 472
severe urticaria, hives
Sulphur 200
calm disposition
prefers cold surroundings
Sulphur 200
Sr. No. 1347 : Patient : 464
itching, pain, stiffness
Thuja 1M, rhus tox 30
itching, pain, stiffness
she had a history of scanty menses
presence of warts on body
Thuja 1M, rhus tox 30
Sr. No. 1348 : Patient : 466
irregular menses, ear pain, fear, weakness, cold
Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6
irregular menses, ear pain, fear, weakness, cold
Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1349 : Patient : 470
boils on body, tingling in hands, irregular menses
calc carb 200, silicea 200
boils on body, tingling in hands, irregular menses
calc carb 200, silicea 200
Sr. No. 1350 : Patient : 467
cracks on soles of feet due to working in water, cold
Silicea 200, km fp 6
cracks on soles of feet due to working in water, cold
Silicea 200, km fp 6
Sr. No. 1351 : Patient : 418
Sterculia Q, Syphilinum 1M, Quercus Glandium Spiritus Q
11-12-2010, 25-12-2010
creates scene at night
very severe case
creates terror at his house
Sterculia Q, Syphilinum 1M
He did well on Sterculia. He reduced the liquor intake. He is given Quercus Glandium Spiritus Q.
Sr. No. 1352 : Patient : 131
depression, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea
Graphites 200c, Graphites 1M, Lycopodium 200, Sulphur 200, Calcarea Carb
07-09-2010, 24-09-2010, 07-10-2010, 20-11-2010, 26-11-2010, 24-12-2010
one abortion
had a baby but suffered a lot during pregnancy
was asked to take bed rest and was very depressed in those days.
prominent vertical lines on finger nails
fidgety during sleep and sitting
scanty and pale menses lasts only 2 days.
severe dysmenorrhoea before start of menses
feels chilly
watery leucorrhoea
reported improvement in headache, leucorrhoea, fidgety movements.
asked to report after 15 days, nothing given.
reported that improvement in headache, leucorrhoea, fidgety movements still sustains.
She is having no lecorrhea at all but she still had very scaty menses.
asked to report after 15 days, nothing given.
She is feeling nauseous. She is also having migraine headache. She got scanty periods after 2 months. She is given Graphites 1M.
She reported that there is relief in her problems of feeling nauseous and vommiting. She is suffering from abdominal pain after eating. She is given 3 doses of Lycopodium 200.
Pain in hands and shoulder after exertion. There is no vommiting now. She still complains about abdominal pain.
Sr. No. 1353 : Patient : 460
knee and leg pain
calc carb 200, fp km 6
knee and leg pain
chilly patient, takes hot water bath
worse after exertion
exerts a lot
feverish at night
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1354 : Patient : 446
cellulitis, non-healing pus filled boil
silicea 200
08-12-2010, 22-12-2010
cellulitis, non-healing pus filled boil
a lady with calm disposition
silicea 200
She is reported to have done well on the medication.
Sr. No. 1355 : Patient : 481
cracks on soles of feet
Silicea 1M
cracks on soles of feet
picks flowers in the morning in the garden
Silicea 1M
Sr. No. 1356 : Patient : 459
cough, short breath
calc carb 200, fp km 6
cough, short breath
somewhat hard and difficult stools
hands shiver, left is more affected.
Sr. No. 1357 : Patient : 458
calc carb 200, fp km 6
sneezing in the morning
sneezing after exposure to fumes, dust etc.
bulky and irritable constitution
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1358 : Patient : 178
cracks in toes in rainy season, argumentative
silicea 30c
21-09-2010, 19-12-2010
cracks in toes in rainy season, argumentative
silicea 30c
She reported that her problem didn't recur after taking the med.
Sr. No. 1359 : Patient : 415
urticaria and pustular eruptions
Sulphur 200, Silicea 200, Calc Carb 200
11-12-2010, 18-12-2010
urticaria and pustular eruptions
Sulphur 200, Silicea 200
He is reported to have some relief from Silicea 200. He is given calc carb 200 3 doses and silicea 200 in daily doses.
Sr. No. 1360 : Patient : 419
urticaria, short breath, polyuria
Calc Carb 200, rhus arnica 30
11-12-2010, 18-12-2010
urticaria, short breath, polyuria
works on the sewing machine
regular menses
Calc Carb 200, rhus arnica 30
She complained about her knee pain. She is given Ruta 30 twice a day.
Sr. No. 1361 : Patient : 416
rushes to washroom after meals
calc carb 30, pulsatilla 30, calc carb 200, carduus mar 6
11-12-2010, 18-12-2010
rushes to washroom after meals
passes stools many times a day
fights with her siblings
calc carb 30, pulsatilla 30
She did well on her medicines but she didn't pass her stools since 2 days. She is given calc carb 200 and carduus mar 6.
Sr. No. 1362 : Patient : 452
tonsils, fever, cold, cough
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
tonsils, fever, cold, cough
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1363 : Patient : 699
menopausal stage
Pulsatilla 200, Rhus 30, Lycopodium 200
age 45, attained menopause
feels sometimes very hot, sometimes very cold
sweats a lot
irritable, typical housewife
swelling in body
constipated bowels
prefers cold weather
morning stiffness
had scanty menses before menopause
Pulsatilla 200, Rhus 30, Lycopodium 200
Sr. No. 1364 : Patient : 401
Slip Disc, pain along the outer side of left leg
Gnaphalium 1M, Calc Carb 200, Arnica 200, Rhus Tox 200, Phosphorus 200
05-12-2010, 15-12-2010
Slip Disc, pain along the outer side of left leg
constipated, takes laxative daily
pain worsens with cold
more pain in the sleeping position and while walking
Gnaphalium 1M 5 doses,
Calc Carb 200 5 doses,
Arnica 200 daily morning 10 days,
Rhus Tox 200 daily evening 10 days,
Phosphorus 200 5 doses
He reported relief from Gnaphalium 1M. But it was not a significant relief in the sense he is still confined to his house. He is asked to take Calc Carb 200 and report back.
Sr. No. 1365 : Patient : 434
tingling in legs while sitting, hair loss
Silicea 200
tingling in legs while sitting, hair loss
sweats a lot
Silicea 200
Sr. No. 1366 : Patient : 435
weakness after passing stools (debilitating diarrhoea)
China 200
weakness after passing stools (debilitating diarrhoea)
China 200
Sr. No. 1367 : Patient : 402
tingling on palms
Puls 200, Calc Carb 200
07-12-2010, 14-12-2010
tingling on palms
mild disposition
regular menses 3 days
Puls 200, Calc Carb 200
She reponded well to calc carb 200. She is asked to take calc carb 200 on need basis.
Sr. No. 1368 : Patient : 437
cold and cough
puls 200, fp km 6
cold and cough
mild disposition
puls 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1369 : Patient : 438
hairloss, insect bite affection, dysmenorrhoea
Puls 200
hairloss, insect bite affection, dysmenorrhoea
prefers cold surroundings
Puls 200
Sr. No. 1370 : Patient : 403
itching, burning, trouble passing urine
Sulphur 200, Sabal Serrulatta 6, Rhus Tox 200
07-12-2010, 14-12-2010
itching, burning, trouble passing urine
Sulphur 200, Sabal Serrulatta 200
He complained about his leg pain. He is given Rhus Tox 200. Sabal Serr. 6 for urinary problems.
Sr. No. 1371 : Patient : 429
painful and tender soles
Puls 1M, Rhus Arn 30, Lyc 200, fp km 6
30-11-2010, 14-12-2010
painful and tender soles
mild disposition
scanty menses
first motion is difficult
Puls 1M, Rhus Arn 30
no significant relief in sole pain.
there is relief in knee pain.
suffering from cold
Lyc 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1372 : Patient : 441
stiffness in the morning, distended stomach, constipated bowels
calc carb 200, rhus arn 30
stiffness in the morning, distended stomach, constipated bowels
cold season aggravation
calc carb 200, rhus arn 30
Sr. No. 1373 : Patient : 430
facial affections
calc carb 200, berb aq 6
facial affections
bulky constitution
sweats a lot
prefers cold water
can go without food upto 2 pm
calc carb 200, berb aq 6
Sr. No. 1374 : Patient : 431
pain in calves, knees, cough, short breath, weakness
calc carb 200, fp km 6
pain in calves, knees, cough, short breath, weakness
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1375 : Patient : 444
Swelling and pain in right leg
calc carb 200, calc phos 6x, sil 6x, puls 200
The remedy calc carb is prescribed due to the
thermal modality
stiffness and pain in calves
Puls is suggested as the pain gets worse if the leg is allowed to hang down.
Sr. No. 1376 : Patient : 432
cold, cough, weakness, loss of appetite
calc carb 200, fp km 6
cold, cough, weakness, loss of appetite
thin constitution
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1377 : Patient : 433
cold, cough
Puls 200, fp km 6
cold, cough
mild disposition
Puls 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1378 : Patient : 308
irritability, profuse menses
Nux Vomica 200, Sepia 200
26-10-2010, 16-11-2010, 14-12-2010
irritability, profuse menses
Nux Vomica 200, Sepia 200
She got relief in her vertigo and anorexia not after Nux but after Sepia. She is again given Sepia 200.
She is overall doing well. She reports that some of her symptoms are worsening now. She is again given Sepia 200 and fp km 6 for her cough and cold.
Sr. No. 1379 : Patient : 386
tiny black spots on face, profuse menses, short breath
calc carb 200, berb aqua 6, kali sulph 6
30-11-2010, 14-12-2010
tiny black spots on face, profuse menses, short breath
calc carb 200, berb aqua 6
She reported relief in her other problems. She had no respite in her facial affections. She is also having leg pain. She is asked to take Calc Carb 200 for her leg pain. KS 6 given for facial affections.
Sr. No. 1380 : Patient : 307
weakness, loss of appetite, angry mood
Calc Carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, calc carb 1M, Lyc 200
26-10-2010, 16-11-2010, 30-11-2010, 14-12-2010
weakness, loss of appetite, angry mood
Calc Carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
He did well on the medicines. The course is repeated.
Mother said he did better on the first medicine. He is given calc carb 1m, fpkm 6.
Lyc 200
fp km 6
Sr. No. 1381 : Patient : 353
calc carb 30, silicea 30
16-11-2010, 14-12-2010
calc carb 30, silicea 30
She is given calendula 200 for her wounds and fpkm 6 for her cold.
Sr. No. 1382 : Patient : 239
loss of appetite, umbilical pain, body pain
nux vomica 200c, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, calc carb 30, calc flour 30, silicea 30
28-09-2010, 05-10-2010, 16-11-2010, 30-11-2010, 14-12-2010
loss of appetite, umbilical pain
irritable disposition
nux vomica 200c, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
He reported very marginal relief. He is given calc carb 30 as he has body pain after exertion. fp km 6 is given as follow up.
He is reported to have done well on calc carb. He is again given some calc carb.
He has cavities in his teeth. He is given calc fluor 30, silicea 30.
Calc Carb 30 ferrum phos kali mur 6
He is given remedies for his problems like leg pain, appetite etc.
Sr. No. 1383 : Patient : 4
Peeling of skin on palms, constipation
Graphites, Nitric Acid, Natrum Mur, Lycopodium, Arsenic Alb 30
03-08-2010, 17-08-2010, 31-08-2010, 14-09-2010, 12-10-2010, 02-11-2010, 23-11-2010, 07-12-2010, 14-12-2010
No Sleep complaints
Normal Sweat
Always Better
Cold surroudings and open air
Normal Thirst ??
Menses NA
He was prescribed Lycopodium 30c.
He reported improvement in his constipation and said that he feels that his bowels have cleared. He said that there was more itching of the skin for a day after taking Lyco 30. It subsided as he applied some allopathic ointment.
He was prescribed a single dose of Lycopodium 1M and was asked to take it only when he experiences worsening of his symptoms.
He was asked to take Nitric Acid 200 when he experiences worsening of his symptoms.
No effect from Nitric Acid 200.
suffering from constipation.
Lycopodium 200c thrice a day for one day.
He reported improvement in his digestion but no effect on his skin. He is given Graphites 200.
He said that the skin problem flared up after Graphites and then subsided on it's own. He is provided three doses of Graphites 200 to be taken when there is a relapse in skin symptoms.
He is given Graphites 200 and Lyc 200. as he was suffereing from constipation. He did well for his skin on graphites.
He said there is no improvement in his hand on graphites 200. He is provided with 2 doses of Graphites 1M. He reported that he had pus discharge from his ear. He is provided some doses of Hepar Sulph 200. He is asked to take 2 doses per day every week on need basis.
His problem of ear discharge got corrected after taking a single dose of Hepar Sulph. He says that there is aggravation of his skin symptoms after taking Graphites 1M. He is given ars 30.
Sr. No. 1384 : Patient : 661
anal itching
Lyc 200, Cina 200, Puls 200
17-11-2010, 19-11-2010, 12-12-2010
anal itching more before menses
3 day menses, normal, red, clots present
thirsty for huge amount of cold water
no sweating
passes urine every 1-11/2 hour
mild disposition, full of fears, shivers after episodes
stools normal
fallopian tubes blocked due to cysts
She didn't get any relief from Lyc 200.
She is provided with Cina 200.
She had some relief from Cina 200. She noticed no change in her menses. more itching during menses.
provided with Cina 200 to be taken on need basis.
Sr. No. 1385 : Patient : 696
painful and bleeding piles
Sulphur 200, Aesculus 30, Hamamellis 6
piles, drops of blood before stools
stools soft
prefers cold surroundings
mild disposition
painful piles
Sulphur 200, Aesculus 30, Hamamellis 6
Sr. No. 1386 : Patient : 426
stiff calves and painful thighs
calc carb 200
stiff calves and painful thighs
calc carb 200
Sr. No. 1387 : Patient : 417
urticaria with some eruptions
Urtica Urens 6, Sulphur 30
urticaria with some eruptions
prefers cold surroundings
enjoys chicken curry thrice a week
Urtica Urens 6, Sulphur 30
Sr. No. 1388 : Patient : 421
scanty menses, weakness
Puls 200, km fp 6
scanty menses, weakness
Puls 200, km fp 6
Sr. No. 1389 : Patient : 398
blocked nose, painful extremeties
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
04-12-2010, 11-12-2010
blocked nose, painful extremeties
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
She reported relief in her vertigo. She said there was no recurrence of vertigo.
i repeated the earlier pattern as her mother asked me to do so. i am inclined to think here that an additional dose of calc carb 200 will provide more relief.
Sr. No. 1390 : Patient : 423
papular skin eruptions (circular patch)
sulphur 200
papular skin eruptions (circular patch)
suffers bouts of uncontrollable irritability
prefers cold surroundings
sulphur 200
Sr. No. 1391 : Patient : 424
pain in lower extremeties, cold and cough
calc carb 200, fp km 6
pain in lower extremeties, cold and cough
bears his sufferings silently, is not irritable
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1392 : Patient : 414
black spots on legs
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
sleeps a lot
stays alone
prefers warm surroundings
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1393 : Patient : 315
severe tonsilitis, cold and cough , adenoids
calc carb 200, fp km 6, lyc 200, kali nit 30, agraphis nutans 6
30-10-2010, 06-11-2010, 13-11-2010, 20-11-2010, 11-12-2010
severe tonsilitis, cold and cough
short breath after exertion
thirsty for cold water
prefers warm surroundings
astmatic while sleeping
He said that he did well on the first two days. Now he is asked to take Calc Carb 200 every alternate day and report back.
He reported some improvement but not more than 20%. Lyc 200 and kali nit 30 in follow up.
He is provided with Lyc 200 3 doses and given Agraphus Nutans 6 daily.
He reported more relief from earlier meds. He is again given calc carb 200 and fp km 6.
Sr. No. 1394 : Patient : 229
ulcerative colitis
Sulphur 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
20-09-2010, 07-10-2010, 11-12-2010
he has burning sensation in his abdomen in the morning. There is also burning sensation while passing stool. He passes blood with stools. Irritable mind.
He said that after doing well his symptoms have worsened since 1-2 days. He is asked to stop taking fried food items and given Sulphur 200 and fp km 6.
He reported substantial relief from the treatment.
He reported that he passed blood in his stools 4-5 times. There is profuse bleeding. He is again provided with the same medicines.
Sr. No. 1395 : Patient : 217
pain in extremeties, fever
bryonia 30c, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, nux vomica 30
25-09-2010, 11-12-2010
pain in extremeties, fever
bryonia 30c, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
She feels feverish and chilly. She is given Nux Vomica 30.
Sr. No. 1396 : Patient : 218
scrotal hernia
Calc Carb 1M, Pulsatilla 200, lyc 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, lyc 1m
25-09-2010, 02-10-2010, 09-10-2010, 16-10-2010, 30-10-2010, 06-11-2010, 27-11-2010, 11-12-2010
scrotal hernia
distended stomach
less appetite
Calc Carb 1M
It seems that he is doing well under the influence of Calc Carb 1M. He is given KM FP 6 for increasing his appetite.
There seemed to be a relapse. He is given Puls 200. He also suffers from poly-uria and enuresis.
He is doing well on puls. improvement in hernia, some improvement in appetite, enuresis. He is given Puls 200 every alternate day.
He is very naughty. He got fever and hernia is also there. He is given lyc 200 and km fp 6.
Lyc effected changes at his mental plane. He became well behaved compared to earlier. He is given fp km 6.
It seems that his hernia has improved a lot. He is given Lyc 200, fp km 6.
He couldn't take the earlier remedies as the remedies were lost. Now he is given Lyc 1M and fp km 6.
Sr. No. 1397 : Patient : 412
fever after eating guava
nux vomica 200
fever after eating guava
feels chilly
nux vomica 200
Sr. No. 1398 : Patient : 693
cough, anticipatory anxiety
Lyc 200, fp km 6
cough mostly dry
difficult and tough expectoration
nightly aggravation 6.30 to 12
hard stools, strains, yellow
skin irritation in sun
prefers mild weather
better in evening
worse during 3 to 6.30
sweats more
anxious, shivers
sensation in head from temples to occiput while coughing
Lyc 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1399 : Patient : 685
dry cough at night
Conium 200, fp km 6, causticum 30
29-11-2010, 08-12-2010
cough, dry, more at night, sits up, pain in chest ribs
left leg pain, knee to calves, more pain when the leg is folded
breast cyst treated by chemotherapy and radio-therapy
alopecia due to the treatment
calm disposition
sweats more
nails became black after treament
Conium 200, fp km 6
some relief from earlier meds reported.
now the problem flares up again.
she is sympathetic to others.
causticum 30, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1400 : Patient : 428
corn, abdominal pain
Silicea 200, Thuja 30
corn, abdominal pain
black patches on skin
Silicea 200, Thuja 30
Sr. No. 1401 : Patient : 405
juandice, weakness
calc carb 200, carduus mar 6
juandice, weakness
calc carb 200, carduus mar 6
Sr. No. 1402 : Patient : 406
multiple cysts and pain in extremeties
Medorrhinum 1M, Thuja 30
multiple cysts and pain in extremeties
cysts spongy and painful (when applied pressure upon)
Medorrhinum 1M, Thuja 30
Sr. No. 1403 : Patient : 407
belching, moving pains, constipation
Lycopodium 200, Mag Phos 30
belching, moving pains, constipation
Lycopodium 200, Mag Phos 30
Sr. No. 1404 : Patient : 409
dreadful itching on her eczema patch
sulphur 30
dreadful itching
sulphur 30
Sr. No. 1405 : Patient : 371
burning in abdomen and blood stained stools
Sulphur 200, Podophyllum 30, Thuja 200, fp km 6
23-11-2010, 07-12-2010
burning in abdomen and blood stained stools
the problem started after taking allopathic medicines
she is passing loose stools
loose stools corrected after allopathic treatment
Sulphur 200, Podophyllum 30
she has scanty menses that occur only for one day.
she reported pain in her extremeties.
she did her allopathic treatment but that couldn't help.
Thuja 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1406 : Patient : 352
irregular menses, cold and cough, weakness
Pulsatilla 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
16-11-2010, 07-12-2010
irregular menses, cold and cough, weakness
Pulsatilla 200
She got her menses. She reported that there was no noticeable improvement in other symptoms. She is again given Puls 200.
Sr. No. 1407 : Patient : 302
short breath after exertion, swelling of eyes, eruptions on feet
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, Carduus Mar 6
12-10-2010, 26-10-2010, 23-11-2010, 30-11-2010, 07-12-2010
boy with short breath after exertion, swelling of eyes, eruptions on feet
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
He reported relief in itching of feet on only first day. He experienced relief in his swelling of eyes. Some relief in short breath. He is given the same remedies again.
This is a very land mark thing. The boy reported that he do not have any more the peeling of skin on his feet. Now he has distended stomach and he is passing stools after a gap of 2 days. He is given Calc Carb 200 and Carduus Mar 6.
He says that his big toe bleeds on least scratch. He is given Silicea 200 and km fp 6.
He again has eruptions on his feet. He said that his big toe doesn't bleed now. He is given Calc Carb 200.
Sr. No. 1408 : Patient : 368
weakness, rushes washroom after meals
Calc carb 200, fp km 6, Phos 200, Hydrastis 6, Lycopodium 200
02-11-2010, 23-11-2010, 07-12-2010
weakness, rushes washroom after meals
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Phos 200, Hydrastis 6
He reported a peculiar symptom and was given Phos 200.
He reported that his stools got regularized after taking the medicines. He is having neck pain that has also got better.
His father says that he is behaving as a haughty boy now. He is given Lyc 200.
fp km 6 to be taken on need basis for cold and cough.
Sr. No. 1409 : Patient : 369
throat irritation
silicea 200, kali mur 30, silicea 1m
02-11-2010, 07-12-2010
throat irritation
can't open mouth due to gutkha addiction
timid and shy
silicea 200, kali mur 30
She is again having throat irritation. She is given Silicea 1M and Kali Mur 30.
Sr. No. 1410 : Patient : 350
silicea 200, Pulsatilla 200
16-11-2010, 30-11-2010, 07-12-2010
pus filled pimples
silicea 200
she responded well. now she complains about abdominal pain. sometimes there sometimes not. She is given Pulsatilla 200.
She responded well to Puls 200 for her abdominal pain. She is provided with 3 doses of Silicea 200 to be taken when her pimples go worse.
Sr. No. 1411 : Patient : 107
pain in body due to cold weather
Calc Carb 200, ferrum phos 6c, kali mur 6c, Phosphorus 200
31-08-2010, 07-09-2010, 07-12-2010
pain in body due to cold weather
she reported relief in hardness of stool, vertigo and other issues.
She was suffering from some cold and cough and was prescribed ferrum phos 6c and kali mur 6c for that.
She is having blood in her sputum. She also has a severe cough and cold.
Phos 200, km fp 6
Sr. No. 1412 : Patient : 408
Knee pain, locomotor ataxia due to knee jerks.
Rhus Tox 30, Arnica 30, Symphytum 200
Rhus Tox 30, Arnica 30
thrice a day every day
Symphytum 200
once a day alternate day
Sr. No. 1413 : Patient : 344
pain in lower extremeties
conium 200, rhus tox 30, lyc 200, fp km 6
09-11-2010, 27-11-2010, 06-12-2010
pain in lower extremeties
prostate enlarged
sometimes tingling in extremeties
first movement is difficult
living a life of a widower
He reported relief. The treatment is repeated.
He complained about right sided problems. He is also having cold and cough. He is given lyc 200 and fp km 6.
Sr. No. 1414 : Patient : 394
fever, body pain, constipation
rhus tox 30, nux vomica 30
fever, body pain, constipation
rhus tox 30, nux vomica 30
Sr. No. 1415 : Patient : 395
cold and cough
phos 30, puls 30, fp km 6
cold and cough
phos 30, puls 30, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1416 : Patient : 396
difficult expectoration, back ache, abdominal disorders
Antimonium Tart 200, Rhus Tox 30
difficult expectoration, back ache, abdominal disorders
Sr. No. 1417 : Patient : 397
backache, bitter mouth
Nux Vomica 200, Rhus Tox 200
backache, bitter mouth
Nux Vomica 200, Rhus Tox 200
Sr. No. 1418 : Patient : 392
swelled cheeks due to tooth decay
belladonna 200, calc flour 30
swelled cheeks due to tooth decay
belladonna 200, calc flour 30
Sr. No. 1419 : Patient : 399
pain and tingling all over her body
calc carb 200
pain and tingling all over her body
calc carb 200
Sr. No. 1420 : Patient : 400
abdominal pain, cold
Phos 30, km fp 6
abdominal pain, cold
Phos 30, km fp 6
Sr. No. 1421 : Patient : 393
short breath, profuse menses, constipation
calc carb 200, fp km 6
short breath, profuse menses
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1422 : Patient : 317
makes nasal sounds while breathing, short breath after exertion, breaths through mouth, adenoids
Calc Carb 200, km fp 6, agraphis nutans 6, puls 30, kali mur 30, Gelsemium 30
30-10-2010, 06-11-2010, 20-11-2010, 04-12-2010
makes nasal sounds while breathing, short breath after exertion, breaths through mouth
suffers from cold
Calc Carb 200, km fp 6
fp km 6
He is given Calc carb 200 and agraphis nutans 6.
The grandmother is not satisfied with the treatment of cold, she says snoring is better. Puls 30 and kali mur 30 given in alteration.
the gm is not satisfied with the treatment. she admits that he snores less. gels 30, km fp 6 given.
Sr. No. 1423 : Patient : 92
pain and stiffness with rest
rhus tox 30c, calc carb 200, nux vomica 200, Causticum 30, Ferrum Phos 6, Kali Mur 6, phytolacca 30
28-08-2010, 04-09-2010, 25-09-2010, 02-10-2010, 23-10-2010, 04-12-2010
pain and stiffness with rest, motion ameliorates
She said no change whatsoever. She was prescribed Calc Carb 200c as she was..
worse in cold and wet weather
painful extremeties
She is having a white coated tongue. She is irritable and depressed. She also has loss of appetite and painfulness. She is prescribed Nux Vomica 200c.
She overall did well on Nux Vom 200. She is given Causticum and FP, KM.
She fell down from a bed. She took allopathic medicines for that and got diarrhoea. She is given Nux Vomca 200 and Rhus Arnica 30. She also said that she suffered from vertigo.
She is given Phytolacca 30 for her radiating pains.
Sr. No. 1424 : Patient : 389
pus affections on tonsils
merc sol 200, fp km 6
pus affections on tonsils
feels worse at evening, night and morning
runs a cooler while sleeping
pain in throat while swallowing
fever at night
merc sol 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1425 : Patient : 391
scabs on her back that itch
sulphur 30
scabs on her back that itch
prefers cold surroundings
Sr. No. 1426 : Patient : 377
blocked nose, cold, constipation, teething
Lycopodium 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
blocked nose, cold, constipation, teething.
Lycopodium 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
Sr. No. 1427 : Patient : 387
recurring cold, height deficit
Silicea 200, fp km 6.
recurring cold, height deficit
Silicea 200, fp km 6.
Sr. No. 1428 : Patient : 155
timidity, pus formation in gums
Lyc 200, silicea 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
15-09-2010, 06-10-2010, 01-12-2010
timidity, pus formation in gums
Lyc 200, silicea 200
She reported that her problem of leg bone behind heels is back. She is given silicea 200 for that. She is also given ferrum phos 6 and kali mur 6 as she has fever at night.
she again complains about her foot pain and gum boil. she is given sil 200 and calc fluor 30.
Sr. No. 1429 : Patient : 158
white rash on hand
nux vomica 200c, Arnica 30, Nux Vomica 200, Phos 200, Ferrum Phos 6, Kali Mur 6
15-09-2010, 29-09-2010, 06-10-2010, 27-10-2010, 01-12-2010
white rash on hand
He reported some improvement. He hurt his hand as he fell from somewhere. He is given Nux Vom 200 and Rhu30, Arn 30.
He reported improvement in his skin rash. He is constipated. He is asked to take Nux Vom 200 at bed time for few days.
He is doing well. There is no problem with constipation. Rash is improving. He suffers from epistaxis once a month. He bleeds profusely. He is given Phos 200, FP KM 6. He didn't bleed when he was taking homeo remedies.
He hasn't have nose-bleed while he has been taking the medicines. Now he had one. His skin rash also seems to be prominent. He is given Nux Vom 30 and fp km 6.
Sr. No. 1430 : Patient : 113
pain in knees, fever
Puls 200, Calc Fluor 30c, Ferrum Phos 6c, Lycopodium 200, Ferrum Phos 6, Kali Mur 6
01-09-2010, 15-09-2010, 29-09-2010, 06-10-2010, 27-10-2010, 01-12-2010
typical house wife - loving and caring
prefers cold surrounding and air
stools loose??
heel pain
She wasn't having any fever. She says that she becomes free from pain ocassionally. She also suffers from pain that keeps on changing it's location.
She was provided with a dose of Pulsatilla 200c which is to be taken when symptoms worsen.
She was also given Calc Flour 30c to be taken daily.
She said that the pain is worse in the first movement. She seems to be improving overall.
FP KM in the morning and Rhus in the evening.
She reported that her problem of heel pain is back. She is also suffering from cold. She is given Puls 200 and Calc Flour 30.
She complained that her heel pain is not fully cured. She also suffers from abdominal gases. She is given Lyc 200 and FP KM 6.
She complains only about heel pain. No other complaints. She is given Puls 200, calc fluor 30.
Sr. No. 1431 : Patient : 77
pain in neck, extremities, burning soles at night
Sulphur 200, Calc Carb 200, Puls 200, Sulphur 200, Bryonia 200, Ferrum Phos 6, kali mur 6, Chelidonium 6
25-08-2010, 15-09-2010, 29-09-2010, 27-10-2010, 01-12-2010
pain in neck, extremities,
burning soles at night
a philosophical mind
there is a relief in her occipital pain and neck pain.
complained about the knee pain, as if she will fall.
Calcarea Carb 200c thrice a day for one day.
kali mur 6 and ferrum phos 6 later for cold and cough
Now she says that her knee pain is better by pressure and it is also worse by rest. She is given Mag Phos 30 and Rhus Tox 30.
She was give Puls earlier. Then sulphur. She responded well to Sulphur for her throat burning. Now she complains of severe cold and headache. She is given Bry 30, FP KM 6.
she complains about hand and neck pain. She is given Chelidoium 6.
Sr. No. 1432 : Patient : 1
Blocked Nose, cold with thick nasal discharge, headache, fever
Pulsatilla 30c, Silicea 30c, Pulsatilla 200, Kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6, Belladonna 200
09-08-2010, 30-11-2010, 01-12-2010
The patient reported problem of blocked nose in the evening. She has a mild disposition and prefers cold surroundings. She was prescribed Pul. She came on the second day and said that the blocked nose problem is cleared and reported increase in cold and cough. She also reported a boil which she said had a tendency to appear in the past one year. She was prescribed silicea 30. She reported that the remedy cleared her boil. She said that she suffered only from cold and cough now and was better compared to her position before starting the treatment. She was asked to take Ferrum Phos 6x and Kali Mur 6x for few days and report back.
She again reported that she is suffering from severe cold. There is a thick nasal discharge of yellow color. She is given Puls 200 and km fp 6.
she said that she had a high fever during afternoon. The fever has come down in the evening though body temparature is above normal. She has a severe headache. There is a pulsating pain at vertex and pain at temples. she has taken 5 doses of Pulsatilla 200 over 2 days. She is provided with few doses of Belladonna 200 and asked to take fp km 6 thrice a day. She has a bitter mouth.
Sr. No. 1433 : Patient : 687
weak memory, cough
Sulphur 200, km fp 6
weak memory, productive cough
10-12 am feels worse
pain in legs after school
Sulphur 200, km fp 6
Sr. No. 1434 : Patient : 385
nausea and vomitting
nux vomica 30
nausea and vomitting
The girls has been prescribed Nux Vomica 200 for the same problem earlier and it worked well. Now she is given Nux Vomica 30.
Sr. No. 1435 : Patient : 376
cold watery discharge from nose
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
catches cold after exposure to dust, smell.
Watery discharge from nose, nose gets blocked after local treatment
prefers open air and cold surroundings
passes stools every two days twice a week.
stools hard generally, dry big stools
thrist 1 glass cold water every hour
tonsilitis once in 2-3 months, pain while swallowing as if pins prick
severe abdominal pain during first day of periods
periods regular, 4 days, dark red, few clots
short breath
severe headache at vertex, temples. Pressure ameliorates. Noise, loud, harsh sounds trigger the headache.
Sr. No. 1436 : Patient : 152
dry cough, pain in extremeties, mild insomnia
kali mur 6c, ferrum phos 6c, Nux Vomca 200, Rhus 30, Rhus 200, Calc Carb 200
14-09-2010, 09-11-2010, 16-11-2010, 30-11-2010
dry cough
kali mur 6c, ferrum phos 6c
to be taken every 2 hours, after relief 3-4 hrs and then stop.
Pain in extremeties, mild insomnia
worse after rest
Nux Vomca 200, Rhus 30
Some pain is back. Rhus 200 given.
She is having knee pain. She is given Calc Carb 200.
Sr. No. 1437 : Patient : 112
enuresis, night fears, styes
Pulsatilla 200c, kali phos 30c, ferrum phos 6c, kali mur 6c
31-08-2010, 07-09-2010, 30-11-2010
night fears,
prefers cold weather
reported good relief in styes
didn't pass urine in the night but was daily woken up by mother
kali phos 30c, ferrum phos 6c, kali mur 6c
was given for cold, cough and concentration.
Overall he is doing well. There is relief in his styes but something seems to be happening now. He is given the same remedies.
Sr. No. 1438 : Patient : 714
calc carb 200, fp km 6
cold, cough, short breath
worse cold, rainy season
worse during night, after dinner, lying down
chest pain, short breath after cycling
pattern of cold-
watery discharge, also during sleep
sometimes thick discharge, yellow color
sometimes nose is blocked
menses delay every 7-15 days
11/2 day bleeding, scanty menses, thin, red
clots present on third day
calm and fearful mind
not good at studies
thirsty avoids cold drinks
abdominal pain before menses
better afternoon, worse morning
constipated bowels, hard stools, needs to strain
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1439 : Patient : 682
Nux Vomica 200, fp km 6
cold; thin watery coryza
Nux Vomica 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1440 : Patient : 345
swelling in knee, high bp, distended stomach, burning sensation in stomach
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
11-11-2010, 27-11-2010
swelling in knee,
high bp,
distended stomach,
burning sensation in stomach
very duty conscious, works when body temp runs high
tooth ache with swelling, difficult swallowing
suffered menorrhagia during her menopause
She reported overall relief like decrease in knee swelling, stomach distension. She stopped taking all her allopathic medicines except BP meds. She is provided with three doses of Calc Carb 200 to be taken on the worsening of symptoms. She is asked to take a single dose of fp km 6 every evening.
Sr. No. 1441 : Patient : 380
fever, loss of appetite, constipation
Nux Vomica 30
fever, loss of appetite, constipation
Nux Vomica 30
Sr. No. 1442 : Patient : 381
fever symptoms
nux vomica 30
fever symptoms
nux vomica 30
Sr. No. 1443 : Patient : 382
feels chocked, abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite
Lycopodium 200
feels chocked, abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite
Lycopodium 200
Sr. No. 1444 : Patient : 383
scanty menses, hair fall, pain from exertion
Pulsatilla 200, kali phos 30
scanty menses, hair fall, pain from exertion
Pulsatilla 200, kali phos 30
Sr. No. 1445 : Patient : 384
eruptions that follows a circular patch pattern containing smaller patches
Hepar Sulph 200, Rhus 30
eruptions that follows a circular patch pattern containing smaller patches
has back pain
Hepar Sulph 200, Rhus 30
Sr. No. 1446 : Patient : 55
mouth sores, undigested stool, bleeding haemorrhoids
Natrum Mur 200c, Merc Sol 30c, Sulphur 30c, Hamamellis 30c, rhus tox 30, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
21-08-2010, 04-09-2010, 18-09-2010, 25-09-2010, 02-10-2010, 06-11-2010, 20-11-2010, 27-11-2010
He also reported to have the problem of excess sweating and he sweats a lot while eating.
He said that Natrum Mur led to his hospitalization. He was explained that his main problems are...
mouth ulcers
undigested stools
and only homeopathy can provide the solution.
He was prescribed Mercurius Sol 30c.
He reported that his complaint of bleeding piles that he had in the past long ago has come back. There is profuse bleeding. He was prescribed Sulphur 30c and Hamamellis 30c.
bleeding decreased
there is itching all over body
pain in lower extremeties at night
rhus tox 30
ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
Sulphur 200 for itching on legs.
Rhus Tox 200 for pain in lower extremeties at night
Kali Phos 200 for Insomnia.
Sulphur 200 for itching on legs.
Rhus Tox 200 for pain in lower extremeties at night
as he reported that there is a relapse.
He reported that he is again suffering from piles that bleed like a syringe. He is given Sulphur 200 and Hamamellis 6.
He had fierce eruptions of boils and scabs. He is given Silciea 200, Hepar Sulph 200. Fp km 6 for piles.
Sr. No. 1447 : Patient : 715
alcohol addiction
Sulphur 200, Quercus Q
thin constitution
no constipation
stoops down to very low level while talking to his wife
Sulphur 200, Quercus Q
Sr. No. 1448 : Patient : 680
Thuja 30
Wart like eruptions on right cheek and chest
sweats in head
no other complaints.
Thuja 30
Sr. No. 1449 : Patient : 366
chikun guniya
rhus tox 200
chikun guniya
rhus tox 200
Sr. No. 1450 : Patient : 679
painful piles
sepia 200
painful piles
worse after coition
sepia 200
Sr. No. 1451 : Patient : 606
Nux Vomica 200
15-10-2010, 30-10-2010, 25-11-2010
insomnia, irritability
addicted to chilam, smokes cannabis indica
Nux Vomica 200
suffering from chiliness, insomnia
nux vomica 200
feeling feverish after a journey
nux vomica 200
Sr. No. 1452 : Patient : 673
headache, constipation, kidney stone
Lyc 200, Berb Vul 6
headache, constipation, kidney stone
stools loose
prefers cold surroundings
worse after 3 o'clock
Lyc 200, Berb Vul 6
Sr. No. 1453 : Patient : 674
cough at night
bryonia 30, fp km 6
cough at night
bryonia 30, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1454 : Patient : 671
back pain
rhus 30, arnica 30, calc fluor 30
back pain worse sitting
loss of clarity in vision after a heavy object fell on her head.
rhus 30, arnica 30, calc fluor 30
Sr. No. 1455 : Patient : 676
nocturnal enuresis
nux vomica 200, Equisetum 6
calm, no fears at night
no physical complaints
nux vomica 200, Equisetum 6
Sr. No. 1456 : Patient : 220
hair loss, blocked nose
Pulsatilla 200, kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6
25-09-2010, 24-11-2010
hair loss, blocked nose
mild disposition
thirst less, for cold water
prefers cold surroundings
She had a severe break-out of pimples on her face. She is provided with Puls 30 and Sil 30 to be taken thrice a day for 2 days.
Sr. No. 1457 : Patient : 364
leucorrhoea, recurring fever, body pain, weakness, acidity
Sepia 200, Natrum Phos 6, Kali Mur 6, Ferrum Phos 6
feverish since 2-3 months
accident affections of little finger, too much pain
high bp
hypo glycemia
headache at vertex
constipated now a days, earlier 4-5 stools per day
body pain
menses 2-3 days, flow normal
white discharge
Sepia 200, Natrum Phos 6, Kali Mur 6, Ferrum Phos 6
Sr. No. 1458 : Patient : 372
burning sensation on his back
Sulphur 30
burning sensation on his back
Sulphur 30
Sr. No. 1459 : Patient : 146
abdominal gases, constipation
lyc 200c, kali mur 6c, ferrum phos 6c, Sulphur 200, Lachesis 200, Lycopodium 200, card mar 6
14-09-2010, 12-10-2010, 02-11-2010, 23-11-2010
abdominal gases, constipation
irritable disposition
lyc 200c, kali mur 6c, ferrum phos 6c
He reported relief in his problem. He uses very foul language with his father, he is given Sulphur 200
There is relief in his abdominal gases and constipation. The stools smell foul and stick to basin. He is given Lachesis 200 as he is very jealous and vindicative. He is also given Carduus Mar 6 to be taken later.
He reported relief in his wild behaviour. Now he is given lyc 200, card mar 6.
Sr. No. 1460 : Patient : 668
tingling in hands (forehand)
rhus 200, nux 30
tingling in hands (forehand)
pain in extremeties after work and during rest
rhus 200, nux 30
Sr. No. 1461 : Patient : 361
snoring, tonsilitis
calc carb 200, agraphis 30
snoring, tonsilitis
seems to be a closed person
calc carb 200, agraphis 30
Sr. No. 1462 : Patient : 362
Pulsatilla 30, Ferrum Phos 6, Kali Mur 6
cold with nasal discharge and blocked nose
mild disposition
regular menses
dark circles around eyes
Sr. No. 1463 : Patient : 288
testicular hernia, cough, cold, nose bleed
calc carb 200, kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6
09-10-2010, 20-11-2010
testicular hernia, cough, cold, nose bleed
calc carb 200, kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6
His grandmother reported that there was improvement in his hernia and it relapsed. He is again given the same remedies.
Sr. No. 1464 : Patient : 326
throws food, water after meals, sneezing, cold
Phos 200, Nat Phos 6, Ars Alb 200, Nat Sulph 6
06-11-2010, 20-11-2010
throws food, water after meals, sneezing, cold
cares and is concerned about others
He reported 10% relief in his problems. He is passing through very bad mental state. He is given Arsenic Alb 200 and Natrum Sulph 6.
Sr. No. 1465 : Patient : 327
Bleeding while passing stools, swelled nodes
nux vomica 200, hamamelis 6c
06-11-2010, 20-11-2010
bleeding while passing stools, swelled nodes
irritable while dealing with domestic affairs
took lot of medicines for her cough that probably resulted in bleeding
much thirst
She reported relief in her stools and bleeding. Very slight bleeding was observed when no pills were consumed. She is given the same remedies again.
Sr. No. 1466 : Patient : 374
cough, short breath, fever
Calc Carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
cough, short breath, fever
Calc Carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
Sr. No. 1467 : Patient : 375
cough, short breath
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
cough, short breath
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
Sr. No. 1468 : Patient : 207
continous strange sensation on the left side of abdomen
lycopodium 200, Mag Phos 30
24-09-2010, 20-11-2010
continous strange sensation on the left side of abdomen
lycopodium 200
She got relief only for 2 days after taking the remedy. She is asked to take the remedy every week and also asked to take a single dose of Mag Phos 30 on the day she doesn't take lyc 200.
Sr. No. 1469 : Patient : 137
enuresis, night fears, irritability
Phos 200
11-09-2010, 20-11-2010
enuresis, night fears, irritability
phos 200 prescribed.
He came with huge eruption of boils. He was prescribed Silicea 200.
Sr. No. 1470 : Patient : 56
hair loss, pain in abdomen after sewing work, pain under the ribs, dandruff
Phos 200, Kali Phos 200, Puls 200, kali phos 30
21-08-2010, 04-09-2010, 18-09-2010, 20-11-2010
soft nature, good looking, prefers cold weather.
She said that there is no abdominal pain. She was asked not to take any remedy just for hair-loss. She was asked to do pranayam and nail rubbing every day. kali phos 200 given.
pain under the ribs, dandruff
Lycopodium 200 thrice a day for only one day.
She reported that she had her menses only after 2 months. She has some abdominal pain. She also suffers hairloss. She is given Puls 200 3 doses and kali phos 30 one dose in every 3 days.
Sr. No. 1471 : Patient : 664
cyst in abdominal skin
calc carb 200, silicea 200
cyst in abdominal skin
abdominal pain on pressure
sweats more
prefers cold surroundings
passes stools alternate days
blood stained stools
prefers rice
Sr. No. 1472 : Patient : 665
nasal discharge, pimples, headache
Lyc 200, Natrum Mur 30
mild disposition
prefers cold
thin coryza
pimples pain on touching
oily skin
Lyc 200, Natrum Mur 30
Sr. No. 1473 : Patient : 663
shoulder, knee pain
Lyc 200, Rhus 200
right shoulder, right knee pain
some pain on left side
worse rest
prefers cold weather
no sweat
less thirsty
Lyc 200, Rhus 30
Sr. No. 1474 : Patient : 32
Tooth pain, constipation
Phos 30, bc 23, Lyc 30, Phos 200, Alumina 30
16-08-2010, 25-08-2010, 25-10-2010, 17-11-2010
The patient is a chronic sufferer from constipation. He is very sociable and has a mild nature. So he was prescribed Phos first and in the eventuality of Phos failing to take Lyc.
The patient reported some softening of stools after taking Phos 30. But the effect he said was not sustained. BC 23 relieved his toothache with few doses. He was asked to take Lyc not during his travel.
He came back for constipation. He is asked to take Phos 200.
He is suffering from severe constipation. There is no desire to pass stools. He is given Alumina 30 twice a day for 7 days.
Sr. No. 1475 : Patient : 657
pain in extremeties at night
calc carb 30, fp km 6
pain in extremeties at night
calc carb 30, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1476 : Patient : 351
abdominal pain, grey hair, obesity
calc carb 200
abdominal pain, grey hair, obesity
calc carb 200
Sr. No. 1477 : Patient : 182
painful extremeties
Pulsatilla 200c, rhus tox 30, arnica 30, Bryonia 30, Pulsatilla 200
21-09-2010, 28-09-2010, 05-10-2010, 16-11-2010
painful extremeties
sewing work not possible due to pain
mild disposition
She reported some improvement in her insipid mouth. She was given Bry 30 for her body pains.
She didn't report any significant change in her status.
She is given Lyc 200 and Ferrum Phos 6, Kali Mur 6.
She is given Puls 200 as that is the only remedy which affected her.
Sr. No. 1478 : Patient : 358
hives, knee pain
Sulphur 200, Rhus 30, Arnica 30
hives, knee pain
Sulphur 200, Rhus 30, Arnica 30 in alteration.
Sr. No. 1479 : Patient : 822
morning stiffness, first movement difficult
Puls 200, Rhus 30
morning stiffness, first movement difficult
gentle disposition
can't digest if eats more
Puls 200, Rhus 30
Sr. No. 1480 : Patient : 652
many stools a day, wrist swelling
Sulphur 200, Ruta 30
passes stools many times a day sometimes at night too
stools with mucous
swelling at wrist
Sulphur 200, Ruta 30
Sr. No. 1481 : Patient : 653
mosaic warts
thuja 200
mosiac warts since 2 years
left leg pain
worse night
backache worse night
face swells after exertion
left side headache
left eye gets red and becomes normal
as a person worse morning, better evening
abdominal gases, feels constipated
sweats more
short breath after exertion
palpitations, gets tense
periods last 3 days, normal flow
no dysmenorrhoea, brown blood, not clear, periods every 28 days
burning sensation in throat
thuja 200
Sr. No. 1482 : Patient : 124
profuse menses, irritability, pimples, acidity during menses, pain in legs
Calc Carb 200c, rhus tox 30c, arnica 30c, Rhus Tox 200, Nux Vomica 200, Kali Carb 200, Carb Veg 30
05-09-2010, 01-11-2010, 02-11-2010, 04-11-2010, 14-11-2010
profuse menses, irritability, pimples, acidity during menses
She complained of severe pain in her legs with swelling in knees. The movements are very painful and she prefers rest eventhough she is not comfortable while taking rest. She is given Rhus Tox 200.
She said that the remedy didn't affect her. She was given Nux Vomica 200.
She said that the pain were better 10%. The swelling in one knee reduced. Earlier she was asked to take the remedy at a gap of 2 hour. Now she is asked to take the remedy only thrice a day. Nux was given as she has profuse and early menses, she is irritable, she prefers warm surroundings and she took lot of allopathic medicines for her pains.
She said that her improvement in pain couldn't hold and there is a relapse. She is given Kali Carb 200c and Carbo Veg 30 to be taken over next 4 days. Kali Carb 200 for first two days and then carbo veg 30.
She did well on carbo veg 30. She is given Sepia 200 and also provided Carbo Veg 30 for use on need basis.
Sr. No. 1483 : Patient : 359
severe neck pain, stiffness of lower extermeties
Lycopodium 200, Rhus Tox 200
severe neck pain, stiffness of lower extermeties
she is a pristine
worried about her future
stiffness worse after rest, not able to fold her legs.
she works as a cook.
Lycopodium 200, Rhus Tox 200
Sr. No. 1484 : Patient : 360
pica, cold, weakness
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
pica, cold, weakness
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
Sr. No. 1485 : Patient : 355
morning stiffness
Rhus Tox 200
morning stiffness
Rhus Tox 200
Sr. No. 1486 : Patient : 330
couldn't straighten his back, it remains curved always.
Nux Vomica 200, Rhus Tox 30, Arnica 30, Phos 200, Rhus 200
06-11-2010, 13-11-2010
It is reported to have started after taking an allopathic injection. couldn't straighten his back, it remains curved always. It seems to be a spinal affection.
Nux Vomica 200, Rhus Tox 30, Arnica 30
strychninum should be considered.
He reported no improvement. He is given Phos 200 and Rhus 200 in alteration.
Sr. No. 1487 : Patient : 336
prolapsus ani
Sulphur 200, Aesculus 30, Podophyllum 30
06-11-2010, 13-11-2010
prolapsus ani
Sulphur 200, Aesculus 30
Sulphur helped in the constipation. There was no change in prolapsus. Podo 30 replaced aes 30.
Sr. No. 1488 : Patient : 296
sneezing, irritability, operated for piles thrice
Nux Vomica 200, Ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
16-10-2010, 23-10-2010, 13-11-2010
sneezing, irritability, operated for piles thrice
Nux Vomica 200, Ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
He reported relief in his morning stiffness and also relief in sneezing in the last 2 days. He is given ferrum phos 6 and kali mur 6.
He reported relief in headache, stiffness of extremeties. But his sneezing problem seems to be on rise after being resolved. He is given Nux Vomica 200, fp km 6.
Sr. No. 1489 : Patient : 349
facial skin affections, suppressed menses
Puls 200
facial skin affections, suppressed menses post partum
Puls 200
Sr. No. 1490 : Patient : 348
itchtful eruptions, grief, insomnia, reaction of allopathic medicines, joint pain
nux vomica 200, rhus tox 30, silcea 200
itchtful eruptions, grief, insomnia, reaction of allopathic medicines, joint pain
nux vomica 200, rhus tox 30, silcea 200
Sr. No. 1491 : Patient : 648
abdominal pain
nux vomica 200, carduus mar 6
abdominal pain worse stooping
better if sits straight
real estate agent
nux vomica 200, carduus mar 6
Sr. No. 1492 : Patient : 647
pain at back of heels
silicea 200, rhus arnica 30
has pain at the back of his heels
more pain after taking rest and on the first movement
digestion is ok
sweats more
no problems when did breathing exercises regularly.
Sr. No. 1493 : Patient : 329
cough and sleepiness
Pulsatilla 200
cough and sleepiness
mild disposition
less thirst
tendency towards obesity
Sr. No. 1494 : Patient : 291
throat pain, constipation, abdominal pain
carbo veg 30, lycopodium 30, lycopodium 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, Arnica 30, Rhus Tox 30
08-10-2010, 07-11-2010
throat pain, constipation, abdominal pain
carbo veg was given earlier which didn't do anything.
She responded well to Lyc 30. Now she is given Lyc 200 and fp km 6 when she reported fresh bout of problems.
She is having pain in ribs while coughing after she met an accident and fell down. She is given Arnica 30, Rhus Tox 30.
Later she was also given Ruta 200.
Sr. No. 1495 : Patient : 328
blocked nose, nasal discharge, legs (calves) pain
calc carb 200, kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6
blocked nose, nasal discharge,
legs (calves) pain,
late in walking,
abdominal pain around navel,
loose stools,
strains for passing hard stools
Sr. No. 1496 : Patient : 331
scanty menses, irritability, pain in right abdomen, dysmenorrhoea
Sepia 200
02-10-2010, 06-11-2010
scanty menses, irritability, pain in right abdomen, dysmenorrhoea
Sepia 200
She reported relief in abdominal pain and dysmenorrhoea. She didn't report any relief in irritability. She is again given Sepia 200.
Sr. No. 1497 : Patient : 332
eczema on neck
sulphur 30
eczema on neck
tobaco addict
careless and go getter
Sr. No. 1498 : Patient : 333
chilliness and pain
Nux Vomica 200
chilliness and pain
irritable if called names without fault
Nux Vomica 200
Sr. No. 1499 : Patient : 334
stomach painful and distended, short breath, weakness, cough
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
stomach painful and distended, short breath, weakness, cough
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
Sr. No. 1500 : Patient : 335
fever and cough
baryta carb 30
The boy is mentally and physically dwarfish. He is given Baryta Carb 30.
Patient Name
Problems Reported
Remedy Name
Sr. No. 1201 : Patient : 758
throat irritation, sneezing
nux vomica 200, fp km 6
throat irritation,
sneezing worse morning
doesn't like extreme weather conditions
nux vomica 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1202 : Patient : 752
always cold and cough
calc carb 200, km fp 6
always suffers from cold and cough
yellow thick discharge
productive cough, vommits while coughing
calc carb 200, km fp 6
Sr. No. 1203 : Patient : 691
constipation, short breath
calc carb 200, lyc 200, fp km 6
06-12-2010, 11-01-2011, 29-01-2011
bowels don't get cleared daily
hard stools, pain, burning while passing stools upto 10 minutes thereafter
prefers cold surroundings
worse morning, better evening
nausea in morning
short breath after exertion
hard pimples without pus on face
calc carb 200, lyc 200, fp km 6
pimples came back after going away
calc carb 200, lyc 200, fp km 6
arrogant at home timid outside.
less appetite
lyc 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1204 : Patient : 555
enuresis and cold
pulsatilla 200, equisetum 6
enuresis and cold
girl with mild disposition
lots of domestic problems due to alcoholic father
pulsatilla 200, equisetum 6
Sr. No. 1205 : Patient : 556
mumps, raised red bumps on chest
silicea 200
mumps, raised red bumps on chest
silicea 200
Sr. No. 1206 : Patient : 540
constipation, pressure at chest, fears about future
lyc 200, nux vomica 30, sulphur 200
22-01-2011, 29-01-2011
constipation, pressure at chest, fears about future
lyc 200, nux vomica 30
He got some relief in frequent urination. He didn't get any relief in abdominal complaints.
sulphur 200, nux vomica 30
Sr. No. 1207 : Patient : 542
short breath, barking cough
calc carb 200, fp km 6
22-01-2011, 29-01-2011
short breath, barking cough
calc carb 200, fp km 6
she reported relief in short breath and some relief in cough.
she also complains of muscle pain.
calc carb 200, rhus arn 30
Sr. No. 1208 : Patient : 515
uses immoral language against mother, alcoholic, constipation
Hyoscyamus 1M, Quercus Q, Lyc 200
15-01-2011, 29-01-2011
uses immoral language against mother, alcoholic, constipation
Hyoscyamus 1M, Quercus Q
He is reported to have undergone no change. He is given Lyc 200 as he suffers from constipated bowels.
Sr. No. 1209 : Patient : 549
MIgraine Headache left side affected
nux vomica 30
Migraine Headache left side affected
history of scanty menses
very tense at home
nux vomica 30
Sr. No. 1210 : Patient : 561
wound due to broken glass
Silicea 200
wound due to broken glass
Silicea 200
Sr. No. 1211 : Patient : 550
short breath, skin affections of face
calcarea carb 200, berb aqua 6
short breath, skin affections of face
calcarea carb 200, berb aqua 6
Sr. No. 1212 : Patient : 551
skin affections, passes stools after meals, weakness
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
skin affections, passes stools after meals, weakness
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1213 : Patient : 552
cough, weakness, muscle pain
calc carb 200, rhus arn 30
cough, weakness, muscle pain
calc carb 200, rhus arn 30
Sr. No. 1214 : Patient : 553
nasal discharge from nose
Lycopodium 200, fp km 6
nasal discharge from nose
Lycopodium 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1215 : Patient : 538
pain in knee left, short breath
calc carb 200
22-01-2011, 29-01-2011
pain in knee left, short breath
history of profuse menses
calc carb 200
calc carb 200
Sr. No. 1216 : Patient : 420
Quercus Q, Carduus Mar 6
11-12-2010, 29-01-2011
weak liver
drinks during the day
Quercus Q, Carduus Mar 6
He is having overall improvement in his health like glowing skin, no headache etc.
He also says that he gets less intoxicated after drinking.
Quercus Q
Sr. No. 1217 : Patient : 422
lady with pain in lower extremeties
calc carb 200, rhus tox 30, arnica 30
11-12-2010, 29-01-2011
lady with pain in lower extremeties
worried about her family's future
pain is worse during cold season
works on a sewing machine
calc carb 200, rhus tox 30, arnica 30
She did well on the remedies. Now she has a relapse. She is given same remedies again.
Sr. No. 1218 : Patient : 287
constipation, weakness, asthma
Calc Carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, lycopodium 200, Phosphorus 200
09-10-2010, 16-10-2010, 30-10-2010, 27-11-2010, 11-12-2010, 18-12-2010, 01-01-2011, 29-01-2011
constipation, weakness, asthma
Calc Carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
She reported relief in her cold ie nasal discharge. She reported very marginal relief in other symptoms. She said that her bowels are moving as she is observing fast. She is provided a dose of Calc Carb 200 in case she gets constipated again. She is given FP KM 6.
Her constipation has improved. She got no relief in her weakness and asthma. She is hungry but can't eat. She is given lyc 200, fp km 6.
She is doing well on her treatment. She suffers short breath and given calc carb 200, fp km 6.
She is having voice hoarseness and cold. She is given calc carb 200, fp km 6.
Her problems per the earlier date are not yet resolved fully. She is given Phos 200 and fp km 6.
She is having cough and also suffers from weakness. Cough is worse night.
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
She is again having cough and feels feverish.
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1219 : Patient : 354
constipation, loss of appetite, deformed nails
Graphites 1M, Carduus Mar 6, Silicea 200
13-11-2010, 29-01-2011
constipation, loss of appetite, deformed nails
Graphites 1M, Carduus Mar 6
He is having pus below his finger nails.
silicea 200
Sr. No. 1220 : Patient : 367
bitter mouth, stiffness and pain in the morning
nux vomica 30, rhus tox 30, arnica 30
30-11-2010, 29-01-2011
bitter mouth, stiffness and pain in the morning
She again presented with the same problems and given same remedies.
Sr. No. 1221 : Patient : 378
irritability, nausea, acidity, scanty and irregular menses
Sepia 200, Nux Vomica 30, Rhus Tox 30, Arnica 30
27-11-2010, 11-12-2010, 15-01-2011, 29-01-2011
irritability, nausea, acidity, scanty and irregular menses
Her husband is a habitual drinker, he raises a ruckus daily and she responds in the violent manner.
Sepia 200, Nux Vomica 30
She reports about her pain and stiffness worse in the morning. She is given Rhus Tox 200 for that.
She reports relief in acidity. She is given nv 30 to be taken on need basis.
She is feeling feverish and having headache.
Nux Vomica 30
She is doing well in her abdominal complaints. She sprained her back. She is given Rhus Arn 30 for that.
Sr. No. 1222 : Patient : 379
irritability, drunkard, creates a scene
Nux Vomica 200, Quercus Glandium Spiritus Q, Nux Vomica 30, Syphillinum 1M
27-11-2010, 04-12-2010, 11-12-2010, 29-01-2011
irritability, drunkard, creates a scene
Nux Vomica 200, Quercus Glandium Spiritus Q
He didn't create a scene after that. He drinks and goes to sleep. He creates scene only at night, he is given a single dose of Syphilinum 1M.
He did well on Syph 1M. He is given Nux Vomica 30 for his pain in extremeties.
He is responding well to Quercus. He is creating less scenes. He is also given Nux Vomica 200.
Sr. No. 1223 : Patient : 214
fever, body pains
bryonia 30c, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, Nux Vomica 200, Silicea 200, Kali Phos 6, Rhus Tox 30, Nux vomica 30, Gelsemium 200, Calc Carb 200
25-09-2010, 02-10-2010, 09-10-2010, 16-10-2010, 30-10-2010, 27-11-2010, 11-12-2010, 18-12-2010, 01-01-2011, 29-01-2011
fever, body pains, vertigo, nausea
bryonia 30c, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
She reported relief. Now She is given Nux Vomica 200 and FP KM 6.
She developed a boil on her lips. She is still suffering from vertigo though there is some relief now. She is given Silicea 200 and ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6.
She said that her past complaints are more or less over. She said that she gets tired after walking a little. She is given Kali Phos 6.
She complained about extremeties and joints pain worse by rest. She also complained about burning of eyes. She is give Rhus Tox 30 and fp km 6.
She has burning sensation in her eyes. She suffers vertigo and body pains. She is given Nux Vomica 30c.
Nux Vomica 30
Gelsemium 200
Calc carb 200 as she reported having history of profuse menses. She has short breath, weakness, eye pain.
She is also given fp km 6.
She did well on calc carb 200. she again has same complaints and given..
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1224 : Patient : 141
eruption of boils
calc carb 200c, silicea 30c, silicea 200c, kali mur 6c, ferrum phos 6c, natrum sulph 6, Puls 200, Nux Vomica 30, Lycopodium 200, Nux Vomica 200, Urtica Urens 6
11-09-2010, 18-09-2010, 25-09-2010, 02-10-2010, 09-10-2010, 16-10-2010, 23-10-2010, 30-10-2010, 06-11-2010, 13-11-2010, 20-11-2010, 27-11-2010, 04-12-2010, 11-12-2010, 18-12-2010, 25-12-2010, 22-01-2011, 29-01-2011
milestones delayed.
prefers cold surroundings.
eruption of boils
calc carb 200c, silicea 30c given.
reported some cold and cough.
good relief in boils.
silicea 200c once, kali mur 6c, ferrum phos 6c repeatedly
Boils now dried.
Some itching is reported, ferrum phos 6 and kali mur 6 advised every night.
He is doing well. KM FP 6 every alternate day.
He reported to be suffering from intensified itching. He is given a single dose of silicea 200c and fp km 6 twice daily.
He reported to have had loose stools in the morning. He has had improvement in itching of his hands and legs and now has itching on his back. He is given Nat Sulph 6, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6.
His diarrhoea still continues. He is given Calc Carb 200 three doses followed by Natrum Sulph 6.
He didn't complain about itching or boils for the first time. He complained about cold. He is given Puls 200, fp km 6.
He again complained that the itching problem is back though it is negligible. He is given Calc Carb 200, fp km 6.
Silcea 200, Natrum Sulph 6
He is not suffering from cold and cough. Boils and itch was there to some extent.
He reported worsening of eruptions. He was given Calc Carb 200.
He is given a single dose of silicea 1M and puls 30, fp km 6 as follow up remedies.
fp km 6 one dose at bed time.
sil 200 one dose. 2 more doses provided on need basis.
He is given Nux Vomica 30 for his cold, loose stools and bulimy.
He is given Lycopodium 200 for bulimy and km fp 6 for cold.
He reported excellent relief in his boils and itching.
He is given Nux Vomica 200 and fp km 6 for his cough and cold.
cold and some itching
Urtica Urens 6
fp km 6
Sr. No. 1225 : Patient : 742
short breath, insomnia, polyuria, constipation
calc carb 200, nux vomica 30
21-01-2011, 28-01-2011
short breath while walking
mildly painful extremeties
can't exert
constipated rushes for stools after meals but can't pass
always has cough
doesn't like cold surroundings
polyuria worse night
calc carb 200, nux vomica 30
He did well on Nux Vomica 30. He is passing stools regularly. Though he didn't get relief in short breath and polyuria.
He is provided more Nux Vomica 30.
also asked to take ...
medha vati for sleep
chandraprabha vati and shilajeet rasayan vati for polyuria
Sr. No. 1226 : Patient : 548
nose bleed
calc carb 200
nose bleed
pain in extremeties
calc carb 200
Sr. No. 1227 : Patient : 547
cold with nasal discharge
Pulsatilla 200
cold with nasal discharge
mild disposition
scanty menses
Pulsatilla 200
Sr. No. 1228 : Patient : 744
boils on legs discharging copious fluid
silicea 200
boils on legs discharging copious fluid
swelling on legs
she was very duty conscious
had a high level of physical endurance
silicea 200
Sr. No. 1229 : Patient : 544
pale and profuse menses, white discharge, urticaria after menarche
pulsatilla 200, urtica urens 6
pale and profuse menses, white discharge, urticaria after menarche
girl with mild disposition, timid, contradictory
pulsatilla 200, urtica urens 6
Sr. No. 1230 : Patient : 509
chillblain, white discharge
Calc Carb 200, silicea 200, lyc 200, fp km 6
11-01-2011, 25-01-2011
chillblain, white discharge
prefers warm surroundings
Calc Carb 200, silicea 200
She responded well for her chillblains and white discharge.
She complained of itching at her feet and feels stuck up at throat.
She also feels weakness.
lyc 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1231 : Patient : 439
nux vomica 30, silicea 200
14-12-2010, 25-01-2011
ineffectual desire to pass stool
nux vomica 30
boil on lip
silicea 200
Sr. No. 1232 : Patient : 373
pain and insomnia
Phos 200, Ruta 200, Lyc 200, kali phos 30, Ruta 30
23-11-2010, 07-12-2010, 14-12-2010, 28-12-2010, 18-01-2011, 25-01-2011
pain and insomnia
Phos 200, Ruta 200
She did well on her earlier medicines. The same medicines are repeated.
Lyc 200 for her palpitations. Ruta 200 as usual.
She compained of back pain. She is constipated. She is given lyc 200 and ruta 200. She reported relief in her heart affections.
She had relapse of her symptoms due to irregular meals and work at her daughter's house.
Lyc 200, kali phos 30
She was well after Lyc 200. Now again she feels constipated and is having back pain.
She is given Lyc 200 and Ruta 30.
Sr. No. 1233 : Patient : 370
loss of appetite, abdominal pain
Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6, lyc 200, rhus arn 30
02-11-2010, 07-12-2010, 18-01-2011, 25-01-2011
loss of appetite, abdominal pain
loving, caring and mild
Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6
She is not having abdominal pain now. She is again given the same remedies.
complained of abdominal pain.
Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6
She complained of loss of appetite. She is given Lyc 200 for that.
She has head pain due to injury, rhus arn 30 for that.
Sr. No. 1234 : Patient : 237
digestion issues, burning under ribs
lycopodium 200, kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6, rhus arn 30
28-09-2010, 26-10-2010, 25-01-2011
digestion issues, burning under ribs
lycopodium 200, kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6
She said that she got overall relief from lyc but switched to allopathy. Now as she has come back she is again given lyc, ferrum phos, kali mur.
She is given Lyc 200 for the problem that responds well to lyc. She is given Rhus Arn 30 for her backache.
Sr. No. 1235 : Patient : 72
stiff and painful neck, blurred vision
lachesis 30, phos 200, fp km 6
24-08-2010, 30-11-2010, 19-01-2011, 25-01-2011
history of liver swelling, there is blood clot.
He reported piles problem. He was given Nux Vomica 200c.
No relief. kali mur 6c and ferrum phos 6c given.
Stil asked for medicine.
Sulphur 200 given.
Kapalbhati and Anulom Vilom Pranayam explained.
He reported a case. The patient has not passed stools since 3 days. He has a distended abdomen. He is a bulky man. He is given calc carb 200, carduus mar 6.
eye-sight problems
phos 200
feverish feeling
fp km 6
Sr. No. 1236 : Patient : 743
abdominal pain, weakness
nux vomica 200, kali phos 6
nerve weakness, pain in joints
earlier had vertigo while passing urine
now anytime vertigo
abdominal pain on left side
very much thirst
no pressure while voiding urine
throat irritation since 2 yrs
prefers cold suroundings but feels chilly
motion sickness
burning at anus after passing urine
nux vomica 200, kali phos 6
Sr. No. 1237 : Patient : 545
pimples, profuse menses, dysmenorrhoea
Calc Carb 200
pimples, profuse menses, dysmenorrhoea
very chilly
irritable and adamant
Calc Carb 200
Sr. No. 1238 : Patient : 34
pain experienced by workers while working or feelings of being bruised or effects of accident
Rhus Tox 30c and Arnica 30c
15-05-2010, 24-01-2011, 24-01-2011
The following patients benefitted from the Arnica - Rhus Tox protocol...
1. A Muslim man coming to the park.
2. A lady coming to the park.
3. A veg vendor who met an accident.
4. Aaji Bai who recovered from her fractured hand.
5. The fruit vendor lady
6. Ramteke's daughter-in-law.
7. Prakash Palimkar
8. Another Aaji Bai who earlier benefitted from Silicea. She had a boil in her feet and later developed tingling and pain at the place of healed boil.
9. Dinesh Hedaoo
10. Manoj Tirpude
11. Tukaram Painter
12. Ranjeet - Bryonia was also given after Rhus.
13. Shri Suryaprakash Kamlu
14. Madam who took the details from us for 2010 Census
15. Bhabhra aunty ji's friend
16. Manoj Tirpude's wife
17. Kishorsa Chavan - He was also prescribed the tissue salts mag phos 6x, kali phos 6x and calc phos 6x
18. 92 yr old Ustad Ji.
19. Pramod
20. Saroj Tayi
21. Aaji 24-01-2011
22. Aaji's neighbor 24-01-2011
It was also prescribed to the following patients and the outcome is not known.
1. Mayatai Afre
2. Smt Rakhi Barad's daughter
3. Bokade Pehalwan
Sr. No. 1239 : Patient : 543
vitiligo, other skin affections like craked skin, blood oozes from skin etc.
arsenicum sulfuratum flavum - arsenic trisulph
vitiligo, other skin affections like craked skin, blood oozes from skin etc.
no other issues like digestion, stools etc.
hot constitution
also advised to take ayurvedic package designed by swami ramdev for leucoderma
Sr. No. 1240 : Patient : 518
watery coryza from nose
lyc 200, fp km 6, sulphur 200
15-01-2011, 22-01-2011
watery coryza from nose
fears father and teachers
gets angry with mother
prefers cold surroundings
lyc 200, fp km 6
Her mother says that she is highly irritable.
She is given sulphur 200 and fp km 6.
Sr. No. 1241 : Patient : 541
loose stools many times a day
puls 30
loose stools many times a day
mild and cheerful
puls 30
Sr. No. 1242 : Patient : 468
dry cough, pain in legs, vomits after meals
Calc Carb 200, fpkm 6, rhus arn 30
25-12-2010, 01-01-2011, 08-01-2011, 15-01-2011, 22-01-2011
dry cough, pain in legs, vomits after meals
rushes to bathroom after meals
abdominal pain
Calc Carb 200, fpkm 6
Her father reported that her problems of rushing to washroom after meals and vomitting were corrected. She is still coughing a lot which was better when she took calc carb 200. The other medicine is not helping. She is asked to take Calc Carb 200 with a gap of atleast one week.
She is not having other problems except cough. She is given Phos 30 for her cough. It is worse laughing, playing.
She is having cough which is worse exertion. She has pain in her extremeties.
Calc Carb 200
She is all better now but complains of pain in her extremeties.
rhus arn 30
Sr. No. 1243 : Patient : 469
sneezing, cold
nux vomica 200, fp km 6
25-12-2010, 22-01-2011
sneezing, cold
worse in morning
irritable disposition
nux vomica 200, fp km 6
The remedies worked well for him,
as there is a relapse the remedies are repeated.
nux vomica 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1244 : Patient : 465
pain and burning in right leg, back-ache
Sulphur 200, Calc Carb 200, puls 200, ruta 200, rhus 30, arnica 30
25-12-2010, 01-01-2011, 08-01-2011, 22-01-2011
pain and burning in right leg, back-ache
Sulphur 200, Calc Carb 200
She said the remedies didn't work. She is also having an acute problem of diarrhoea. She is given Puls 200 and Ruta.
She said that the burning sensation in her leg has reduced. Earlier she felt as if her leg is on fire. She is given Rhus 30, Arn 30 for pain.
she is sufferring from intense pain.
she cried as she was very painful.
puls 200, ruta 200
Sr. No. 1245 : Patient : 530
fever, migraine headache
Nux Vomica 200, fp km 6
fever, migraine headache
Nux Vomica 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1246 : Patient : 531
fever, cough
calc carb 200, fp km 6
fever, cough
worse night
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1247 : Patient : 532
cold and cough
Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6
cold and cough
mild disposition
Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1248 : Patient : 533
cough, cold and fever
calc carb 200, fp km 6
cough, cold and fever
irritable disposition
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1249 : Patient : 534
worse after meals, fever
calc carb 200, fp km 6
worse after meals, fever
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1250 : Patient : 535
pimples, scanty menses, early menses
Puls 200, sil 30
pimples, scanty menses, early menses
legs pain and swell after exertion
Puls 200, sil 30
Sr. No. 1251 : Patient : 536
loss of appetite, weakness, pain
Lycopodium 200, fp km 6
loss of appetite, weakness, pain
Lycopodium 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1252 : Patient : 537
stiffness and pain, cracked heels, scanty menses
Puls 200, Sil 30, Rhus 30
stiffness and pain, cracked heels, scanty menses
worse morning
Puls 200, Sil 30, Rhus 30
Sr. No. 1253 : Patient : 491
short breath, weakness
calc carb 200, fp km 6, phos 30
01-01-2011, 08-01-2011, 15-01-2011, 22-01-2011
short breath, weakness
calc carb 200
He reported relief in his symptoms but he could get relief only for a day and then the remedy needed repetition. He is again provided with calc carb 200 and some ferrum phos kali mur 6.
He is having cough and cold. He reported relief in his earlier symptoms.
calc carb 200
He is better overall, complains of cough.
phos 30
Sr. No. 1254 : Patient : 539
abdominal and leg pain
calc carb 200, silicea 30
abdominal and leg pain
calc carb 200, silicea 30
Sr. No. 1255 : Patient : 339
Pulsatilla 200, calc carb 200, rhus 30
06-11-2010, 22-01-2011
scanty menses with clots
mild disposition though irritable
short breath after exertion
pain after exertion
Calc Carb 200, Rhus 30
Sr. No. 1256 : Patient : 356
Pulsatilla 200c, Equisetum 6c, Puls 200, kp 30
13-11-2010, 20-11-2010, 04-12-2010, 22-01-2011
mild disposition
fearful at night
he was given multiple doses of Puls 200
A single dose of Puls 200 followed by sac lac.
Equisetum 6c every day
He reported relief in complaint.
Puls 200, kp 30
Sr. No. 1257 : Patient : 672
Nux Vomica 200, fp km 6
24-11-2010, 19-01-2011
cold, throat irritation
catches fever later after such initial reactions
bland discharge from nose
heaviness in head
sweats more in summer while eating
prefers cold surroundings
major accident in 2006
thirsty for large qty of water
Nux Vomica 200, fp km 6
got relief from the medicines.
having same problem again.
Nux Vomica 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1258 : Patient : 526
Nux Vomica 200, Quercus Q
takes liquor whole day every hour
Nux one dose every week
Nux Vomica 200, Quercus Q
Sr. No. 1259 : Patient : 523
short breath, weakness, piles pain, protrusion of small mass
calc carb 200, nux vomica 200, calc fluor 30
short breath, weakness, piles pain, protrusion of small mass
sometimes severe headache at vertex
calc carb 200, nux vomica 200, calc fluor 30
Sr. No. 1260 : Patient : 524
sweats a lot, feels hot, mouth burns taking spicy food
silicea 200
sweats a lot, feels hot, mouth burns taking spicy food
once he became very weak and started shivering, got relief after taking some tonic
silicea 200
Sr. No. 1261 : Patient : 529
Dry cough at night
Hepar Sulph 200, fp km 6
Dry cough at night
irritable disposition
everything else is fine
Hepar Sulph 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1262 : Patient : 525
weakness, loss of appetite
calc carb 200, fp km 6
weakness, loss of appetite
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1263 : Patient : 159
black colouration of fingers
Pulsatilla 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, Graphites 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, Thuja 30
15-09-2010, 29-09-2010, 06-10-2010, 27-10-2010, 22-12-2010, 19-01-2011
scanty menses
blocked nose
prefers cold surroundings
sweats more
menses contain clots sometimes
She reported improvement in her digestion and other issues. She didn't see any impact on her fingers. She was given Puls 1M as she didn't get her menses which are due.
She reported that she had her menses that were pale and scanty. She also said that she is suffering from cold. She is given ferrum phos 6 and Kali mur 6. She should be given Graphites 200 later.
She is given graphites 200...
she weeps while listening to sad songs
she has pale and scanty menses
black discoloration of fingers
tendency towards obesity
She is also given km fp 6.
She did well on Graphites 30. She reported improvement in her menstrual flow. Her menses are on time. She also noticed improvement in her fingers but that couldn't hold after she stopped her medication.
She reported no relief in her discoloration of fingers. She said her menses appear for 3 days now compared to 2 days earlier and the flow has also improved.
Sr. No. 1264 : Patient : 751
cough, constipation
nux vomica 30
he is suffering from cough, worse night.
passes stools thrice a day.
nux vomica 30
Sr. No. 1265 : Patient : 737
watery discharge from nose
calc carb 200, fp km 6
watery discharge from nose
yellow thick discharge sometimes.
regular menses
4 days normal bleeding
sometimes thick, sometimes thin, clots present
severe dysmenorrhoea on the first day
BM regularized after Calc Carb 200.
irritability somewhat relieved
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1266 : Patient : 741
Keloid on neck, warts on body
calc carb 200, silicea 200
Keloid on neck, warts on body
throat infection
morning aggr of throat pain
Calc carb gave relief in sweating, keloid.
calc carb 200, silicea 200 after a gap of every 3 days
Sr. No. 1267 : Patient : 478
abdominal sweling, irregular menses, short breath, numbness
calc carb 200, calc carb 1M, lyc 200
28-12-2010, 11-01-2011, 18-01-2011
abdominal sweling, irregular menses, short breath, numbness
menses scanty, thin, blackish
calc carb 200
She reported no relief in any symptom except for improvement in her digestion.
calc carb 1M
She reported no relief in her symptoms. She said the acute episode passed away on it's own. She also said that she having profuse white discharge.
She is given Lyc 200.
Sr. No. 1268 : Patient : 520
chronic cold, loss of appetite, warts
calc carb 1m, thuja 30
chronic cold, loss of appetite, warts
calc carb 1m, thuja 30
Sr. No. 1269 : Patient : 521
blocked nose, cold extremeties
puls 200, fp km 6
blocked nose, cold extremeties
mild disposition
puls 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1270 : Patient : 511
cough, loss of appetite, fearful, gum-boil, constipation
lyc 200, silicea 30, silicea 200
11-01-2011, 18-01-2011
cough, loss of appetite, fearful, gum-boil, constipation
lyc 200, silicea 30
She reported overall relief in her condition except for her gum boil. she is given sil 200.
Sr. No. 1271 : Patient : 508
pimples, breast pain, dysmenorrhoea
calc carb 200, fp km 6
11-01-2011, 18-01-2011
pimples, breast pain, dysmenorrhoea
prefers warm surroundings
pimples, breast pain, dysmenorrhoea
calc carb 200, fp km 6
She has palpitations after eating her lunch. She is asked to take calc carb 200 if needed. She will be free of her problems if she does anulom vilom regularly.
Sr. No. 1272 : Patient : 519
blocked nose, weakness
Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6
blocked nose, weakness
abdominal pain
mild disposition
Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1273 : Patient : 503
Headache, cold
Puls 200, fp km 6
08-01-2011, 15-01-2011
Headache, cold
scanty menses
mild disposition
Puls 200, fp km 6
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1274 : Patient : 516
pain in extremeties worse rest, more exertion, cough
Calc Carb 200, rhus arn 30
pain in extremeties worse rest, more exertion, cough
Calc Carb 200, rhus arn 30
Sr. No. 1275 : Patient : 517
Short breath, weakness, cough
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Short breath, weakness, cough
history of insanity
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1276 : Patient : 514
alcoholism, abuses his wife, headache
Nux Vomica 200, Quercus Q
alcoholism, abuses his wife, headache
Nux Vomica 200, Quercus Q
Sr. No. 1277 : Patient : 425
cold, weakness, short breath
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6, calc fluor 30
11-12-2010, 18-12-2010, 15-01-2011
cold, weakness, short breath
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
She reported relief from her medication. She is asked to take Calc Carb if there is a significant development, otherwise she should take fpkm 6.
She feels that there is a cyst on her neck. She is given calc fluor 30.
Sr. No. 1278 : Patient : 451
headache over eyes, profuse and late menses, dysmenorrhoea
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
18-12-2010, 01-01-2011, 15-01-2011
headache over eyes, profuse and late menses, dysmenorrhoea
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
She reported respite in her menstrual problems. Her headache is not resolved. The treatment is repeated.
She reported overall relief. She complains of pain in her extremeties and shoulders due to exertion. She is given Rhus Arn 30.
Sr. No. 1279 : Patient : 94
peeling of skin on palms, insomnia
nux vomica 200c, sulphur 30, pulsatilla 200, kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6, calc carb 200, ars alb 30, puls 30, Rhus Arn 30
28-08-2010, 04-09-2010, 18-09-2010, 16-10-2010, 23-10-2010, 30-10-2010, 20-11-2010, 27-11-2010, 04-12-2010, 11-12-2010, 18-12-2010, 01-01-2011, 15-01-2011
peeling of skin on palms,
reaction of allopathic medicines
She reported overall improvement like increase in appetite, relief in vertigo, itching, skin affections.
She was asked to take Nux Vomica 200c today and then after 3 days.
peeling of skin almost alright. reported about her skin itch, loss of appetite, vertigo.
Sulphur 30 in the morning Nux 200 at night for 5 days.
she is suffering from intense itching in her hands and legs. There is no itching else where. She is given Nux and Sulphur on alternate days.
she got relief in itching of hands, no he has only itching of legs. She is asked to repeat the earlier regime with a gap of one day in every 2 doses.
She is very mild and loving. She prefers cold surroundings. She suffers from itching on feet. She is given Puls 200, fp km 6.
She is suffering from vertigo. She is prescribed Nux Vomoca 30.
She has a severe headache after may be the cloudy climate. She is given 3 doses of Calc Carb 200.
She has started itching on her legs. She is given Sulphur 30 and Nux Vom 30 in alteration.
She is worried about her son an alcoholic. She is suffering urticaria of legs. She is given Ars Alb 30. She is asked to take earlier remedies on need basis.
She reported relief in her headche after taking ars alb 30. She is having stomach pain after a function at her house. She is asked to take Pulsatilla 200.
She reported pain in her extremeties due to may be cloudy weather. She is given Puls 30.
She is taking Nux Vomica 30 for her vertigo on need basis.
She complained about urticaria and upper back and extremeties pain. She is given Nux Vomica 30 and Rhus Arn 30.
Sr. No. 1280 : Patient : 453
severe cold after eating guava
nux vomica 30, lyc 200, nux vomica 200
17-12-2010, 12-01-2011, 14-01-2011
severe cold after eating guava
feeling feverish and chilly
other observations...
heel pain in winter
nux vomica 30
He is constipated since few days.
He is having adominal gases.
lyc 200 five doses.
There is a marginal relief.
He is given Nux Vomica 200.
Sr. No. 1281 : Patient : 454
paralysis after a major accident
rhus tox 30c, arnica 30c
19-12-2010, 14-01-2011
a very major accident about 5 yrs ago
the head is indented inside on the left side
no life in the fingers of the right side
he can lift his hand with a great effort
the right leg is also affected
rhus tox 30c, arnica 30c
digestion is ok
He can lift is right hand comfortably now. The same remedies are given again.
Sr. No. 1282 : Patient : 738
vertigo, navel pain, leucorrhoea
Sepia 200
pain above navel
burning sensation
since 2-3 years
worse lifting weight
constipated stools, evacuates only after taking choorna
vertigo worse exertion, linked to navel pain
red tongue
now menopause
menses used to be regular every month
4 days, thick blood, red, no clots
backache after exertion
prefers cold surroundings
sweats more, fainted once
always worried
vaginal ulcers annd leucorrhoea after coition
headache worse being worried
Sepia 200
Sr. No. 1283 : Patient : 513
barking cough, abdominal pain, discharge from ear
Calc Carb 200, Sil 200, fp km 6
barking cough, abdominal pain, discharge from ear
Calc Carb 200, Sil 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1284 : Patient : 498
cough not yielding to allopathic remedies
pulsatilla 30, fp km 6
05-01-2011, 12-01-2011
cough not yielding to allopathic remedies
mild disposition
heart palpitations
scanty and pale menses
voice hoarse
pulsatilla 30, fp km 6
She reported relief in cough, palpitations and hoarseness on Puls 30.
She is given Puls 200.
Sr. No. 1285 : Patient : 390
pain in right chest and lower extremeties
lycopodium 200, rhus 30, sulphur 30, Calc Carb 200, rhus 30
01-12-2010, 22-12-2010, 29-12-2010, 12-01-2011
pain in chest and extremeties
morning stiffness
lycopodium 200, rhus 30
reported improvement in pain including chest pain and morning stiffness.
complained about hardening of skin on fingers
He had relief in his constipation and again having problems now.
He is given lyc 200 and sil 30.
He is suffering from constipation, headache and chest pain, though mild. He also complained about itching on his fingers though he thought that the hardness has reduced.
lyc 200, sulphur 30
There is no chest pain. Bowels moving nicely. No pain.
Morning stiffness. Cracks on finger.
Calc Carb 200, rhus 30
Sr. No. 1286 : Patient : 388
tonsilitis with continous pain
lycopodium 200, fp km 6, calc carb 200
01-12-2010, 22-12-2010, 12-01-2011
tonsilitis with continous pain
worse during afternoon
has fears
lycopodium 200, fp km 6
prefers cold surroundings
She reported relief in palpitations. Her tonsilitis is also not doing too bad.
She is given calc carb 200.
She did well on earlier remedies. She said that after doing well there is a relapse. She is again given the same remedies.
Sr. No. 1287 : Patient : 611
leucorrhoea, irregular menses
sepia 200, fpkm 6, calc carb 200, drosera 200
18-10-2010, 23-10-2010, 10-01-2011, 11-01-2011
intra periods white discharge since one year
since 4-5 months periods last only 2 days
back ache and lower lower extreeties pain when there is white discharge
irritable, more towards family members
prefers mild cold
stools hard, needs to strain ie constipated sometimes
abdominal gases sometimes
blood - sometimes thick, pale, some clots
50% flow compared to earlier
thirst for pot water a glass an hour
sleep after 1-2 hrs of going to bed
palpitations, full of fear
no itching and burning due to white discharge
once in 8 days burning while passing urine for 5-10 minutes
Sepia 200, fp km 6
white discharge, backache, leg and abdomen pain increased by 50%
irritability decreased
digestion improved
calc carb 200
feeling feverish, chilly, coughs a lot
calc carb 200
got relief in feverishness and cold.
cough flared up.
drosera 200.
Sr. No. 1288 : Patient : 510
white spots on face
cina 200, fp km 6
white spots on face
comfortable with cold weather
cina 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1289 : Patient : 507
stiffness and pain
Puls 200, rhus tox 200
stiffness and pain
wrose morning and rest
mild disposition
attained menopause in an early age
Puls 200, rhus tox 200
Sr. No. 1290 : Patient : 512
abdominal pain, polyuria, bitter mouth
silicea 200, fp km 6
abdominal pain worse pressure, polyuria, bitter mouth
silicea 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1291 : Patient : 347
pus filled boil on gum, black raised spots on face
silicea 30, silicea 200, Thuja 1M, fp km 6
09-11-2010, 16-11-2010, 11-01-2011
girl with pus filled boil on gum, black raised spots on face
silicea 30, one dose a day
She reported some relief in her boil. She is given a single dose of Thuja 1M and Sil 200 one dose a day.
She is not having any gum boil. The black spots have faded much.
She is given a single dose of Thuja 1M and fp km 6 for her cold.
Sr. No. 1292 : Patient : 15
rushes to washroom after meals, diarrhoea, skin eruptions at feet
lycopodium 30, lycopodium 200, fp km 6
10-08-2010, 14-09-2010, 11-01-2011
No Sleep complaints
Normal Sweat
Always Worse
Cold surroudings and open air
Normal Thirst ??
Menses NA
He reported that his problem of digestion was corrected but he switched to allopathy for his skin problems.
He had the same problem again. he is also feeling weak and also talked about eye problems.
lycopodium 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1293 : Patient : 455
Hard eruption on forehead, irregular menses, blocked nose
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
19-12-2010, 09-01-2011
Hard eruption on forehead, irregular menses, blocked nose
constipated bowels, passes stools every alternate day,
hard and long stools
doesn't sweat
prefers moderate surroundings
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
She reported relief in her eruption on forehead. Her blocked nose also got cleared. She is given fp km 6 and asked to report after 15 days.
Sr. No. 1294 : Patient : 57
Asthma, cough, hawks a lot but couldn't spit the mucous
Bryonia 200, Calcarea Carb 200
14-07-2010, 02-01-2011, 09-01-2011
The man prefers open air, his breathing complaints are better by walking (!!!???). He is an angry and depressed man. He is also on allopathic anti-depressants. The patient was asked to take Bryonia 200c once a day in every 10 days. After first two cycles he complained about his problem but later on he didn't complain.
Calcarea Carb 200
5 doses
He responded well to calc carb 200. He needs the remedy in repeated doses.
Sr. No. 1295 : Patient : 487
headache, cold, cough
Pulsatilla 30, fp km 6
01-01-2011, 08-01-2011
mild disposition
headache, cold, cough
Pulsatilla 30, fp km 6
She is irritable, has headache, too weak to listen to her mother.
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1296 : Patient : 502
wound on face
calendula 200, calc carb 200, rhus 30, fp km 6, silicea 200
06-11-2010, 08-01-2011
wound on face
calendula 200
lack of appetite, weakness
calc carb 200
wound and swelling on ankle
silicea 200, rhus arn 30
fp km 6
Sr. No. 1297 : Patient : 485
fever, cold
pulsatilla 30, fp km 6, calc carb 30
01-01-2011, 08-01-2011
mild and cheerful disposition
fever, cold
prefers cold surroundings
pulsatilla 30, fp km 6
He is not having fever.
The boy complained of abdominal pain and cold.
Calc carb 30, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1298 : Patient : 504
thorny little warts
thuja 30, antimonium crud 200
thorny little warts
thuja 30 daily, antimonium crud 200 once in three days
Sr. No. 1299 : Patient : 486
weakness, pain in extremeties, cold, cough
calc carb 200, fp km 6, silicea 200
01-01-2011, 08-01-2011
weakness, pain in extremeties, cold, cough
irritable disposition
calc carb 200, fp km 6
She is having abdominal pain.
She is having bruises as she falls down often.
She is also having cold.
Sil 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1300 : Patient : 463
leucorrhoea, abdominal pain, knee pain, back pain
calc carb 200
25-12-2010, 08-01-2011
leucorrhoea, abdominal pain, knee pain, back pain
worse after exertion
lecorrhoea worsens before start of menses
calc carb 200
She had good relief in all her symptoms including leucorrhoea. There is a relapse now. She is provided with some calc carb 200. She is asked to take 3 doses everytime whenever there is a relapse. She is asked to repeat the remedy only when it is necessary and also to have a gap of 15 days in between if possible.
Sr. No. 1301 : Patient : 49
pus oozes from gums, tooth decay
silicea 30c, calendula 30c, ferrum phos 6c, kali mur 6c
21-08-2010, 28-08-2010, 18-09-2010, 13-11-2010, 18-12-2010, 08-01-2011
As the child was haughty and also looking at her other symptoms she was prescribed silicea 30c.
The child reported some improvement.
She was asked to continue with silicea 30c and was also asked to take calendula 30c for her burn from silencer.
She had some headache and body pains, ferrum phos 6c and kali mur 6c given. Silicea 200c for 2 days provided in case gums problem recur. She didn't complain about the gums.
She is feeling feverish. She is given Silicea 200 and Fp km 6.
She had ear discharge problem. She is also running fever. Her appetite has diminished. She is given silicea 200. That is to be followed by Puls in case the fever persists. She is also asked to take ferrum phos kali mur 6 later.
Again same problem and same remedy given. Some fp km 6 also given. She is reported to have redness around her vagina. She is asked to report about her status after taking the remedies.
Sr. No. 1302 : Patient : 50
weakness, vertigo, ear pain, anger
calc carb 200, nux vomica 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
21-08-2010, 28-08-2010, 16-10-2010, 13-11-2010, 08-01-2011
the girl also suffered from tonsilitis earlier on.
The prescription worked and the girl reported overall improvement. sac lac given for 7 days.
She reported that her vertigo problem didn't recur after taking the medicine. She is suffering from recurrent fever now with chilliness. She is given nux vomica 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6.
It is surprising that the girl reported improvement on Nux Vomica inspite of her mother's refusal to admit any benefit. She is given Calc Carb 200.
She is reported to be suffering from tonsilitis, vertigo and cough.
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1303 : Patient : 734
severe facial pain due to tooth affection
calc fluor 30, belladonna 200
tobacco addict
drinks ocassionally
severe facial pain due to tooth affection
he says that the trouble is due to the work environement where wind blows
calc fluor 30, belladonna 200
Sr. No. 1304 : Patient : 708
cyst in left breast, leucorrhoea
calc carb 200, Apis 30, Phytolacca 30
23-12-2010, 07-01-2011
cyst in left breast
hard cyst, slight mobility
nausea on getting tired, due to sun
appetite is there but no desire to eat
headache above eyes, at temples
menses were due on 14th, didn't appear
7-8 day bleeding
flow profuse, brown, no clots
white discharge always, also during menses
hot constitution
suffering from cold since 2 days
suffers from acidity
calc carb 200, Apis 30
She reported relief in appetite, headache, leucorrhoea.
no relief in cyst and breast pain
CC 200 provided to be taken on need basis.
Phytolacca 30
Sr. No. 1305 : Patient : 500
constipation, protruded piles, paralysis
nux vomica 200, calc fluor 30
constipation, protruded piles, paralysis
nux vomica 200, calc fluor 30
Sr. No. 1306 : Patient : 499
injured finger nail
silicea 200, calendula 200
injured finger nail
silicea 200, calendula 200
Sr. No. 1307 : Patient : 427
pimple like eruptions that itch, pus filled boils on thighs
Silicea 200, Sulphur 200, Hepar Sulph 200, fp km 6
08-12-2010, 29-12-2010, 05-01-2011
pimple like eruptions that itch, pus filled boils on thighs
Silicea 200, Sulphur 200
He reported that the boil on his inner thigh is not there. He said there is still no relief in itching. He is suffering from cold. He is also suffering from dry cough worse night.
Hepar Sulph 200, fp km 6
He is suffering from sever urticaria with hives. He is given Sulphur 200 and Silicea 200 for pimples.
Sr. No. 1308 : Patient : 461
chronic cold
calc carb 200, fp km 6
22-12-2010, 05-01-2011
chronic cold
hard stools, needs straining
abdominal pain
calc carb 200, fp km 6
He reported no relief except for his abdominal pain.
The remedies are repeated.
Sr. No. 1309 : Patient : 280
menorrhagia, sneezing, weakness, constipation
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, Natrum Sulph 6
06-10-2010, 03-11-2010, 19-11-2010, 22-12-2010, 05-01-2011
lady with menorrhagia, sneezing, weakness, constipation
dark, thick, foul smelling menses
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
She reported relief in her short breath, weakness and constipation after taking the remedies. She again had profuse menses and her short breath problem relapsed. She is again given the same remedies. But overall she appeared more healthy.
She did very well on calc carb 200. No fouls smelling menses, no profuse menses, no short breath, no sneezing !!
She is passing undigested food in her stools after enjoying diwali sweets too long.
She is given Calc Carb 200 and Natrum Sulph 6.
She is abosolutely ok. She has attained her menopause. She thinks she is gaining weight in her lower body. She also has cramps in her legs. She is given three doses of calc carb 200.
She was feeling very chilly. She had her menses after her latest doses of calc carb 200.
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1310 : Patient : 627
occipital headache, navel pain, fears animals
Phosphorus 200, fp km 6
24-10-2010, 04-01-2011
occipital headache, navel pain, fears animals
agg at evening, night
lack of appetite
feet pain at the back side
Phosphorus 200, fp km 6
She had occipital headache after a long gap.
No abdominal or feet pain.
Phosphorus 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1311 : Patient : 730
hairloss, warts, back pain
rhus tox 200, thuja 30
hairloss, warts
upper back pain, left side
pain worse after rising from bed
after rest first movement is difficult
knee pain, calves pain
stools regular, hard and large
pain worse winter
menses regular 4 days early
lasts 3-4 days, bleeds more, thich blood, clots sometimes
no other menstruation issues
first sleep difficult
sweats more in summer
rhus tox 200, thuja 30
Sr. No. 1312 : Patient : 731
headache, nausea
Nux Vomica 200
headache at temples
feels like vomitting
episode started after a journey
Nux Vomica 200
Sr. No. 1313 : Patient : 494
peculiar occipital pain
calc carb 200, kali sulph 6
peculiar occipital pain, urticaria
her menses are irregular in past few months
she is a school teacher and has typical worries of her life-style
calc carb 200, kali sulph 6
Sr. No. 1314 : Patient : 495
vitiligo, urticaria, irritability, insomina, suppressed menses
sepia 200, urtica urens 6
vitiligo, urticaria, irritability, insomnia, suppressed menses
sepia 200, urtica urens 6
Sr. No. 1315 : Patient : 496
urticaria in her thighs
sulphur 30
urticaria in her thighs
itches while passing urine
prefers cold surroundings
mild disposition
sulphur 30
Sr. No. 1316 : Patient : 728
insomnia, pain in left leg
calc carb 200
insomnia, pain in left leg after an accident long back
worried for future
prefers cold surroundings
facial skin affections
calc carb 200
Sr. No. 1317 : Patient : 726
syphilinum 1m, quercus q
h/o fissure
fever after chills
angry mood
better morning
syphilinum 1m, quercus q
Sr. No. 1318 : Patient : 721
watery eyes, cold, cough
Pulsatilla 30, fp km 6
watery eyes, cold, cough
Pulsatilla 30, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1319 : Patient : 724
backache, many symptoms worse after coition
Sepia 200, Nux Vomica 30
backache, upper back pain
menses regular every month
5 days, profuse menses
few clots, sticky, thick
white discharge worse coition
irregular, thick, bland, white, creamy
less thirst
abdominal gases
mouth ulcers
Sepia 200, Nux Vomica 30
Sr. No. 1320 : Patient : 722
abdominal pain, loss of appetite
calc carb 200, fp km 6
abdominal pain, loss of appetite
aversion to milk, weakness
constipated bowels, move alternate day
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1321 : Patient : 456
knee pain
calc carb 30, rhus arnica 30
09-10-2010, 20-12-2010, 02-01-2011
she suffers from knee pain. she is a vegetable vendor.
she also has domestic worries.
cold season aggravates her problems.
calc carb 30, rhus arnica 30
She said that she is again having same problem. She said that her earlier remedies worked. She is given same remedies again.
She complained of knee pain. She is given Rhus Arnica 30.
Sr. No. 1322 : Patient : 490
stools not passed since 3 days, acidity, uneasy abdomen
lyc 200
stools not passed since 3 days, acidity, uneasy abdomen
lyc 200
Sr. No. 1323 : Patient : 488
pain in tooth while eating
calc flourica 30, phosphorus 30
intilligent and mannered girl
pain in tooth while eating
abdominal pain
calc flourica 30, phosphorus 30
Sr. No. 1324 : Patient : 489
tingling in hand, weakness, cough
calc carb 200, fp km 6
tingling in hand, weakness, cough
history of profuse menses
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1325 : Patient : 140
abdominal gases and swelled big toe
lyc 200, kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6
11-09-2010, 02-10-2010, 01-01-2011
abdominal gases and swelled big toe
lyc 200, silicea 30 given.
He reported relief in his problems. His swelled toe was corrected by Lyc itself and he didn't taken Silicea 30. He reported that he is not feeling comfortable with his bowel movements. He is given lyc 200 and kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6.
He is satisfied with the working of the remedy. There is some relapse of the earlier problem.
lyc 200
Sr. No. 1326 : Patient : 484
recuring fever, weakness, constipation
calc carb 200, fp km 6
recuring fever, weakness, constipation
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1327 : Patient : 482
eruptions on arms and lip
Natrum Mur 1M
prefers cold surroundings
has quarrels with her husband, was at her parent's house for 1.5 months 3 months back.
the problem has started since 2 months
prefers cold surroundings.
she is grief stricken due to death of her aunty.
eruptions itch badly after scratching.
natrum mur 1m
Sr. No. 1328 : Patient : 483
had a partcile in her eye
Sulphur 200
had a particle in her eye
Sulphur 200
Sr. No. 1329 : Patient : 160
short breath after exertion, irregular menses, profuse menses
calc carb 200, kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6
15-09-2010, 29-09-2010, 27-10-2010, 29-12-2010
short breath after exertion, irregular menses, profuse menses
calc carb 200, kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6
She reported good improvement in her problems like short breath after exertion, weakness, appetite. She said that she got her menses in 15 days this time. The flow was not that much excessive. She had dysmenorrhoea for which she took medicine from a pharmacy. She don't have abdominal pains now. She also said that her appetite has increased a lot and overall she feels much better. She was asked to take Ferrum Phos 6 and Kali Mur 6 at bed time and report back later.
She reported to be suffering from cough with expectoration. She said that her bleeding reduced by 30% and was much better than what it was earlier. She suffocates after she has a bout of cough. Calc Carb 200 repeated followed by fpkm 6.
She suffered from dysmenorrhoea. She said that the flow was more but not like earlier. She is again given the same remedies.
Sr. No. 1330 : Patient : 717
Phos 200, fp km 6
urticaria, small red boils without any pus affection
prefers cold weather, migrated recently from a very cold weather
mild disposition
good bowel movement
not much thirsty
Phos 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1331 : Patient : 711
pain due to accident before 3 weeks
Arnica 200, Rhus Tox 200, Rhus Arn 30
27-12-2010, 28-12-2010
pain due to accident before 3 weeks
Arnica 200, Rhus Tox 200
Rhus Arn 30
Sr. No. 1332 : Patient : 719
dry cough
Hepar Sulph 200
dry cough, worse night after dinner
social worker
Hepar Sulph 200
Sr. No. 1333 : Patient : 477
cold, pain in legs, less appetite
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
cold, pain in legs, less appetite
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1334 : Patient : 471
knee pain after accident
rhus tox 30, arnica 30
25-12-2010, 28-12-2010
knee pain after accident
rhus tox 30, arnica 30
He said that there is a wound on the knee after accident.
He is also given the following remedies
Calendula 200
ledum 200
hyperricum 200
Sr. No. 1335 : Patient : 479
severe addiction to alcohol
Syphilinum 1M, Quercus Glandium Spiritus Q
severe addiction to alcohol
drinks at a gap of every hour
stoops down to lowest levels
creates scenes at night
Syphilinum 1M, Quercus Glandium Spiritus Q
Sr. No. 1336 : Patient : 475
headache above eyes
phos 200, km fp 6
headache above eyes
prefers cold surrounding
mild and agreeable disposition
Sr. No. 1337 : Patient : 476
Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6
suffering from cold
mild disposition
prefers cold surroundings
Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1338 : Patient : 311
discharge from ear
hepar sulph 200
25-10-2010, 28-12-2010
discharge from ear
problem aggravates when wind blows directly on ear
hepar sulph 200
he reported relief and also said that there is relapse. He is again given Hepar Sulph 200.
Sr. No. 1339 : Patient : 821
eczema, distended stomach
calc carb 200, lyc 200, sulphur 200
26-10-2010, 15-11-2010, 06-12-2010, 27-12-2010
eczema flared, now dry
bp normal
stomach distended
less thirsty
3 glasses a day, 1/4 glass each time
4-5 cups tea
feels better in morning, worse after sunset
lycopodium 200
sulphur 200, calc carb 200
he reported some relief in his eczema
says it is not itching that much
calc carb did good to his stomach distension
calc carb 200
Sr. No. 1340 : Patient : 713
mentally retarded
baryta carb 30
mentally retarded
addicted to gutkha
very drowsy as she is on sedative pills
baryta carb 30
Sr. No. 1341 : Patient : 712
nux vomica 30, sepia 200
vertigo, aggravation since yesterday
vertigo worse in afternoon
started after eating more
stools ok
menses regular, 3 days + 2 days
less bleeding, pale menses, clots present
now prefers warm surroundings, otherwise ambi-thermal
thirst more for cold water
worse during morning
had nausea yesterday
nux vomica 30, sepia 200 (constitutional, to be taken later)
Sr. No. 1342 : Patient : 480
tingling in hands
lyc 200, rhus arn 30
tingling in hands
pain in extremeties
lyc 200, rhus arn 30
Sr. No. 1343 : Patient : 605
piles, cannbis addiction
Cannabis Indica 30, Sulphur 200, Nux Vomica 200, Hamamellis 30
15-10-2010, 27-10-2010, 31-10-2010, 19-11-2010, 26-12-2010
says that he has left liqour since 4-5 months
smokes cannabis indica
not taking water or food due to navaratra fast
hallucination like white floaters before eyes
bleeding piles
nux vomica 200, hamamellis 30
reported relief in stool hardness and bleeding
He started bleeding after coming back from a journey. There is pain that lasts hours after passing stools with bleeding.
Sulphur 200, Cannabis Indica 30, Hamamellis 30
He again complains of his bleeding piles after taking some spicy meals. He also has very much pain..
Nux Vomica 200, Hamamellis 6
Sr. No. 1344 : Patient : 473
coughs after eating
Phos 30
coughs after eating
prefers cold surroundings
digestion good and no other issues
Phos 30
Sr. No. 1345 : Patient : 357
stiffness in lower extremeties
Puls 200, Rhus Tox 200
16-11-2010, 26-12-2010
stiffness in lower extremeties
passes soft stools - loose
Puls 200, Rhus Tox 200
He reported good relief in his stiffness in lower extremeties. Now he is not passing loose stools but he feels constipated. He can't stand without taking support of his hands while rising from his sitting position in latrine. He is given Ruta 30.
Sr. No. 1346 : Patient : 472
severe urticaria, hives
Sulphur 200
calm disposition
prefers cold surroundings
Sulphur 200
Sr. No. 1347 : Patient : 464
itching, pain, stiffness
Thuja 1M, rhus tox 30
itching, pain, stiffness
she had a history of scanty menses
presence of warts on body
Thuja 1M, rhus tox 30
Sr. No. 1348 : Patient : 466
irregular menses, ear pain, fear, weakness, cold
Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6
irregular menses, ear pain, fear, weakness, cold
Pulsatilla 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1349 : Patient : 470
boils on body, tingling in hands, irregular menses
calc carb 200, silicea 200
boils on body, tingling in hands, irregular menses
calc carb 200, silicea 200
Sr. No. 1350 : Patient : 467
cracks on soles of feet due to working in water, cold
Silicea 200, km fp 6
cracks on soles of feet due to working in water, cold
Silicea 200, km fp 6
Sr. No. 1351 : Patient : 418
Sterculia Q, Syphilinum 1M, Quercus Glandium Spiritus Q
11-12-2010, 25-12-2010
creates scene at night
very severe case
creates terror at his house
Sterculia Q, Syphilinum 1M
He did well on Sterculia. He reduced the liquor intake. He is given Quercus Glandium Spiritus Q.
Sr. No. 1352 : Patient : 131
depression, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea
Graphites 200c, Graphites 1M, Lycopodium 200, Sulphur 200, Calcarea Carb
07-09-2010, 24-09-2010, 07-10-2010, 20-11-2010, 26-11-2010, 24-12-2010
one abortion
had a baby but suffered a lot during pregnancy
was asked to take bed rest and was very depressed in those days.
prominent vertical lines on finger nails
fidgety during sleep and sitting
scanty and pale menses lasts only 2 days.
severe dysmenorrhoea before start of menses
feels chilly
watery leucorrhoea
reported improvement in headache, leucorrhoea, fidgety movements.
asked to report after 15 days, nothing given.
reported that improvement in headache, leucorrhoea, fidgety movements still sustains.
She is having no lecorrhea at all but she still had very scaty menses.
asked to report after 15 days, nothing given.
She is feeling nauseous. She is also having migraine headache. She got scanty periods after 2 months. She is given Graphites 1M.
She reported that there is relief in her problems of feeling nauseous and vommiting. She is suffering from abdominal pain after eating. She is given 3 doses of Lycopodium 200.
Pain in hands and shoulder after exertion. There is no vommiting now. She still complains about abdominal pain.
Sr. No. 1353 : Patient : 460
knee and leg pain
calc carb 200, fp km 6
knee and leg pain
chilly patient, takes hot water bath
worse after exertion
exerts a lot
feverish at night
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1354 : Patient : 446
cellulitis, non-healing pus filled boil
silicea 200
08-12-2010, 22-12-2010
cellulitis, non-healing pus filled boil
a lady with calm disposition
silicea 200
She is reported to have done well on the medication.
Sr. No. 1355 : Patient : 481
cracks on soles of feet
Silicea 1M
cracks on soles of feet
picks flowers in the morning in the garden
Silicea 1M
Sr. No. 1356 : Patient : 459
cough, short breath
calc carb 200, fp km 6
cough, short breath
somewhat hard and difficult stools
hands shiver, left is more affected.
Sr. No. 1357 : Patient : 458
calc carb 200, fp km 6
sneezing in the morning
sneezing after exposure to fumes, dust etc.
bulky and irritable constitution
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1358 : Patient : 178
cracks in toes in rainy season, argumentative
silicea 30c
21-09-2010, 19-12-2010
cracks in toes in rainy season, argumentative
silicea 30c
She reported that her problem didn't recur after taking the med.
Sr. No. 1359 : Patient : 415
urticaria and pustular eruptions
Sulphur 200, Silicea 200, Calc Carb 200
11-12-2010, 18-12-2010
urticaria and pustular eruptions
Sulphur 200, Silicea 200
He is reported to have some relief from Silicea 200. He is given calc carb 200 3 doses and silicea 200 in daily doses.
Sr. No. 1360 : Patient : 419
urticaria, short breath, polyuria
Calc Carb 200, rhus arnica 30
11-12-2010, 18-12-2010
urticaria, short breath, polyuria
works on the sewing machine
regular menses
Calc Carb 200, rhus arnica 30
She complained about her knee pain. She is given Ruta 30 twice a day.
Sr. No. 1361 : Patient : 416
rushes to washroom after meals
calc carb 30, pulsatilla 30, calc carb 200, carduus mar 6
11-12-2010, 18-12-2010
rushes to washroom after meals
passes stools many times a day
fights with her siblings
calc carb 30, pulsatilla 30
She did well on her medicines but she didn't pass her stools since 2 days. She is given calc carb 200 and carduus mar 6.
Sr. No. 1362 : Patient : 452
tonsils, fever, cold, cough
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
tonsils, fever, cold, cough
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1363 : Patient : 699
menopausal stage
Pulsatilla 200, Rhus 30, Lycopodium 200
age 45, attained menopause
feels sometimes very hot, sometimes very cold
sweats a lot
irritable, typical housewife
swelling in body
constipated bowels
prefers cold weather
morning stiffness
had scanty menses before menopause
Pulsatilla 200, Rhus 30, Lycopodium 200
Sr. No. 1364 : Patient : 401
Slip Disc, pain along the outer side of left leg
Gnaphalium 1M, Calc Carb 200, Arnica 200, Rhus Tox 200, Phosphorus 200
05-12-2010, 15-12-2010
Slip Disc, pain along the outer side of left leg
constipated, takes laxative daily
pain worsens with cold
more pain in the sleeping position and while walking
Gnaphalium 1M 5 doses,
Calc Carb 200 5 doses,
Arnica 200 daily morning 10 days,
Rhus Tox 200 daily evening 10 days,
Phosphorus 200 5 doses
He reported relief from Gnaphalium 1M. But it was not a significant relief in the sense he is still confined to his house. He is asked to take Calc Carb 200 and report back.
Sr. No. 1365 : Patient : 434
tingling in legs while sitting, hair loss
Silicea 200
tingling in legs while sitting, hair loss
sweats a lot
Silicea 200
Sr. No. 1366 : Patient : 435
weakness after passing stools (debilitating diarrhoea)
China 200
weakness after passing stools (debilitating diarrhoea)
China 200
Sr. No. 1367 : Patient : 402
tingling on palms
Puls 200, Calc Carb 200
07-12-2010, 14-12-2010
tingling on palms
mild disposition
regular menses 3 days
Puls 200, Calc Carb 200
She reponded well to calc carb 200. She is asked to take calc carb 200 on need basis.
Sr. No. 1368 : Patient : 437
cold and cough
puls 200, fp km 6
cold and cough
mild disposition
puls 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1369 : Patient : 438
hairloss, insect bite affection, dysmenorrhoea
Puls 200
hairloss, insect bite affection, dysmenorrhoea
prefers cold surroundings
Puls 200
Sr. No. 1370 : Patient : 403
itching, burning, trouble passing urine
Sulphur 200, Sabal Serrulatta 6, Rhus Tox 200
07-12-2010, 14-12-2010
itching, burning, trouble passing urine
Sulphur 200, Sabal Serrulatta 200
He complained about his leg pain. He is given Rhus Tox 200. Sabal Serr. 6 for urinary problems.
Sr. No. 1371 : Patient : 429
painful and tender soles
Puls 1M, Rhus Arn 30, Lyc 200, fp km 6
30-11-2010, 14-12-2010
painful and tender soles
mild disposition
scanty menses
first motion is difficult
Puls 1M, Rhus Arn 30
no significant relief in sole pain.
there is relief in knee pain.
suffering from cold
Lyc 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1372 : Patient : 441
stiffness in the morning, distended stomach, constipated bowels
calc carb 200, rhus arn 30
stiffness in the morning, distended stomach, constipated bowels
cold season aggravation
calc carb 200, rhus arn 30
Sr. No. 1373 : Patient : 430
facial affections
calc carb 200, berb aq 6
facial affections
bulky constitution
sweats a lot
prefers cold water
can go without food upto 2 pm
calc carb 200, berb aq 6
Sr. No. 1374 : Patient : 431
pain in calves, knees, cough, short breath, weakness
calc carb 200, fp km 6
pain in calves, knees, cough, short breath, weakness
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1375 : Patient : 444
Swelling and pain in right leg
calc carb 200, calc phos 6x, sil 6x, puls 200
The remedy calc carb is prescribed due to the
thermal modality
stiffness and pain in calves
Puls is suggested as the pain gets worse if the leg is allowed to hang down.
Sr. No. 1376 : Patient : 432
cold, cough, weakness, loss of appetite
calc carb 200, fp km 6
cold, cough, weakness, loss of appetite
thin constitution
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1377 : Patient : 433
cold, cough
Puls 200, fp km 6
cold, cough
mild disposition
Puls 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1378 : Patient : 308
irritability, profuse menses
Nux Vomica 200, Sepia 200
26-10-2010, 16-11-2010, 14-12-2010
irritability, profuse menses
Nux Vomica 200, Sepia 200
She got relief in her vertigo and anorexia not after Nux but after Sepia. She is again given Sepia 200.
She is overall doing well. She reports that some of her symptoms are worsening now. She is again given Sepia 200 and fp km 6 for her cough and cold.
Sr. No. 1379 : Patient : 386
tiny black spots on face, profuse menses, short breath
calc carb 200, berb aqua 6, kali sulph 6
30-11-2010, 14-12-2010
tiny black spots on face, profuse menses, short breath
calc carb 200, berb aqua 6
She reported relief in her other problems. She had no respite in her facial affections. She is also having leg pain. She is asked to take Calc Carb 200 for her leg pain. KS 6 given for facial affections.
Sr. No. 1380 : Patient : 307
weakness, loss of appetite, angry mood
Calc Carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, calc carb 1M, Lyc 200
26-10-2010, 16-11-2010, 30-11-2010, 14-12-2010
weakness, loss of appetite, angry mood
Calc Carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
He did well on the medicines. The course is repeated.
Mother said he did better on the first medicine. He is given calc carb 1m, fpkm 6.
Lyc 200
fp km 6
Sr. No. 1381 : Patient : 353
calc carb 30, silicea 30
16-11-2010, 14-12-2010
calc carb 30, silicea 30
She is given calendula 200 for her wounds and fpkm 6 for her cold.
Sr. No. 1382 : Patient : 239
loss of appetite, umbilical pain, body pain
nux vomica 200c, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, calc carb 30, calc flour 30, silicea 30
28-09-2010, 05-10-2010, 16-11-2010, 30-11-2010, 14-12-2010
loss of appetite, umbilical pain
irritable disposition
nux vomica 200c, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
He reported very marginal relief. He is given calc carb 30 as he has body pain after exertion. fp km 6 is given as follow up.
He is reported to have done well on calc carb. He is again given some calc carb.
He has cavities in his teeth. He is given calc fluor 30, silicea 30.
Calc Carb 30 ferrum phos kali mur 6
He is given remedies for his problems like leg pain, appetite etc.
Sr. No. 1383 : Patient : 4
Peeling of skin on palms, constipation
Graphites, Nitric Acid, Natrum Mur, Lycopodium, Arsenic Alb 30
03-08-2010, 17-08-2010, 31-08-2010, 14-09-2010, 12-10-2010, 02-11-2010, 23-11-2010, 07-12-2010, 14-12-2010
No Sleep complaints
Normal Sweat
Always Better
Cold surroudings and open air
Normal Thirst ??
Menses NA
He was prescribed Lycopodium 30c.
He reported improvement in his constipation and said that he feels that his bowels have cleared. He said that there was more itching of the skin for a day after taking Lyco 30. It subsided as he applied some allopathic ointment.
He was prescribed a single dose of Lycopodium 1M and was asked to take it only when he experiences worsening of his symptoms.
He was asked to take Nitric Acid 200 when he experiences worsening of his symptoms.
No effect from Nitric Acid 200.
suffering from constipation.
Lycopodium 200c thrice a day for one day.
He reported improvement in his digestion but no effect on his skin. He is given Graphites 200.
He said that the skin problem flared up after Graphites and then subsided on it's own. He is provided three doses of Graphites 200 to be taken when there is a relapse in skin symptoms.
He is given Graphites 200 and Lyc 200. as he was suffereing from constipation. He did well for his skin on graphites.
He said there is no improvement in his hand on graphites 200. He is provided with 2 doses of Graphites 1M. He reported that he had pus discharge from his ear. He is provided some doses of Hepar Sulph 200. He is asked to take 2 doses per day every week on need basis.
His problem of ear discharge got corrected after taking a single dose of Hepar Sulph. He says that there is aggravation of his skin symptoms after taking Graphites 1M. He is given ars 30.
Sr. No. 1384 : Patient : 661
anal itching
Lyc 200, Cina 200, Puls 200
17-11-2010, 19-11-2010, 12-12-2010
anal itching more before menses
3 day menses, normal, red, clots present
thirsty for huge amount of cold water
no sweating
passes urine every 1-11/2 hour
mild disposition, full of fears, shivers after episodes
stools normal
fallopian tubes blocked due to cysts
She didn't get any relief from Lyc 200.
She is provided with Cina 200.
She had some relief from Cina 200. She noticed no change in her menses. more itching during menses.
provided with Cina 200 to be taken on need basis.
Sr. No. 1385 : Patient : 696
painful and bleeding piles
Sulphur 200, Aesculus 30, Hamamellis 6
piles, drops of blood before stools
stools soft
prefers cold surroundings
mild disposition
painful piles
Sulphur 200, Aesculus 30, Hamamellis 6
Sr. No. 1386 : Patient : 426
stiff calves and painful thighs
calc carb 200
stiff calves and painful thighs
calc carb 200
Sr. No. 1387 : Patient : 417
urticaria with some eruptions
Urtica Urens 6, Sulphur 30
urticaria with some eruptions
prefers cold surroundings
enjoys chicken curry thrice a week
Urtica Urens 6, Sulphur 30
Sr. No. 1388 : Patient : 421
scanty menses, weakness
Puls 200, km fp 6
scanty menses, weakness
Puls 200, km fp 6
Sr. No. 1389 : Patient : 398
blocked nose, painful extremeties
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
04-12-2010, 11-12-2010
blocked nose, painful extremeties
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
She reported relief in her vertigo. She said there was no recurrence of vertigo.
i repeated the earlier pattern as her mother asked me to do so. i am inclined to think here that an additional dose of calc carb 200 will provide more relief.
Sr. No. 1390 : Patient : 423
papular skin eruptions (circular patch)
sulphur 200
papular skin eruptions (circular patch)
suffers bouts of uncontrollable irritability
prefers cold surroundings
sulphur 200
Sr. No. 1391 : Patient : 424
pain in lower extremeties, cold and cough
calc carb 200, fp km 6
pain in lower extremeties, cold and cough
bears his sufferings silently, is not irritable
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1392 : Patient : 414
black spots on legs
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
sleeps a lot
stays alone
prefers warm surroundings
Calc Carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1393 : Patient : 315
severe tonsilitis, cold and cough , adenoids
calc carb 200, fp km 6, lyc 200, kali nit 30, agraphis nutans 6
30-10-2010, 06-11-2010, 13-11-2010, 20-11-2010, 11-12-2010
severe tonsilitis, cold and cough
short breath after exertion
thirsty for cold water
prefers warm surroundings
astmatic while sleeping
He said that he did well on the first two days. Now he is asked to take Calc Carb 200 every alternate day and report back.
He reported some improvement but not more than 20%. Lyc 200 and kali nit 30 in follow up.
He is provided with Lyc 200 3 doses and given Agraphus Nutans 6 daily.
He reported more relief from earlier meds. He is again given calc carb 200 and fp km 6.
Sr. No. 1394 : Patient : 229
ulcerative colitis
Sulphur 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
20-09-2010, 07-10-2010, 11-12-2010
he has burning sensation in his abdomen in the morning. There is also burning sensation while passing stool. He passes blood with stools. Irritable mind.
He said that after doing well his symptoms have worsened since 1-2 days. He is asked to stop taking fried food items and given Sulphur 200 and fp km 6.
He reported substantial relief from the treatment.
He reported that he passed blood in his stools 4-5 times. There is profuse bleeding. He is again provided with the same medicines.
Sr. No. 1395 : Patient : 217
pain in extremeties, fever
bryonia 30c, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, nux vomica 30
25-09-2010, 11-12-2010
pain in extremeties, fever
bryonia 30c, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
She feels feverish and chilly. She is given Nux Vomica 30.
Sr. No. 1396 : Patient : 218
scrotal hernia
Calc Carb 1M, Pulsatilla 200, lyc 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, lyc 1m
25-09-2010, 02-10-2010, 09-10-2010, 16-10-2010, 30-10-2010, 06-11-2010, 27-11-2010, 11-12-2010
scrotal hernia
distended stomach
less appetite
Calc Carb 1M
It seems that he is doing well under the influence of Calc Carb 1M. He is given KM FP 6 for increasing his appetite.
There seemed to be a relapse. He is given Puls 200. He also suffers from poly-uria and enuresis.
He is doing well on puls. improvement in hernia, some improvement in appetite, enuresis. He is given Puls 200 every alternate day.
He is very naughty. He got fever and hernia is also there. He is given lyc 200 and km fp 6.
Lyc effected changes at his mental plane. He became well behaved compared to earlier. He is given fp km 6.
It seems that his hernia has improved a lot. He is given Lyc 200, fp km 6.
He couldn't take the earlier remedies as the remedies were lost. Now he is given Lyc 1M and fp km 6.
Sr. No. 1397 : Patient : 412
fever after eating guava
nux vomica 200
fever after eating guava
feels chilly
nux vomica 200
Sr. No. 1398 : Patient : 693
cough, anticipatory anxiety
Lyc 200, fp km 6
cough mostly dry
difficult and tough expectoration
nightly aggravation 6.30 to 12
hard stools, strains, yellow
skin irritation in sun
prefers mild weather
better in evening
worse during 3 to 6.30
sweats more
anxious, shivers
sensation in head from temples to occiput while coughing
Lyc 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1399 : Patient : 685
dry cough at night
Conium 200, fp km 6, causticum 30
29-11-2010, 08-12-2010
cough, dry, more at night, sits up, pain in chest ribs
left leg pain, knee to calves, more pain when the leg is folded
breast cyst treated by chemotherapy and radio-therapy
alopecia due to the treatment
calm disposition
sweats more
nails became black after treament
Conium 200, fp km 6
some relief from earlier meds reported.
now the problem flares up again.
she is sympathetic to others.
causticum 30, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1400 : Patient : 428
corn, abdominal pain
Silicea 200, Thuja 30
corn, abdominal pain
black patches on skin
Silicea 200, Thuja 30
Sr. No. 1401 : Patient : 405
juandice, weakness
calc carb 200, carduus mar 6
juandice, weakness
calc carb 200, carduus mar 6
Sr. No. 1402 : Patient : 406
multiple cysts and pain in extremeties
Medorrhinum 1M, Thuja 30
multiple cysts and pain in extremeties
cysts spongy and painful (when applied pressure upon)
Medorrhinum 1M, Thuja 30
Sr. No. 1403 : Patient : 407
belching, moving pains, constipation
Lycopodium 200, Mag Phos 30
belching, moving pains, constipation
Lycopodium 200, Mag Phos 30
Sr. No. 1404 : Patient : 409
dreadful itching on her eczema patch
sulphur 30
dreadful itching
sulphur 30
Sr. No. 1405 : Patient : 371
burning in abdomen and blood stained stools
Sulphur 200, Podophyllum 30, Thuja 200, fp km 6
23-11-2010, 07-12-2010
burning in abdomen and blood stained stools
the problem started after taking allopathic medicines
she is passing loose stools
loose stools corrected after allopathic treatment
Sulphur 200, Podophyllum 30
she has scanty menses that occur only for one day.
she reported pain in her extremeties.
she did her allopathic treatment but that couldn't help.
Thuja 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1406 : Patient : 352
irregular menses, cold and cough, weakness
Pulsatilla 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
16-11-2010, 07-12-2010
irregular menses, cold and cough, weakness
Pulsatilla 200
She got her menses. She reported that there was no noticeable improvement in other symptoms. She is again given Puls 200.
Sr. No. 1407 : Patient : 302
short breath after exertion, swelling of eyes, eruptions on feet
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, Carduus Mar 6
12-10-2010, 26-10-2010, 23-11-2010, 30-11-2010, 07-12-2010
boy with short breath after exertion, swelling of eyes, eruptions on feet
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
He reported relief in itching of feet on only first day. He experienced relief in his swelling of eyes. Some relief in short breath. He is given the same remedies again.
This is a very land mark thing. The boy reported that he do not have any more the peeling of skin on his feet. Now he has distended stomach and he is passing stools after a gap of 2 days. He is given Calc Carb 200 and Carduus Mar 6.
He says that his big toe bleeds on least scratch. He is given Silicea 200 and km fp 6.
He again has eruptions on his feet. He said that his big toe doesn't bleed now. He is given Calc Carb 200.
Sr. No. 1408 : Patient : 368
weakness, rushes washroom after meals
Calc carb 200, fp km 6, Phos 200, Hydrastis 6, Lycopodium 200
02-11-2010, 23-11-2010, 07-12-2010
weakness, rushes washroom after meals
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Phos 200, Hydrastis 6
He reported a peculiar symptom and was given Phos 200.
He reported that his stools got regularized after taking the medicines. He is having neck pain that has also got better.
His father says that he is behaving as a haughty boy now. He is given Lyc 200.
fp km 6 to be taken on need basis for cold and cough.
Sr. No. 1409 : Patient : 369
throat irritation
silicea 200, kali mur 30, silicea 1m
02-11-2010, 07-12-2010
throat irritation
can't open mouth due to gutkha addiction
timid and shy
silicea 200, kali mur 30
She is again having throat irritation. She is given Silicea 1M and Kali Mur 30.
Sr. No. 1410 : Patient : 350
silicea 200, Pulsatilla 200
16-11-2010, 30-11-2010, 07-12-2010
pus filled pimples
silicea 200
she responded well. now she complains about abdominal pain. sometimes there sometimes not. She is given Pulsatilla 200.
She responded well to Puls 200 for her abdominal pain. She is provided with 3 doses of Silicea 200 to be taken when her pimples go worse.
Sr. No. 1411 : Patient : 107
pain in body due to cold weather
Calc Carb 200, ferrum phos 6c, kali mur 6c, Phosphorus 200
31-08-2010, 07-09-2010, 07-12-2010
pain in body due to cold weather
she reported relief in hardness of stool, vertigo and other issues.
She was suffering from some cold and cough and was prescribed ferrum phos 6c and kali mur 6c for that.
She is having blood in her sputum. She also has a severe cough and cold.
Phos 200, km fp 6
Sr. No. 1412 : Patient : 408
Knee pain, locomotor ataxia due to knee jerks.
Rhus Tox 30, Arnica 30, Symphytum 200
Rhus Tox 30, Arnica 30
thrice a day every day
Symphytum 200
once a day alternate day
Sr. No. 1413 : Patient : 344
pain in lower extremeties
conium 200, rhus tox 30, lyc 200, fp km 6
09-11-2010, 27-11-2010, 06-12-2010
pain in lower extremeties
prostate enlarged
sometimes tingling in extremeties
first movement is difficult
living a life of a widower
He reported relief. The treatment is repeated.
He complained about right sided problems. He is also having cold and cough. He is given lyc 200 and fp km 6.
Sr. No. 1414 : Patient : 394
fever, body pain, constipation
rhus tox 30, nux vomica 30
fever, body pain, constipation
rhus tox 30, nux vomica 30
Sr. No. 1415 : Patient : 395
cold and cough
phos 30, puls 30, fp km 6
cold and cough
phos 30, puls 30, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1416 : Patient : 396
difficult expectoration, back ache, abdominal disorders
Antimonium Tart 200, Rhus Tox 30
difficult expectoration, back ache, abdominal disorders
Sr. No. 1417 : Patient : 397
backache, bitter mouth
Nux Vomica 200, Rhus Tox 200
backache, bitter mouth
Nux Vomica 200, Rhus Tox 200
Sr. No. 1418 : Patient : 392
swelled cheeks due to tooth decay
belladonna 200, calc flour 30
swelled cheeks due to tooth decay
belladonna 200, calc flour 30
Sr. No. 1419 : Patient : 399
pain and tingling all over her body
calc carb 200
pain and tingling all over her body
calc carb 200
Sr. No. 1420 : Patient : 400
abdominal pain, cold
Phos 30, km fp 6
abdominal pain, cold
Phos 30, km fp 6
Sr. No. 1421 : Patient : 393
short breath, profuse menses, constipation
calc carb 200, fp km 6
short breath, profuse menses
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1422 : Patient : 317
makes nasal sounds while breathing, short breath after exertion, breaths through mouth, adenoids
Calc Carb 200, km fp 6, agraphis nutans 6, puls 30, kali mur 30, Gelsemium 30
30-10-2010, 06-11-2010, 20-11-2010, 04-12-2010
makes nasal sounds while breathing, short breath after exertion, breaths through mouth
suffers from cold
Calc Carb 200, km fp 6
fp km 6
He is given Calc carb 200 and agraphis nutans 6.
The grandmother is not satisfied with the treatment of cold, she says snoring is better. Puls 30 and kali mur 30 given in alteration.
the gm is not satisfied with the treatment. she admits that he snores less. gels 30, km fp 6 given.
Sr. No. 1423 : Patient : 92
pain and stiffness with rest
rhus tox 30c, calc carb 200, nux vomica 200, Causticum 30, Ferrum Phos 6, Kali Mur 6, phytolacca 30
28-08-2010, 04-09-2010, 25-09-2010, 02-10-2010, 23-10-2010, 04-12-2010
pain and stiffness with rest, motion ameliorates
She said no change whatsoever. She was prescribed Calc Carb 200c as she was..
worse in cold and wet weather
painful extremeties
She is having a white coated tongue. She is irritable and depressed. She also has loss of appetite and painfulness. She is prescribed Nux Vomica 200c.
She overall did well on Nux Vom 200. She is given Causticum and FP, KM.
She fell down from a bed. She took allopathic medicines for that and got diarrhoea. She is given Nux Vomca 200 and Rhus Arnica 30. She also said that she suffered from vertigo.
She is given Phytolacca 30 for her radiating pains.
Sr. No. 1424 : Patient : 389
pus affections on tonsils
merc sol 200, fp km 6
pus affections on tonsils
feels worse at evening, night and morning
runs a cooler while sleeping
pain in throat while swallowing
fever at night
merc sol 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1425 : Patient : 391
scabs on her back that itch
sulphur 30
scabs on her back that itch
prefers cold surroundings
Sr. No. 1426 : Patient : 377
blocked nose, cold, constipation, teething
Lycopodium 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
blocked nose, cold, constipation, teething.
Lycopodium 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
Sr. No. 1427 : Patient : 387
recurring cold, height deficit
Silicea 200, fp km 6.
recurring cold, height deficit
Silicea 200, fp km 6.
Sr. No. 1428 : Patient : 155
timidity, pus formation in gums
Lyc 200, silicea 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
15-09-2010, 06-10-2010, 01-12-2010
timidity, pus formation in gums
Lyc 200, silicea 200
She reported that her problem of leg bone behind heels is back. She is given silicea 200 for that. She is also given ferrum phos 6 and kali mur 6 as she has fever at night.
she again complains about her foot pain and gum boil. she is given sil 200 and calc fluor 30.
Sr. No. 1429 : Patient : 158
white rash on hand
nux vomica 200c, Arnica 30, Nux Vomica 200, Phos 200, Ferrum Phos 6, Kali Mur 6
15-09-2010, 29-09-2010, 06-10-2010, 27-10-2010, 01-12-2010
white rash on hand
He reported some improvement. He hurt his hand as he fell from somewhere. He is given Nux Vom 200 and Rhu30, Arn 30.
He reported improvement in his skin rash. He is constipated. He is asked to take Nux Vom 200 at bed time for few days.
He is doing well. There is no problem with constipation. Rash is improving. He suffers from epistaxis once a month. He bleeds profusely. He is given Phos 200, FP KM 6. He didn't bleed when he was taking homeo remedies.
He hasn't have nose-bleed while he has been taking the medicines. Now he had one. His skin rash also seems to be prominent. He is given Nux Vom 30 and fp km 6.
Sr. No. 1430 : Patient : 113
pain in knees, fever
Puls 200, Calc Fluor 30c, Ferrum Phos 6c, Lycopodium 200, Ferrum Phos 6, Kali Mur 6
01-09-2010, 15-09-2010, 29-09-2010, 06-10-2010, 27-10-2010, 01-12-2010
typical house wife - loving and caring
prefers cold surrounding and air
stools loose??
heel pain
She wasn't having any fever. She says that she becomes free from pain ocassionally. She also suffers from pain that keeps on changing it's location.
She was provided with a dose of Pulsatilla 200c which is to be taken when symptoms worsen.
She was also given Calc Flour 30c to be taken daily.
She said that the pain is worse in the first movement. She seems to be improving overall.
FP KM in the morning and Rhus in the evening.
She reported that her problem of heel pain is back. She is also suffering from cold. She is given Puls 200 and Calc Flour 30.
She complained that her heel pain is not fully cured. She also suffers from abdominal gases. She is given Lyc 200 and FP KM 6.
She complains only about heel pain. No other complaints. She is given Puls 200, calc fluor 30.
Sr. No. 1431 : Patient : 77
pain in neck, extremities, burning soles at night
Sulphur 200, Calc Carb 200, Puls 200, Sulphur 200, Bryonia 200, Ferrum Phos 6, kali mur 6, Chelidonium 6
25-08-2010, 15-09-2010, 29-09-2010, 27-10-2010, 01-12-2010
pain in neck, extremities,
burning soles at night
a philosophical mind
there is a relief in her occipital pain and neck pain.
complained about the knee pain, as if she will fall.
Calcarea Carb 200c thrice a day for one day.
kali mur 6 and ferrum phos 6 later for cold and cough
Now she says that her knee pain is better by pressure and it is also worse by rest. She is given Mag Phos 30 and Rhus Tox 30.
She was give Puls earlier. Then sulphur. She responded well to Sulphur for her throat burning. Now she complains of severe cold and headache. She is given Bry 30, FP KM 6.
she complains about hand and neck pain. She is given Chelidoium 6.
Sr. No. 1432 : Patient : 1
Blocked Nose, cold with thick nasal discharge, headache, fever
Pulsatilla 30c, Silicea 30c, Pulsatilla 200, Kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6, Belladonna 200
09-08-2010, 30-11-2010, 01-12-2010
The patient reported problem of blocked nose in the evening. She has a mild disposition and prefers cold surroundings. She was prescribed Pul. She came on the second day and said that the blocked nose problem is cleared and reported increase in cold and cough. She also reported a boil which she said had a tendency to appear in the past one year. She was prescribed silicea 30. She reported that the remedy cleared her boil. She said that she suffered only from cold and cough now and was better compared to her position before starting the treatment. She was asked to take Ferrum Phos 6x and Kali Mur 6x for few days and report back.
She again reported that she is suffering from severe cold. There is a thick nasal discharge of yellow color. She is given Puls 200 and km fp 6.
she said that she had a high fever during afternoon. The fever has come down in the evening though body temparature is above normal. She has a severe headache. There is a pulsating pain at vertex and pain at temples. she has taken 5 doses of Pulsatilla 200 over 2 days. She is provided with few doses of Belladonna 200 and asked to take fp km 6 thrice a day. She has a bitter mouth.
Sr. No. 1433 : Patient : 687
weak memory, cough
Sulphur 200, km fp 6
weak memory, productive cough
10-12 am feels worse
pain in legs after school
Sulphur 200, km fp 6
Sr. No. 1434 : Patient : 385
nausea and vomitting
nux vomica 30
nausea and vomitting
The girls has been prescribed Nux Vomica 200 for the same problem earlier and it worked well. Now she is given Nux Vomica 30.
Sr. No. 1435 : Patient : 376
cold watery discharge from nose
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
catches cold after exposure to dust, smell.
Watery discharge from nose, nose gets blocked after local treatment
prefers open air and cold surroundings
passes stools every two days twice a week.
stools hard generally, dry big stools
thrist 1 glass cold water every hour
tonsilitis once in 2-3 months, pain while swallowing as if pins prick
severe abdominal pain during first day of periods
periods regular, 4 days, dark red, few clots
short breath
severe headache at vertex, temples. Pressure ameliorates. Noise, loud, harsh sounds trigger the headache.
Sr. No. 1436 : Patient : 152
dry cough, pain in extremeties, mild insomnia
kali mur 6c, ferrum phos 6c, Nux Vomca 200, Rhus 30, Rhus 200, Calc Carb 200
14-09-2010, 09-11-2010, 16-11-2010, 30-11-2010
dry cough
kali mur 6c, ferrum phos 6c
to be taken every 2 hours, after relief 3-4 hrs and then stop.
Pain in extremeties, mild insomnia
worse after rest
Nux Vomca 200, Rhus 30
Some pain is back. Rhus 200 given.
She is having knee pain. She is given Calc Carb 200.
Sr. No. 1437 : Patient : 112
enuresis, night fears, styes
Pulsatilla 200c, kali phos 30c, ferrum phos 6c, kali mur 6c
31-08-2010, 07-09-2010, 30-11-2010
night fears,
prefers cold weather
reported good relief in styes
didn't pass urine in the night but was daily woken up by mother
kali phos 30c, ferrum phos 6c, kali mur 6c
was given for cold, cough and concentration.
Overall he is doing well. There is relief in his styes but something seems to be happening now. He is given the same remedies.
Sr. No. 1438 : Patient : 714
calc carb 200, fp km 6
cold, cough, short breath
worse cold, rainy season
worse during night, after dinner, lying down
chest pain, short breath after cycling
pattern of cold-
watery discharge, also during sleep
sometimes thick discharge, yellow color
sometimes nose is blocked
menses delay every 7-15 days
11/2 day bleeding, scanty menses, thin, red
clots present on third day
calm and fearful mind
not good at studies
thirsty avoids cold drinks
abdominal pain before menses
better afternoon, worse morning
constipated bowels, hard stools, needs to strain
calc carb 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1439 : Patient : 682
Nux Vomica 200, fp km 6
cold; thin watery coryza
Nux Vomica 200, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1440 : Patient : 345
swelling in knee, high bp, distended stomach, burning sensation in stomach
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
11-11-2010, 27-11-2010
swelling in knee,
high bp,
distended stomach,
burning sensation in stomach
very duty conscious, works when body temp runs high
tooth ache with swelling, difficult swallowing
suffered menorrhagia during her menopause
She reported overall relief like decrease in knee swelling, stomach distension. She stopped taking all her allopathic medicines except BP meds. She is provided with three doses of Calc Carb 200 to be taken on the worsening of symptoms. She is asked to take a single dose of fp km 6 every evening.
Sr. No. 1441 : Patient : 380
fever, loss of appetite, constipation
Nux Vomica 30
fever, loss of appetite, constipation
Nux Vomica 30
Sr. No. 1442 : Patient : 381
fever symptoms
nux vomica 30
fever symptoms
nux vomica 30
Sr. No. 1443 : Patient : 382
feels chocked, abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite
Lycopodium 200
feels chocked, abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite
Lycopodium 200
Sr. No. 1444 : Patient : 383
scanty menses, hair fall, pain from exertion
Pulsatilla 200, kali phos 30
scanty menses, hair fall, pain from exertion
Pulsatilla 200, kali phos 30
Sr. No. 1445 : Patient : 384
eruptions that follows a circular patch pattern containing smaller patches
Hepar Sulph 200, Rhus 30
eruptions that follows a circular patch pattern containing smaller patches
has back pain
Hepar Sulph 200, Rhus 30
Sr. No. 1446 : Patient : 55
mouth sores, undigested stool, bleeding haemorrhoids
Natrum Mur 200c, Merc Sol 30c, Sulphur 30c, Hamamellis 30c, rhus tox 30, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
21-08-2010, 04-09-2010, 18-09-2010, 25-09-2010, 02-10-2010, 06-11-2010, 20-11-2010, 27-11-2010
He also reported to have the problem of excess sweating and he sweats a lot while eating.
He said that Natrum Mur led to his hospitalization. He was explained that his main problems are...
mouth ulcers
undigested stools
and only homeopathy can provide the solution.
He was prescribed Mercurius Sol 30c.
He reported that his complaint of bleeding piles that he had in the past long ago has come back. There is profuse bleeding. He was prescribed Sulphur 30c and Hamamellis 30c.
bleeding decreased
there is itching all over body
pain in lower extremeties at night
rhus tox 30
ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
Sulphur 200 for itching on legs.
Rhus Tox 200 for pain in lower extremeties at night
Kali Phos 200 for Insomnia.
Sulphur 200 for itching on legs.
Rhus Tox 200 for pain in lower extremeties at night
as he reported that there is a relapse.
He reported that he is again suffering from piles that bleed like a syringe. He is given Sulphur 200 and Hamamellis 6.
He had fierce eruptions of boils and scabs. He is given Silciea 200, Hepar Sulph 200. Fp km 6 for piles.
Sr. No. 1447 : Patient : 715
alcohol addiction
Sulphur 200, Quercus Q
thin constitution
no constipation
stoops down to very low level while talking to his wife
Sulphur 200, Quercus Q
Sr. No. 1448 : Patient : 680
Thuja 30
Wart like eruptions on right cheek and chest
sweats in head
no other complaints.
Thuja 30
Sr. No. 1449 : Patient : 366
chikun guniya
rhus tox 200
chikun guniya
rhus tox 200
Sr. No. 1450 : Patient : 679
painful piles
sepia 200
painful piles
worse after coition
sepia 200
Sr. No. 1451 : Patient : 606
Nux Vomica 200
15-10-2010, 30-10-2010, 25-11-2010
insomnia, irritability
addicted to chilam, smokes cannabis indica
Nux Vomica 200
suffering from chiliness, insomnia
nux vomica 200
feeling feverish after a journey
nux vomica 200
Sr. No. 1452 : Patient : 673
headache, constipation, kidney stone
Lyc 200, Berb Vul 6
headache, constipation, kidney stone
stools loose
prefers cold surroundings
worse after 3 o'clock
Lyc 200, Berb Vul 6
Sr. No. 1453 : Patient : 674
cough at night
bryonia 30, fp km 6
cough at night
bryonia 30, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1454 : Patient : 671
back pain
rhus 30, arnica 30, calc fluor 30
back pain worse sitting
loss of clarity in vision after a heavy object fell on her head.
rhus 30, arnica 30, calc fluor 30
Sr. No. 1455 : Patient : 676
nocturnal enuresis
nux vomica 200, Equisetum 6
calm, no fears at night
no physical complaints
nux vomica 200, Equisetum 6
Sr. No. 1456 : Patient : 220
hair loss, blocked nose
Pulsatilla 200, kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6
25-09-2010, 24-11-2010
hair loss, blocked nose
mild disposition
thirst less, for cold water
prefers cold surroundings
She had a severe break-out of pimples on her face. She is provided with Puls 30 and Sil 30 to be taken thrice a day for 2 days.
Sr. No. 1457 : Patient : 364
leucorrhoea, recurring fever, body pain, weakness, acidity
Sepia 200, Natrum Phos 6, Kali Mur 6, Ferrum Phos 6
feverish since 2-3 months
accident affections of little finger, too much pain
high bp
hypo glycemia
headache at vertex
constipated now a days, earlier 4-5 stools per day
body pain
menses 2-3 days, flow normal
white discharge
Sepia 200, Natrum Phos 6, Kali Mur 6, Ferrum Phos 6
Sr. No. 1458 : Patient : 372
burning sensation on his back
Sulphur 30
burning sensation on his back
Sulphur 30
Sr. No. 1459 : Patient : 146
abdominal gases, constipation
lyc 200c, kali mur 6c, ferrum phos 6c, Sulphur 200, Lachesis 200, Lycopodium 200, card mar 6
14-09-2010, 12-10-2010, 02-11-2010, 23-11-2010
abdominal gases, constipation
irritable disposition
lyc 200c, kali mur 6c, ferrum phos 6c
He reported relief in his problem. He uses very foul language with his father, he is given Sulphur 200
There is relief in his abdominal gases and constipation. The stools smell foul and stick to basin. He is given Lachesis 200 as he is very jealous and vindicative. He is also given Carduus Mar 6 to be taken later.
He reported relief in his wild behaviour. Now he is given lyc 200, card mar 6.
Sr. No. 1460 : Patient : 668
tingling in hands (forehand)
rhus 200, nux 30
tingling in hands (forehand)
pain in extremeties after work and during rest
rhus 200, nux 30
Sr. No. 1461 : Patient : 361
snoring, tonsilitis
calc carb 200, agraphis 30
snoring, tonsilitis
seems to be a closed person
calc carb 200, agraphis 30
Sr. No. 1462 : Patient : 362
Pulsatilla 30, Ferrum Phos 6, Kali Mur 6
cold with nasal discharge and blocked nose
mild disposition
regular menses
dark circles around eyes
Sr. No. 1463 : Patient : 288
testicular hernia, cough, cold, nose bleed
calc carb 200, kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6
09-10-2010, 20-11-2010
testicular hernia, cough, cold, nose bleed
calc carb 200, kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6
His grandmother reported that there was improvement in his hernia and it relapsed. He is again given the same remedies.
Sr. No. 1464 : Patient : 326
throws food, water after meals, sneezing, cold
Phos 200, Nat Phos 6, Ars Alb 200, Nat Sulph 6
06-11-2010, 20-11-2010
throws food, water after meals, sneezing, cold
cares and is concerned about others
He reported 10% relief in his problems. He is passing through very bad mental state. He is given Arsenic Alb 200 and Natrum Sulph 6.
Sr. No. 1465 : Patient : 327
Bleeding while passing stools, swelled nodes
nux vomica 200, hamamelis 6c
06-11-2010, 20-11-2010
bleeding while passing stools, swelled nodes
irritable while dealing with domestic affairs
took lot of medicines for her cough that probably resulted in bleeding
much thirst
She reported relief in her stools and bleeding. Very slight bleeding was observed when no pills were consumed. She is given the same remedies again.
Sr. No. 1466 : Patient : 374
cough, short breath, fever
Calc Carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
cough, short breath, fever
Calc Carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
Sr. No. 1467 : Patient : 375
cough, short breath
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
cough, short breath
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
Sr. No. 1468 : Patient : 207
continous strange sensation on the left side of abdomen
lycopodium 200, Mag Phos 30
24-09-2010, 20-11-2010
continous strange sensation on the left side of abdomen
lycopodium 200
She got relief only for 2 days after taking the remedy. She is asked to take the remedy every week and also asked to take a single dose of Mag Phos 30 on the day she doesn't take lyc 200.
Sr. No. 1469 : Patient : 137
enuresis, night fears, irritability
Phos 200
11-09-2010, 20-11-2010
enuresis, night fears, irritability
phos 200 prescribed.
He came with huge eruption of boils. He was prescribed Silicea 200.
Sr. No. 1470 : Patient : 56
hair loss, pain in abdomen after sewing work, pain under the ribs, dandruff
Phos 200, Kali Phos 200, Puls 200, kali phos 30
21-08-2010, 04-09-2010, 18-09-2010, 20-11-2010
soft nature, good looking, prefers cold weather.
She said that there is no abdominal pain. She was asked not to take any remedy just for hair-loss. She was asked to do pranayam and nail rubbing every day. kali phos 200 given.
pain under the ribs, dandruff
Lycopodium 200 thrice a day for only one day.
She reported that she had her menses only after 2 months. She has some abdominal pain. She also suffers hairloss. She is given Puls 200 3 doses and kali phos 30 one dose in every 3 days.
Sr. No. 1471 : Patient : 664
cyst in abdominal skin
calc carb 200, silicea 200
cyst in abdominal skin
abdominal pain on pressure
sweats more
prefers cold surroundings
passes stools alternate days
blood stained stools
prefers rice
Sr. No. 1472 : Patient : 665
nasal discharge, pimples, headache
Lyc 200, Natrum Mur 30
mild disposition
prefers cold
thin coryza
pimples pain on touching
oily skin
Lyc 200, Natrum Mur 30
Sr. No. 1473 : Patient : 663
shoulder, knee pain
Lyc 200, Rhus 200
right shoulder, right knee pain
some pain on left side
worse rest
prefers cold weather
no sweat
less thirsty
Lyc 200, Rhus 30
Sr. No. 1474 : Patient : 32
Tooth pain, constipation
Phos 30, bc 23, Lyc 30, Phos 200, Alumina 30
16-08-2010, 25-08-2010, 25-10-2010, 17-11-2010
The patient is a chronic sufferer from constipation. He is very sociable and has a mild nature. So he was prescribed Phos first and in the eventuality of Phos failing to take Lyc.
The patient reported some softening of stools after taking Phos 30. But the effect he said was not sustained. BC 23 relieved his toothache with few doses. He was asked to take Lyc not during his travel.
He came back for constipation. He is asked to take Phos 200.
He is suffering from severe constipation. There is no desire to pass stools. He is given Alumina 30 twice a day for 7 days.
Sr. No. 1475 : Patient : 657
pain in extremeties at night
calc carb 30, fp km 6
pain in extremeties at night
calc carb 30, fp km 6
Sr. No. 1476 : Patient : 351
abdominal pain, grey hair, obesity
calc carb 200
abdominal pain, grey hair, obesity
calc carb 200
Sr. No. 1477 : Patient : 182
painful extremeties
Pulsatilla 200c, rhus tox 30, arnica 30, Bryonia 30, Pulsatilla 200
21-09-2010, 28-09-2010, 05-10-2010, 16-11-2010
painful extremeties
sewing work not possible due to pain
mild disposition
She reported some improvement in her insipid mouth. She was given Bry 30 for her body pains.
She didn't report any significant change in her status.
She is given Lyc 200 and Ferrum Phos 6, Kali Mur 6.
She is given Puls 200 as that is the only remedy which affected her.
Sr. No. 1478 : Patient : 358
hives, knee pain
Sulphur 200, Rhus 30, Arnica 30
hives, knee pain
Sulphur 200, Rhus 30, Arnica 30 in alteration.
Sr. No. 1479 : Patient : 822
morning stiffness, first movement difficult
Puls 200, Rhus 30
morning stiffness, first movement difficult
gentle disposition
can't digest if eats more
Puls 200, Rhus 30
Sr. No. 1480 : Patient : 652
many stools a day, wrist swelling
Sulphur 200, Ruta 30
passes stools many times a day sometimes at night too
stools with mucous
swelling at wrist
Sulphur 200, Ruta 30
Sr. No. 1481 : Patient : 653
mosaic warts
thuja 200
mosiac warts since 2 years
left leg pain
worse night
backache worse night
face swells after exertion
left side headache
left eye gets red and becomes normal
as a person worse morning, better evening
abdominal gases, feels constipated
sweats more
short breath after exertion
palpitations, gets tense
periods last 3 days, normal flow
no dysmenorrhoea, brown blood, not clear, periods every 28 days
burning sensation in throat
thuja 200
Sr. No. 1482 : Patient : 124
profuse menses, irritability, pimples, acidity during menses, pain in legs
Calc Carb 200c, rhus tox 30c, arnica 30c, Rhus Tox 200, Nux Vomica 200, Kali Carb 200, Carb Veg 30
05-09-2010, 01-11-2010, 02-11-2010, 04-11-2010, 14-11-2010
profuse menses, irritability, pimples, acidity during menses
She complained of severe pain in her legs with swelling in knees. The movements are very painful and she prefers rest eventhough she is not comfortable while taking rest. She is given Rhus Tox 200.
She said that the remedy didn't affect her. She was given Nux Vomica 200.
She said that the pain were better 10%. The swelling in one knee reduced. Earlier she was asked to take the remedy at a gap of 2 hour. Now she is asked to take the remedy only thrice a day. Nux was given as she has profuse and early menses, she is irritable, she prefers warm surroundings and she took lot of allopathic medicines for her pains.
She said that her improvement in pain couldn't hold and there is a relapse. She is given Kali Carb 200c and Carbo Veg 30 to be taken over next 4 days. Kali Carb 200 for first two days and then carbo veg 30.
She did well on carbo veg 30. She is given Sepia 200 and also provided Carbo Veg 30 for use on need basis.
Sr. No. 1483 : Patient : 359
severe neck pain, stiffness of lower extermeties
Lycopodium 200, Rhus Tox 200
severe neck pain, stiffness of lower extermeties
she is a pristine
worried about her future
stiffness worse after rest, not able to fold her legs.
she works as a cook.
Lycopodium 200, Rhus Tox 200
Sr. No. 1484 : Patient : 360
pica, cold, weakness
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
pica, cold, weakness
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
Sr. No. 1485 : Patient : 355
morning stiffness
Rhus Tox 200
morning stiffness
Rhus Tox 200
Sr. No. 1486 : Patient : 330
couldn't straighten his back, it remains curved always.
Nux Vomica 200, Rhus Tox 30, Arnica 30, Phos 200, Rhus 200
06-11-2010, 13-11-2010
It is reported to have started after taking an allopathic injection. couldn't straighten his back, it remains curved always. It seems to be a spinal affection.
Nux Vomica 200, Rhus Tox 30, Arnica 30
strychninum should be considered.
He reported no improvement. He is given Phos 200 and Rhus 200 in alteration.
Sr. No. 1487 : Patient : 336
prolapsus ani
Sulphur 200, Aesculus 30, Podophyllum 30
06-11-2010, 13-11-2010
prolapsus ani
Sulphur 200, Aesculus 30
Sulphur helped in the constipation. There was no change in prolapsus. Podo 30 replaced aes 30.
Sr. No. 1488 : Patient : 296
sneezing, irritability, operated for piles thrice
Nux Vomica 200, Ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
16-10-2010, 23-10-2010, 13-11-2010
sneezing, irritability, operated for piles thrice
Nux Vomica 200, Ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
He reported relief in his morning stiffness and also relief in sneezing in the last 2 days. He is given ferrum phos 6 and kali mur 6.
He reported relief in headache, stiffness of extremeties. But his sneezing problem seems to be on rise after being resolved. He is given Nux Vomica 200, fp km 6.
Sr. No. 1489 : Patient : 349
facial skin affections, suppressed menses
Puls 200
facial skin affections, suppressed menses post partum
Puls 200
Sr. No. 1490 : Patient : 348
itchtful eruptions, grief, insomnia, reaction of allopathic medicines, joint pain
nux vomica 200, rhus tox 30, silcea 200
itchtful eruptions, grief, insomnia, reaction of allopathic medicines, joint pain
nux vomica 200, rhus tox 30, silcea 200
Sr. No. 1491 : Patient : 648
abdominal pain
nux vomica 200, carduus mar 6
abdominal pain worse stooping
better if sits straight
real estate agent
nux vomica 200, carduus mar 6
Sr. No. 1492 : Patient : 647
pain at back of heels
silicea 200, rhus arnica 30
has pain at the back of his heels
more pain after taking rest and on the first movement
digestion is ok
sweats more
no problems when did breathing exercises regularly.
Sr. No. 1493 : Patient : 329
cough and sleepiness
Pulsatilla 200
cough and sleepiness
mild disposition
less thirst
tendency towards obesity
Sr. No. 1494 : Patient : 291
throat pain, constipation, abdominal pain
carbo veg 30, lycopodium 30, lycopodium 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6, Arnica 30, Rhus Tox 30
08-10-2010, 07-11-2010
throat pain, constipation, abdominal pain
carbo veg was given earlier which didn't do anything.
She responded well to Lyc 30. Now she is given Lyc 200 and fp km 6 when she reported fresh bout of problems.
She is having pain in ribs while coughing after she met an accident and fell down. She is given Arnica 30, Rhus Tox 30.
Later she was also given Ruta 200.
Sr. No. 1495 : Patient : 328
blocked nose, nasal discharge, legs (calves) pain
calc carb 200, kali mur 6, ferrum phos 6
blocked nose, nasal discharge,
legs (calves) pain,
late in walking,
abdominal pain around navel,
loose stools,
strains for passing hard stools
Sr. No. 1496 : Patient : 331
scanty menses, irritability, pain in right abdomen, dysmenorrhoea
Sepia 200
02-10-2010, 06-11-2010
scanty menses, irritability, pain in right abdomen, dysmenorrhoea
Sepia 200
She reported relief in abdominal pain and dysmenorrhoea. She didn't report any relief in irritability. She is again given Sepia 200.
Sr. No. 1497 : Patient : 332
eczema on neck
sulphur 30
eczema on neck
tobaco addict
careless and go getter
Sr. No. 1498 : Patient : 333
chilliness and pain
Nux Vomica 200
chilliness and pain
irritable if called names without fault
Nux Vomica 200
Sr. No. 1499 : Patient : 334
stomach painful and distended, short breath, weakness, cough
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
stomach painful and distended, short breath, weakness, cough
calc carb 200, ferrum phos 6, kali mur 6
Sr. No. 1500 : Patient : 335
fever and cough
baryta carb 30
The boy is mentally and physically dwarfish. He is given Baryta Carb 30.
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